Analisa Swot Dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Keamanan Pelabuhan Terminal Penumpang Sorong (original) (raw)

The Analysis of The Policy For The Implementation of International Safety Management Code (ISM-Code) Towards Passenger Ships (A Study at PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Persero)


The shipping safety is obliged to fulfill in for the protection of life both the crew and the passengers and it is ruled in SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) as the international system of sea safety. PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry is the service sailing company that is mandated to apply both the Document of Compliance (DOC) for the company and Safety Management Certificate (SMC) for the ships. The certificate is provided by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation as the government authority to examine the requirement for the company and the ships dealt with the management of security and the prevention of environment pollution. The objective of the study is to find out the implementation of the policy for the International Safety Management Code (ISM CODE), to analyze the problems and the strategies that the company must take to get the solutions properly and precisely.

Port facility security assessment in Indonesian port


The Bitung Special Economic Zone (SEZ) development is currently being developed. Of course, supporting facilities are needed in the form of physical infrastructure. For example, the Bitung Container Port (TPK Bitung) is currently separated from the Bitung Public Port. Future developments will also be separated from the traditional and ferry ports. The separation of this port is a synergy between the Central and Regional Governments. In connection with the separation of Bitung TPK with Bitung Public Port, a Port Facility Security Assessment is required to identify possible weaknesses/deficiencies in the Port Facility Security section and the possibility to reduce or mitigate those weaknesses/shortages. The Port Facility Security Assessment must meet the requirements set by IMO as required in ISPS Code Part.A.15. The approach used in conducting this study is identical to the methodology commonly used in security assessments. Especially concerning the ISPS Code, related to the ISPS Code, the standard methodologies commonly used in each country are as follows: Pre-Assessment, Security Survey at the port location, Mitigation Strategy; The results of research conducted by combining elements of consequences, threats/scenarios, physical and non-physical security vulnerabilities. The security system at Bitung Container Terminal that is currently running is good. Physical security facilities already exist, security personnel already exist, security and procedures exist. However, what must be fulfilled by managers and other related parties related to the operation of Port Facilities to meet the conditions as required in the ISPS Code are IMO Course 3.24 (Security Officer) Training.

Facility Security Measures at Ujung Jabung Port: a Review in Terms of The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

Indonesian Journal of International Law, 2020

Ujung Jabung is a region located in the District of Sadu at Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The area strategically lies in the Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lane 1 (ALKI 1), which is the international trading and shipping lane. It brings about an excellent opportunity for economic development in Jambi Province. With this in mind, the Government of Jambi develops the region into a strategic area that includes Ujung Jabung Port. Based on the 2011-2031 Region’s Spatial Plan (RTRW) of East Tanjung Jabung Regency, the regency designed it to be the main port with the name of Samudera Ujung Jabung Port. The international shipping routes at the port are Ujung Jabung-West Asia-East Europe and Ujung Jabung-Southeast Asia-East Asia. Due to its international nature, the construction of Samudera Ujung Jabung Port should follow the international measures on the security of the port, shipping, and facility. As a Member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Indonesia is...

The Influence of Inaportnet on the Effectiveness of Clearance In/Out Ships at PT Oremus Bahari Mandiri Surabaya

Jurnal Logistik Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of Inaportnet on the effectiveness of ship entry and exit permits at PT Oremus Bahari Mandiri Surabaya. Data collection was carried out at PT Oremus Bahari Mandiri Surabaya in June 2019 by means of observation, study documentation, and distributing questionnaires. The collected data was processed using simple linear regression analysis techniques, validity test, reliability test, and coefficient of determination. The results showed that Inaportnet at PT Oremus Bahari Mandiri Surabaya has been running well with an R2 value of 0.804 or 80.4% Inaportnet has an effect on the effectiveness of Clearance in/out Ships at PT Oremus Bahari Mandiri Surabaya.

Implementation of regulation of the minister of transportation no. 7 of 2019 against the installation of automatic identification system (AIS) on ferriage ships operating in the Ketapang-Gilimanuk and Ketapang-Lembar


Ketapang ferriage port is a port that connects the island of Java with Bali and Lombok. This port has a large role in distributing logistics and food to and from Java Island. Therefore, the safety and security of shipping must be guaranteed. One of the tools used for improving the safety and security of shipping is the Automatic Identifications System (AIS). This research aims to analyze (AIS) installed on the ship system based on the criteria in applicable regulations and find out the compliance of ship operators in the delivery of information on AIS on the Ketapang-Gilimanuk and Ketapang-Lembar tracks. In obtaining data on this study using observation techniques, observing the actual conditions directly. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that all ships operating on the route have installed AIS, but the installed AIS Class is not by applicable regulations where 21 ships still use AIS Class B, as well as the irregular activation of AIS because there are still ships operating but not detected AIS at Local Port Service (LPS) stations, data information submitted to AIS is incomplete, for AIS Class A which completes information on AIS by 64.29% while AIS Class B is 83.33%

Assessment of the Effect of the Implementation of International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code on Port Operations (A Case Study of Tin Can Island Port Complex)

European Journal of Business and Management, 2016

This paper was based on the assessment of the effect of ISPS code implementation on port operation using the Tin-can Island port as a case study. Data were mainly sourced from Tin-can Island Annual port report of port operational statistics. Sequence plots statistical tool was employed to depict the trend of vessel traffic flow, berth occupancy rate, cargo throughput and vessel turnaround from 1994-2013 which covered a period of 20 years representing both pre and post implementation era of ISPS code. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested using the t-test statistic of difference of means with the help of computer based software known as SPSS version 21. It was discovered that the implementation of ISPS code did not lead to decrease in vessel traffic, berth occupancy rate, and cargo throughput. However, there was decrease in vessel turnaround time. It was recommended that there should be more collaborative effort between NIMASA and relevant security agencies in ensuring full impl...

Kajian Dampak Relokasi Terminal Gadang Kota Malang Terhadap Biaya Operasional Kendaraan dan Pengguna Angkutan Kota


Terminal angkutan umum ini juga menjadi prasarana transportasi penting di Kota Malang, namun seiring dengan rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) kota malang setelah bulan 14 agustus 2009 Terminal Gadang dihentikan fungsinya dan digantikan oleh Terminal Hamid Rusdi, adanya permasalahan baru yaitu terganggunya kinerja operasional angkutan umum. Pada penelitian ini untuk analisanya menggunakan perhitungan jumlah armada angkutan kota ideal, jumlah penumpang, biaya operasional kendaraan, dan tarif. Sedangkan untuk menghitung jumlah armada ideal yaitu perhitungan faktor muat, waktu siklus, waktu antara. Untuk perhitungan jumlah penumpang peneliti membandingkan jumlah penumpang sebelum dipindahkan dengan jumlah penumpang setelah dipindahkan sehingga nanti dapat mengetahui perbedaan jumlah penumpang. Untuk perhitungan biaya operasional kendaraan digunakan perhitungan biaya tetap, biaya tidak tetap, dan overhead. Untuk perhitungan tarif menggunakan pembagian antara biaya operasional kendaraan...

Analisis Pengakuan Dan Perhitungan Pendapatan Jasa Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Pada Perum Lppnpi (Airnav Indonesia) Berdasarkan Ketentuan Psak No. 23

Balance Vocation Accounting Journal, 2018

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengakuan dan perhitungan pendapatan jasa pelayanan navigasi penerbangan pada Perum LPPNPI (AirNav Indonesia) berdasarkan ketentuan PSAK No. 23. Penelitian dilakukan pada Perum LPPNPI (AirNav Indonesia), yaitu sebuah badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan navigasi penerbangan di Indonesia berbentuk Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitain ini adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria pengakuan dan perhitungan pendapatan atas pelayanan jasa navigasi penerbangan pada Perum LPPNPI (AirNav Indonesia) telah sesuai dengan ketentuan PSAK No. 23 tentang pengakuan pendapatan. Dengan demikian, maka informasi yang disajikan oleh perusahaan telah memenuhi standar akuntansi yang berlaku umum dan dapat digunakan oleh para pengguna informasi keuangan dalam pengambilan keputusan.

Posisi dan peluang Pemerintah Indonesia dalam renegosiasi kontrak karya dengan PT Freeport Indonesia


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