Polariton theory of resonant electronic Raman scattering on neutral donor levels in semiconductors with a direct band gap (original) (raw)
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2014 Dans ce travail nous présentons la théorie de la diffusion de Raman sur les électrons liés aux donneurs neutres dans les semiconducteurs avec une bande interdite directe, quand la fréquence du photon incident est en résonance avec l'exciton. La section efficace de diffusion du polariton avec transition de l'électron de l'état fondamental au premier état excité a été calculée. Abstract. 2014 The theory is presented for the Raman scattering on bound electrons of neutral donors in the semiconductors with a direct band gap at the incident photon frequency in the resonance with the exciton. The crosssection of the polariton scattering with the transition of the donor electron from the ground state to the first excited state is calculated.
Resonant Electronic Raman Scattering in Semiconductors
Physical Review Letters, 1981
The free-energy calculations based on Eq. (2) become inaccurate for & «&~although the stability range of the various phases is expected to be more or less correct. For & =0, the free energies of the various phases have been separately calculated. See E. I.
physica status solidi (b), 1982
The electronic Ramiln scattering of light on the donor levels in the semiconductors with direct hand gap is revised, taking into account approximately the Coulomb interaction between the charge carriers (conduction electron and hole). Except for the scattering in the resonance energy domain, where the polariton effect is essential, the influence of the Coulomb interaction of the charge carriers on the scattering cross section is not significant. mIiax c npnMoti a a n p e u e~~o t i a o~o t i nepepacuaTpnaaeTcx c IIPH~JIHHE~HHLXM yseToM 3JleKTpOHHOe KOM6kiHalIkiOHHOe PaCCeflHEIe CBeTa Ha AOHOPHbIX YPOBHRX B IIOJIJ'IIpOBO&-KyJIOHOBCKOrO B3aMMO&eBCTBEiR MelKAy HOCRTI?JIflMII 3apflZIira (3JIeKTpOHaMR IIPOBOL(H-MOCTM R L(b1pHaMR). 3a HCKJIIO9eHReM PaCCeflHHSi B pe30HaHCHOfi 0 6 n a c~~ 3HeprRH, L(&CTBkiR HOCZlTeJlefi 3apflAa Ha CeYeHRe PaCCeflHHfl, ~oo6we rOBOpfl, HeCyWeCTBeHHO.
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Brazilian Journal of Physics - BRAZ J PHYS, 1996
A theoretical model for resonant Raman scattering by t wo optical phonons in zincblende-type semiconductors is presented. The e ect of Coulomb i n teraction between electrons and holes is taken into account b y i n troducing discrete and continuous excitonic intermediate states. The model can be applied for laser frequencies below and above the band gap. We consider deformation potential and Fr ohlich i n teraction for the electron-one-phonon coupling. The absolute value of the scattering e ciency is evaluated for the two-LO-phonons, T O-plus LO-phonon and two-T O-phonons Raman processes, around the E 0 absorption edge of II-VI compound semiconductors. Comparison with the electron-hole uncorrelated theory and experimental data emphasizes the role of the excitonic e ects.
Resonant electronic Raman scattering on donor levels in cubic semiconductors
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 1991
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Resonant enhancement of electronic Raman scattering
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2006
We present an exact solution for electronic Raman scattering in a single-band, strongly correlated material, including nonresonant, resonant and mixed contributions. Results are derived for the spinless Falicov-Kimball model, employing dynamical mean field theory; this system can be tuned through a Mott metal-insulator transition.
physica status solidi (b), 1980
Explicite approximate analytical expressions are derived for the differential cross sections of tho electronic Raman scattering of circularly polarized light on donor levels with the electronic transition 1s-2s in semiconductors with zincblende structure and direct band gaps. The photon energies are assumed t o be nearly equal t o the band gap and therefore the intermediate states in the valence bands give dominant contributions. The real symmetry properties of the degenerate valence bands are taken into account. The absolute values of the cross sections are calculated for GaAs. TIonyYeHbI RBHbIe aHaaHTmecHrie BbIpaxeHm mt@@epeHqxamHbIx cesemii K O M~I I-Ha4110HHOrO paCCeRHHR UtipI<yJIflPHO IIOJIRpH30BaHHOrO CBeTa Ha HOHOPHbIX 3JIeHTpOIX-HbIX YPOBHRX C IlepeXOAOM 1s-' 2'3 B IIOJIyllpOBOAHHKaX CO CTpYICTYpOfi UHHKOBOfi 3HeprHflMLI, 6JII13KIIMH IE 3HaYelILIlO Eg 3aIIpe~elIlIOfi 30IIbI II IIOBTOMY IlpOMelffYTOqHLIe COCTOIIHIIR B BaJIeHTHOfi 30He Aal OT rJIaBHblfi BKJIaA B CeYeHLlR. YYIITbIBaloTCR peaJIbHbIe CBOfiCTBa CHMhleTpHII BbIpOlff AeHHOfi Ba;It'IITIiOfi 3OHbI. BbI411CJIeHbI a6conlo~~b1e 3IIaqeHIIII 06MaHKH H c I I~H M O~~ a a n p e l u e~~o f i 3OHOfi. IIpeAnonaraeTca, YTO (PoToHbI o6naaalo~ cevcmid AJIR GaAs.
physica status solidi (b), 1975
Interband electronic resonance Raman scattering for excitation from the split-off valence band to the light-hole and heavy-hole band and from the light-hole band to the heavy-hole band in p-type semiconductors with diamond or zincblende structure has been studied. The polarization dependence of these electronic Raman transitions is stated. The influence of a strong electric field on the form and magnitude of the scattering cross section is calculated. The Raman spectrum will be depressed in the presence of the strong elect.ric field. All explicit results are given for band parameters of Ge. Die elektronische Interband-Resonanz-Ramanstreuung wird fur eine Anregung vom abgespaltenen Valenzband in die BBnder der Ieichten und schweren Locher und vom Band der lcichten Locher in das Band der schweren Locher in p-leitenden Halbleitern mit Diamantoder Zinkblendestruktur untersucht. Es wird die Polarisationsabhangigkeit dieser elektronischen Ramaniibergange bestimmt. Der EinfluS eines starken elektrischen Feldes auf die Form und Gro8e des Streuquerschnitts wird berechnet. Bei Anwesenheit eines starken elekt.rischen Feldes wird das Ramanspektrum unterdriickt. Alle expliziten Ergebnisse werden fiir die Bandparameter von Ge angegeben.