M-O-V-E Aproach to Acquiring Patent Law Vocabulary (original) (raw)
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The article defines the essence and structure of the professional terminological competence of future lawyers based on the study of such fundamental concepts as “linguistic competence” and “professional competence”; also identifies the main factors determining the essence of the professional terminological competence of future lawyers. The purpose and objective of the article is to consider the study of legal terms from the point of view of Kazakh linguistics, to determine the scientific and methodological foundations for the development of legal (professional) terminological competence of future lawyers, to discuss alternative translation issues. During the writing of the article, we have considered information, pragmatic, cognitive activities in the structure of law. This is the main scientific novelty of the article. The following research methods were used in this work: observation method, description method, systematization method, methods of linguostatistical and structural analysis. The research work has theoretical and practical significance, since the presented concept is valuable information for students of the legal field. It is necessary to emphasize once again that in order to fully master the profession, it is necessary to know and correctly use lexical units called special concepts that are terms. They make up the semantic core of a language for specific purposes. Legal terms have a number of unique characteristics that allow them to be divided into a special category. These characteristics include the abstractness of legal concepts; the ability of judicial and legal organizations to introduce new meanings of terms; the importance of judicial interpretation for the formation of the meaning of a legal terminological unit. Each term itself is connected in a certain way and takes its place among other elements of the system of terms that exist in certain relationships. A systematic approach to the study of industry terminology will undoubtedly optimize the learning process. This, in turn, reflects the consistency of scientific knowledge
Forming professional vocabulary for law making
Humanities science current issues
The paper addresses the issue of studying a foreign language for specific purposes. The cross-disciplinary character of the paper crystalizes the application of the practices from domains of linguistics, theory of education, and jurisprudence. The research aims at providing the set of the educational tools for enhancing the formation of professional vocabulary for law making. The roles and the functions of both an educator and a learner are specified in the paper in terms of Student-centred model of education. According to the research, an educator undertakes the role of an expert facilitator in the process of acquiring vocabulary for law making, whereas a learner is viewed not as just passive receiver of knowledge but is rather an active and motivated participant of the learning process. The educator is responsible for preparing the platform for implementation the study approach by selecting the methods suitable for development of a motivated learner as a critical thinker in the class, making use of FLIPed learning and Problem-based Learning techniques. The paper determines the acquiring of professional vocabulary for law making as a continuous practice by focusing on four basic elements the teaching should enclose: motivation, opportunities, verification, engagement (M-O-V-E). The online glossary is devised by means of adjusting cognitive-semantic structures for portraying the professional situation in terms of action frames and serves the basis for the above mentioned approach application. Each of four elements has to adhere to the principles of individualistic approach and formation of firm competence; also it has to provide grounds for a lifelong education as well as postulate and propagate the continuous professional advancement. What is more, the study offers the universal tools for formation of professional vocabulary regardless of the target language and thus, may be applied to teaching and studying various foreign languages.
European Journal of Education and Pedagogy
This article is devoted to the consideration of interactive tests and games in elective course of the discipline “Fundamentals of Patent Law”. This discipline is aimed at training specialists of the second (master's) level of higher education, field of knowledge – 22 “Health Care”, specialty – 222 “Medicine“. “Fundamentals of Patent Law” (FPL) is intended to develop in future professionals the skills of legal regulation of intellectual property, application of basic regulations in the field of intellectual property regulation, to study the role and significance of intellectual activity in modern society. Fundamentals of patent law, intellectual property and technology transfer determines peculiarities of intellectual property application in medicine, namely – copyright and related rights, patent law, the right to secret of production, the right to individualization of legal entities, goods, works and services, the right to use intellectual activities as part of a single technolo...
Teaching the vocabulary of legal documents: a corpus driven approach
ESP Today 3, 1, 2015
The globalization of business activity has been accompanied by an unprecedented need for lawyers to communicate internationally. One major aspect of their work centres on legal documents: lawyers have to draft and understand contracts and other essential documents, which are not only syntactically complex, but also contain highly technical vocabulary which may prove extremely challenging for non-native speakers. Even though non-native lawyers generally find the principles and concepts comprehensible, the lexis itself remains a considerable problem, unless specialized help is provided in the form of specific legal English instruction. This article describes a systematic approach to identifying the essential vocabulary of legal documents in English using WordSmith to find the most frequent words and word clusters (collocations and set phrases) in a 400,000 word corpus of authentic legal documents (DOCLEGAL), and then identify common verbs and prepositional phrases. The vocabulary of ten sub-corpora consisting of different document genres is then contrasted with that of the whole corpus, in order to identify keywords, keyword links and common clusters for these specific genres. The information from the corpus is then used to create exercises which help to familiarize students with these specialized words and expressions.
Business and Law Vocabulary Acquisition in the Esp Classroom
Advanced Education, 2020
in Bratislava need to receive decent economic and legal education to be able to work successfully in different areas of the national economy and in the management structures of all levels. The previous research has shown that Slovakia follows a significant negative trend with performance in reading. Online learning platforms like LMS Moodle are ideal for students in higher education. This paper is a part of the KEGA Project carried out at the Department of English Language of the Faculty of Applied Languages. It demonstrates the work of an experimental group of sixty-four first-and secondyear students of the Faculty of National Economy in a course "Business English for Advanced Students III" supported by an e-course "Business Communication". During the semester, students developed reading skills and improved communication by reading and investigating written discourse for unknown words and idiomatic expressions. The rationale for the quantitative research is to compose a corpus of professional articles from English-language periodicals read by "Economics and Law" students. The rationale for the qualitative research is to identify important business, legal and academic vocabulary in them. The method of "Statistical Hypothesis Testing", T-test, tests the significance of the difference between the knowledge of idioms of the experimental group and the control group (33 students doing a traditional course). The results indicate that LMS Moodle increased students' motivation to study English. The results prove that "Economics and Law" students enlarged greatly their legal vocabulary and that both groups were interested in learning idiomatic expressions.
Proceedings of 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2009
The present work aims to demonstrate the viability of the use of information contained in the patents system in the Engineering teaching. Some approaches are proposed that strength the focus of the engineering project, the solution of technical problems with innovation and creativity, as well as the protection of the solution and eventual exploitation. In this proposal the Patent System is used in three different approaches: The first of them is the state of the art identification, when the student identifies how similar or of the same nature problems were solved, as well as which solutions are already protected by the System, avoiding duplicity of efforts. The second approach refers to the use of the Patent System with TRIZ Method (Theory of the Inventive Solution of Problems) as a tool for the solution of problems using the methodology of the systematic innovation and creativity. The third approach refers to the invention concept and inventive step definitions in the engineering project, in the identification of matter capable of being protected as a result of the proposed problem solution, and choose and development of final course project aiming a patent elaboration. The teaching methodology here proposed also deals with aspects of commercial exploitation of the patent and formatting of a technology-based company to be incubated.
The Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies of the University of Trieste is working on TERMitLEX, a new terminological knowledge base (TKB) containing legal terminology. This knowledge base is specifically meant to meet the needs and expectations of legal experts besides those of terminologists and translators. Expert input through consultation with legal practitioners was sought to design the template for the terminological records to be included in TERMitLEX. As part of this consultation process, a questionnaire was submitted to final-year students of the Department’s own 5-year degree programme in Law. This paper first presents the questionnaire and then analyses participant responses. The results of the questionnaire not only provide information for the design of TERMitLEX (e.g. what aspects of a legal TKB students are most interested in, such as contexts, phraseology, and equivalence), but also shed light on other important factors in the learning pr...
Hermes, 2019
Despite their ostensibly aseptic nature, technical texts involve a multifaceted net of institutional, social and pragmatic functions. Patents, in particular, are characterized by a multi-layered rhetorical exercise in which information is provided, and hidden, in light of patent disclosure laws. Drawing on the Cooperative Patent Classification scheme, a corpus of patents related to environmental issues has been compiled. The objective is to investigate the main keywords emerging in the corpus and to analyse their semantic context in this patent type. More specifically, the analysis focuses on the patents' semantic preference and semantic prosody in order to pinpoint and examine the semantic complexities emerging in this genre and to identify the strategies employed (such as the use of linguistic vagueness) in order to provide the necessary information while not disclosing precious data. Patents represent a complex, hybrid and cross-disciplinary genre and a finer understanding of their discursive features may contribute to spreading awareness of the importance that semantics plays within the rhetorical pattern of the text. Therefore, they may be fruitfully employed in Technical Communication courses in order to improved reading comprehension and analytical skills.
Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences
Abstract. The Patent System, such an important technical source, answers for about 70% of technical publications in the world, but is barely used in professionals’ education of Engineering in Brazil. Some initiatives to introduce the knowledge and use of Industrial Property information – IP, in academic environment occurred in Economic and Juridic fields. The present work aims to demonstrate the viability of using technical information contained in Patent Documentation in the Engineering teaching, mainly in disciplines concerned with design, innovation and production, complementing engineer´s education with useful knowledge to their Professional acting, as the protection of results of researches. Concerning to academic research, it is possible to identify the protected Technologies, avoiding duplicity of effort, reducing initial costs, discovering unpublished fields for new and original researches, as well as appropriating financial results from the protection. The international context of Research and Development aids the teachers to foresee new technological directions in their fields and aids them to evaluate more accurately these possible changes implications in academic teaching and research.
The Importance of Content Knowledge for Successful Legal Language Acquisition
Research in Language, 2011
One of the most difficult tasks in the instruction of legal language is teaching highly specific legal terminology. Although some legal terms are widely used in ordinary language, there are some words and phrases which seem familiar, but have an unexpected meaning for a layperson. Additionally, there is a number of terms with specific legal meanings which presuppose some knowledge of legal content to be fully understood. On the other hand, since legal language is shaped by the legal system in which it is used, legal terms reflect particular legal systems and differences between them and are therefore inseparable from the law. This paper examines what implications this interconnection between language and law has on the process of legal language instruction and acquisition. How important is the knowledge of legal content for successful acquisition of legal terminology? What is the best approach to teaching such content-dependant language and what amount of background information needs to be taught? To answer these questions, the author analyses the results of a survey conducted among the law students attending legal language courses at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and combines it with theoretical research and her teaching experience.