“Pustoe prostranstvo” i “zapolnennoe mesto”: gendernaya asimmetriya kak proyavlenie “narodnogo binarizma” v olenevodcheskoy chasti Kolskogo poluostrova [“Empty Space” vs. “Full Place”: Gender Asymmetry as an Expression of “Folk Binarism” in the Reindeer Husbandry Part of the Kola Peninsula (North... (original) (raw)
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Slavica litteraria, 2018
Статья представляет роман Дмитрия Липскерова «О нем и о бабочках» (2016) в общем контексте романной прозы писателя. Рассматривается новая для автора тема гендерных изменений в современном обществе. Завязка романа основана на реминисцентной связи c «Носом» Н. В. Гоголя – главный герой обнаруживает отсутствие своего мужского органа. Д. Липскеров творчески осмысливает гендерные сдвиги. Эти изменения перекликаются с проблематикой, отраженной К. Чапеком в «Россумских универсальных роботах» (1920). Авторы разных культур и поколений показывают, что процессы «роботизации» и «феминизации» человеческого общества ведут к его вырождению. «Вымывание» из взаимоотношений мужчины и женщины чувств и веры является причиной духовного оскудения и нарушает экологию человеческого существования. The article presents Dmitri Lipskerov's novel About Him and About Butterflies (2016) in the general context of the writer's novel prose. The author deals with a new topic of gender change in the modern society. The plot of the novel is based on reminiscence connection with N. Gogol's Nose, since Lipskerov's main character discovers the absence of his male organ. D. Lipskerov interprets gender changes creatively. These changes resonate with the problems described by K. Capek in Rossum's Universal Robots (1920). The authors from different cultures and generations show that the processes of "robotization" and "feminization" of human society lead to its degeneration. Disappearing of feelings and faith in a relationship between a man and a woman causes spiritual impoverishment and violates the ecology of human existence.
Вопрос о власти авторитета академического знания является ключевым для понимания процессов, происходящих в гендерной лингвистике на территориях бывшего СССР. Именно авторитет академического знания дает право судить о степени достоверности того или иного знания, предварительно задав шкалы этой достоверности, незаметно, но жестко конструируя наше принятие «достоверного» знания и неприятие всех иных его форм, защищая принятое «свое» от не принятого «чужого» - и при этом всегда оставаясь в тени. И именно авторитет академического знания определяет собой специфику, а вернее, - борьбу интересов гендерных исследований и языкознания на территориях бывшего СССР. Поскольку гендерные исследования появились здесь совсем недавно (около десяти лет назад), авторитет академического знания изначально наделяет языкознание атрибутами центра. Приоритет традиционного языкознания как центра конструирует в результате гендерные исследования языка в качестве зависимой дисциплины и выводит парадигму научных исследований гендера в языке в соответствии с традиционными лингвистическими ценностями и системой координат...
The paper deals with the problem of warriors’ graves among sedentary people, as exemplified by the burials with spears of the Şoldăneşti culture in the Middle Dniester region (fig. 1). The descriptions of the burials and iron spearheads are provided. The latter are divided into two groups (laurel-leaf shaped and acute-leaf shaped), which are further subdivided into several types (fig. 2–4). Two spearheads have holes in thebasal part of the blade. The spearheads have analogies both in the Basarabi culture of the Danube and among the pre-Scythian finds from the forest-steppe areas adjacent to the North Black Sea region. The distribution area of the spearheads having holes in the basal part of the blade (fig. 1) allows to consider them as markers of the Danube routes of some groups or individual warriors armed with spears. The holes could have served to attach pendants-symbols (military insignia, emblems, tassels, banners, etc.), whereby the spears were imparted the function of standards. The military objects of status (such as spearheads with unusual traits – very long, richly decorated, with holes in the basal part of the blade) had existed all over Europe since the Bronze Age.
Гендерная симметрия и асимметрия в фольклорном тексте (на материале пословиц)
Vestnik Ûžno-Uralʹskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2018
The article is devoted to the multidimensional analysis of symmetry and asymmetry of gender as a mental construct containing conceptual information on what it means to be a man and a woman in society and culture. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the presence of gender symmetry and asymmetry is established in terms of both the quality characteristics of gender verbalization, namely in gender pairs and gender gap units, and quantitative characteristics of gender verbalization that are revealed with the quantitative-statistical analysis. The reconstructed system of gender marked nominations reproduces a two-level encoding of gender information. The priority feature of the system is gender symmetry which is achieved by compensating gender gaps and verbalizing nominations of metagenomes principle where there is no differentiation between male and female. The results of the research may be applied in the development of courses on language, folklore, oral tradition, gender linguistics, and can also be used in lexicographical practice.
The article is based on the materials of the Troitskaya site and devoted to the problem of the final stage of the Kokorevo archeological culture in the Middle Yenisei basin, Archaeological research of the Troitskaya site located in the northern part of Krasnoyarsk reservoir, allowed to substantiate the Early Holocene age as the upper chronological border of the Kokorevo culture. The Troitskaya site locates in the northern part of Krasnoyarsk reservoir on the right bank 90 km south to the Krasnoyarsk Dam. The 190 site was discovered by N.F. Lisitsin (the Pashkin Kluch) in 1990. The stratigraphic section (the depth is 5.7 m) and the exploring excavation (9 m2) that helped to reveal the edge of the site were made in the cliff. The cultural layer was explored within the upper pale-yellow colored sandy clay loam (at a depth of 0.5–0.8 m). During the cleaning of the cultural layer there were found at least 861 stone artifacts, 285 bones fossils. There is a bone from the cultural layer that was dated to 9851±109 years ago (NSK/UGAMS), which completely corresponds to the stratigraphic position of the other artifacts. The number of the collected stone inventory items is 7083, including at least 300 tools and cores. Identical inventory of the site (microcores, burins, end-scrapers, chisel-like tools and specific items with a wide sharp edge) confirms that the archaeological materials of the cultural layer from the coastal shallow refers to the same archaeological complex. The authors believe, the prevalence of blade industry, methods of primary flaking, large cores made on the Yenisei pebbles, proportionate wedge-shaped cores, tool sets, etc. point out that the Troitskaya site belongs to the Kokorevo culture. At the same time, the Troitskaya site has some distinctive features: 1. A minimal number of points and endscrapers on blades; 2. A significant number of pieces, chisel-like tools and drillings; 3. Microcores prevail over large tools, which proves a gradual increase of the composite tool technology influence. It is supposed that these features characterize the specific development of the Kokorevo culture during the Early Holocene period. Based on excavations on the site Buza II, the authors conclude that the Kokorevo culture exists in the period of Early Holocene, and evidently is the basis for the Yenisei Epipaleolithic.
Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Kafkasya Calışmaları -Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019
В статье представлена авторская интерпретация онтологического аспекта гендерных отношений, лежащих в основе традиционной черкесской культуры. Автор апеллирует к концепции Гегеля, который актуализирует национальное как способ освобождения, представленный в самом широком диапазоне – от национально-освободительной народной борьбы до индивидуальных интенций, способствующих достижению экзистенциальной свободы. Согласно концепции представителя немецкой классической философии, свобода приобретается через воспитание и дисциплинирующее знание. В качестве дисциплинарной матрицы следует рассматривать черкесский этикет – адыгэ хабзэ, в основе которого лежит свобода воли. Этот принцип является ключевым для гендерных отношений черкесов. Автор использует лингво-этимологический прием декодирования отдельных положений и понятий, базовых для традиционных гендерных взаимоотношений. В эпоху кризиса традиционные культуры могут рассматриваться как альтернативные модели, имеющие реальный шанс предотвратить наступающий процесс дегуманизации.
Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии, 2022
На восточном побережье Приморья зафиксировано не характерное для селян самовосприятие в окружающей природе — в качестве «воров» природных ресурсов. В связи с этим предложена типология базовых восприятий своей роли в природе жителями городов и сел. На основе полевых материалов обсуждаются три основные причины «приморского парадокса»: слабая укорененность населения, насыщенность пространства чужаками, плотное взаимодействие местных жителей с контролирующими инстанциями. In the North, Siberia and the Far East, most villagers live in close connection with nature, primarily through using renewable natural resources. However, there is hardly any coverage in literature as to how people position themselves in relation to the surrounding nature. Even when the issue is raised, it addresses only indigenous peoples, and not all local inhabitants without reference to ethnicity. People living in different types of localities tend to have dissimilar perceptions of their role in the natural environment. For urban residents, we propose distinguishing four main self-perception types: outsider (stays away from nature), visitor (e.g., holidaymakers, athletes, and tourists), user (e.g., anglers and gatherers of wild plants), and protector (various eco-activists). Residents of small towns and densely populated rural areas tend to perceive themselves mainly as users. Where the population density is low and natural resources are vital for sustenance, the basic perceptions are master and son. Masters believe they have exclusive rights to use the surrounding natural resources and claim to be doing it responsibly. Perceiving oneself as a son is mostly common for indigenous peoples; their discourse about respect for nature stems not only from a rational, but also sacred attitude. Field research on the east coast of Primorye revealed a self-perception untypical for villagers. Many locals call themselves thieves of natural resources. This means the subjective perception, and not objective differences in practices (doing the same thing, a person in the Russian North can consider himself a master, in Altai — a son, and in Primorye — a thief). We propose three reasons for this “Primorye paradox”. 1) Weak rootedness of the local population, spurring its turnover, which, in turn, makes it difficult to integrate into the natural landscape. 2) Saturation of the surroundings with outsiders, preventing to perceive the territory as “one's own”. The main outsiders are seasonal fishing crews from elsewhere; the Chinese; and crews of North Korean fishing vessels, whom the border guards treat more loyally than the local fishermen. 3) Constant pressure from the supervisory authorities. Primorye has a high concentration of hunting, plant, and aquatic biological resources. Business based on procuring natural resources is profitable, but according to the State, it is mostly illegal. If one can remain unnoticed in the taiga, on the water such chances are next to none. The situation is aggravated by a variety of specially regulated territories (federal and regional protected areas, maritime frontier regime, hunting grounds with different status), which expands the range of supervisory authorities.
Балканската историографија и современите предизвици. Зборник на трудови од Mеѓународниот научен симпозиум одржан по повод 70 години од основањето на Институтот за национална историја – Скопје (Скопје, 9 – 10 ноември 2018 година), 2021
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to make a review of the methods and forms of theoretical interpretations of the “sworn virgins”, a type of female celibacy combined with partial or total gender inversion unique to the Balkans, in contemporary Balkan historiography and ethnography. The ethnographic landscape of the phenomenon is found in pre-modern patriarchal communities in the northern parts of Albania and Monte Negro. The “Balkan sworn virgins” are first noticed and “researched” by western pilgrims in the 19th century. Since then, discussions about the sworn virgins have developed in two realms, mostly dominated by the “western gaze”: the “bourgeois vogue of romantic primitivism”, in the 19th century; and the neoromantic discourse of the European paternalism towards “third world countries”, in the 20th century. Interpretations of the phenomenon, done by researchers based in academic institutions on the Balkans, advance in the 20th century, taking a special interest in the gender dimension of the phenomenon.
Санкт-Петербург: МАЭ РАН, 2018
Настоящее издание представляет собой собрание статей этнографов, лингвистов и географов (1920–1930-е годы). Каждая из статей представляет собой описание отдельных социальных, языковых или политических аспектов ненецкого оленеводства. Книга рассчитана на этнографов, лингвистов, экологов и географов, а также всех тех, кому интересна культура ненцев и шире — народов Севера.