Education on Tolerance Development: A Case Study (original) (raw)
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What is “Tolerance” and “Tolerance Education”? Philosophical Perspectives
Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 2018
Research background. The notion of tolerance is used in various contexts, but nevertheless it remains ambiguous. The very fact that educators, politicians, and philosophers again and again face questions about the meaning of value term “tolerance”, stresses the vivid necessity of continuous attempts to elucidate the notion of tolerance at the theoretical level.Research aim was to provide relevant arguments for the thesis that tolerance is a context dependent notion and therefore the claims about tolerance “in general” are ambiguous, uninformative, and non-instructive.Research method. Our research methodology was philosophical reflection involving conceptual analysis and the application of the outcomes to education sciences.Research results. If we are to understand and define the concept of tolerance, we need a broader understanding of what is good and what is bad, understanding of what behaviour is expected from us under certain cultural circumstances.Discussion an...
Teaching Tolerance in a Globalized World: Final Remarks
Teaching Tolerance in a Globalized World, 2018
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Teaching Tolerance in a Globalized World: An Introduction
IEA Research for Education
The increasing diversity of student populations is a global educational trend. The relatively recent rapid influx of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, coupled with issues of increasing intolerance, social exclusion and feelings of alienation, and extremism among young people, are posing complex challenges for educational systems around the world. Education has a key role to play in preparing future generations to address these problems and ensuring that young people acquire the social, civic, and intercultural competences needed for active and successful participation in society. This book presents five empirical studies, designed to examine differing factors and conditions that may help schools and teachers in their endeavors to promote tolerance in a globalized world. The 2009 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) provided the research data. This introductory chapter describes the overall theoretical framework, discusses key constructs, and outlines the aims guiding the five studies, concluding with an overview of all chapters.
Back to Square One: Fostering a Culture of Tolerance as a Way of Modern Society's Development
Back to Square One: Fostering a Culture of Tolerance as a Way of Modern Society's Development, 2019
The article discusses the issues of fostering tolerance in a multicultural society. The author suggests a hypothesis on the factors that develop tolerance in representatives of a national / linguistic minority. The study is of an interdisciplinary nature, and it integrates background knowledge and research tools of such disciplines as history, culture studies, psychology, education, sociology, intercultural communication, linguistics, etc. The study focuses on the contemporary Russian community in Estonia and its relations with the title ethnos. The implementation of the case study methodology allows to follow the history of the interconnections between the Russian and the Estonian communities, to reveal the psychological vector of their development, to define topical issues of the current situation and to map solutions to the revealed problems. As the questions of fostering a culture of tolerance is also important in other countries in the world, the results of the conducted qualitative research are believed to present both theoretical and practical interest extending beyond the context of the Estonian society.
The Quality Of Tolerance Education Among The Students Of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
Vidyottama Sanatana: International Journal of Hindu Science and Religious Studies
Tolerance has become very important amid the decline in the spirit of nationalism among students lately. Previous studies show that the influence of radical understanding that leads to acts of terrorism has entered the campus area, even the alumni from one of the tertiary institutions in Indonesia are involved in terrorism cases. But not all of the students in tertiary institutions have this attitude. Students at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, as the best private tertiary institution in Kopertis Region 8, are able to establish tolerance well. This paper aims to identify and analyze the quality of tolerance education among the students of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. Therefore, phenomenological approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation are applied to accomplish the purpose of this study. The quality of tolerance education in this study is seen from five dimensions. First, the quality of students’ understanding of tolerance e...
Tolerance Education As Social Reconciliation Means
Tolerance education as a vehicle for social reconciliation are forms of uniformity, then through tolerance education learners are invited to live the atmosphere of diversity, so that an inclusive and communicative atmosphere will feel each other. Through education tolerant, tense and full of conflict situations will be directed to the empathetic and inclusive attitude towards plurality uphold social integration and reconciliation, narrow spirit of provincialism, tribalism and sectarian. The role and function of tolerance education is directing or encouraging learners have positive feelings, develop self-concept, elaborated tolerance and accepting others. In addition, the arena seeks to create a culture of learning in a group not only in the scope of the school but also at home and social environment. As a human purpose and result of a democratic Indonesia.
Tolerance as a Theoretical and Methodological Aspect in Teaching a Foreign Language
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The education of tolerance among students is one of the most important tasks of teachers of higher education, since with the beginning of education at a technical university; young people begin to communicate with people of a different faith, different culture and other outlooks on life. This article deals with the problem of interethnic tolerance and considers tolerance as a theoretical and methodological aspect in a foreign language teaching.