Status of Women in India in the Context of Inclusive Growth (original) (raw)
Gender and Inclusive Growth by Prof. Vibhuti Patel
Towards Faster and More Inclusive Growth The Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) ‘Towards Faster and More Inclusive Growth’ aims to attain ‘gender inclusive growth’ in terms of benefits flowing through more employment and income to women who have been bypassed by higher rates of economic growth witnessed in recent years. The recognition of the need for more inclusive growth by our planners is a welcome shift in emphasis from mere increase in growth rates to improvement in standards of living of those below the poverty line through increase in employment opportunities as well as better delivery systems to ensure access to economic benefits by women from poverty groups and more economic opportunities for women in different layers of the economy. Gender inclusive growth by its very definition implies an equitable allocation of resources with benefits accruing to women from every section of society. ‘The 11th Plan recognizes that women are not a homogenous category for planned intervention—that they belong to diverse castes, classes, communities, economic groups, COMMUNICATION FOR DEBATE & RESEARCH / 1 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 Vibhuti Patel, Director, P.G.S.R.; Prof. & HOD, Department of Economics, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. Emailvibhuti. Women and Inclusive Growth • VIBHUTI PATEL 165 and are located within a range of geographic and development zones, and that mapping and acknowledging the specific deprivations which arise from these multiple locations, can alone determine the success of planned interventions. The Scheduled Caste (SC) women comprise of 16.24%, the Scheduled Tribe (ST) women comprise of 8.41% and Muslim women comprise of 13.48% of India’s female population as per 2001 census.’ (Planning Commission, 2006)
Inclusive Growth Through Women's Empowerment: An Evaluation of India's Welfare Initiatives
Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency (RRRNA) ISBN:978-93-5980-204-6 , 2023
This research study boards on an exploration of the impact and effectiveness of welfare programs in fostering women's empowerment and contributing to inclusive growth within India. With a focus on policies and initiatives designed to uplift and support women across various socio-economic strata, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive assessment of their tangible outcomes on individual empowerment and broader societal development. India, being one of the most populous nations in the world, possesses a significant demographic dividend. However, harnessing this potential necessitates addressing gender disparities and fostering an environment where women actively participate in the economy. The study recognizes that achieving inclusive growth is contingent upon the empowerment of women, as this not only advances gender equality but also stimulates economic productivity and societal development. The primary objective of this research is to critically evaluate the impact of India's welfare initiatives on women's empowerment and their consequential role in fostering inclusive economic growth. The study will employ a comprehensive methodology, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative analyses, to gauge the effectiveness of these initiatives across various regions and demographics. This evaluation aims to provide valuable insights for policy formulation and implementation to further enhance the inclusivity and impact of such programs.
11.Education-The Inclusive Growth Strategy for Women Empowerment in Indian Context
In Indian economy, the Five Year plans have generally been the fountainheads of policy for growth. Globally inclusive growth is necessary for sustainable development and equitable distribution of wealth and prosperity. This orientation is most visibly manifested in the theme of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. Inclusive growth adopts a long term perspective and is concerned with sustained growth. For growth to be sustained in the long run, it should be broad-based across sectors and different sections of the society. Keeping the theme 'Empowerment of Women' of Tenth Five Year Plan, the inclusive growth approach takes a longer term perspective if it is viewed through women empowerment in terms of economic status of women and its relationship with education. Any analysis of Indian society without taking caste into consideration is not complete. The present paper examines interrelationship among women development in terms of economic status of women, caste and level of education and finally view the inclusive growth in India. The study highlights the relationship between education level and economic status of women only in high caste group and focuses if education is to have a central role in relation to achieving 'inclusive growth' for the women in Indian society then there needs to be a fundamental rethinking on the provisioning of education in India.
Education-The Inclusive Growth Strategy for Women Empowerment in Indian Context
In Indian economy, the Five Year plans have generally been the fountainheads of policy for growth. Globally inclusive growth is necessary for sustainable development and equitable distribution of wealth and prosperity. This orientation is most visibly manifested in the theme of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. Inclusive growth adopts a long term perspective and is concerned with sustained growth. For growth to be sustained in the long run, it should be broad-based across sectors and different sections of the society. Keeping the theme 'Empowerment of Women' of Tenth Five Year Plan, the inclusive growth approach takes a longer term perspective if it is viewed through women empowerment in terms of economic status of women and its relationship with education. Any analysis of Indian society without taking caste into consideration is not complete. The present paper examines interrelationship among women development in terms of economic status of women, caste and level of education and finally view the inclusive growth in India. The study highlights the relationship between education level and economic status of women only in high caste group and focuses if education is to have a central role in relation to achieving 'inclusive growth' for the women in Indian society then there needs to be a fundamental rethinking on the provisioning of education in India.
Women's empowerment defined as improving the ability of women to access the constituents of development in particular health, education, earning opportunities, rights and political participations. Women empowerment in India is dependent on many different variables like education status, social status, geographical status and age. This paper is focused to economic participations and opportunities for women. There is very close relation between economic development and women's empowerment. The main objective of this study is to identify an economic status of women's economic, educational and empowerment status.
Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women: Key To Economic Development -An Indian Perspective
In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the issues related to women Empowerment; this is a globally important issue and international agencies now focus on women-centric gender-based policy initiatives. One of the Millennium Development Goals of the UN is to ‘promote gender equality and women empowerment.’ The stated goals to eradicate poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, reduce child mortality, fight with some fatal diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development, are directly or indirectly linked with gender based strategy. Women play an important role in the overall progress of a country as they constitute half of the human resourses of the nation. The economic wealth of a country is seriously depleted if about half of the nation’s human resource is neglected. Recognising the need for involving women in various development activities, the Government of India has initiated several affirmative measures by ...
Pande, Rekha, 2017, Some Issues and Challenges to Women's Development and Empowerment in India
Feminist Research, 2017
The present paper looks at the history of development and empowerment and discusses the impediments to development and empowerment in India. It focuses on the three major issues in India today, namely, the attitude towards, Girl child, Gender violence and Globalization, which have to be dealt with as a priority in bringing out the development and empowerment of women in the present era. If we look back into the history about the discussions and debates related to the issue of development and empowerment, we can see some broad trends. The whole debate on development states that there were number of women who organized and mobilizing around the globe for their rights. The development planners and policy makers did not have any interaction with these groups and they considered feminism as irrelevant to development and it was viewed as a luxury for the better of women in the industrialized countries. Hence, the first stage, main stream development models gave rise to jargons like, " basic human needs " , " meeting the needs of the poorest of poor " , " growth with equity ". This phase viewed development as an administrative problem whose solution lay in transferring vast amount of resources and technological innovations from rich to poor countries. As compensation to this followed, integrating women into the development process. Education and employment as a means of income generation became indicators of women " s involvement in the development process, but again under this phase a large chunk of rural women were left behind. Today women have addressed the question of development from a feminist perspective. They have raised important questions on issues of child care, reproductive rights, violence against women, family planning, transfer of technology and rural development and given the concept of development a new meaning. If development leads only to an increase in production, then it tends to reinforce and exaggerate the imbalances and inequalities within and in between societies. Development has to be an integral process with economic, social and cultural aspects leading to the control of one " s life situation.
Gender Inclusive Development in India - An Over view
The main message of the World development report (2012) is gender equality and inclusive development. Greater gender equality enhances productivity and improves other development outcomes, including prospects for the next generation and for the quality of societal policies and institutions. Economic development is not enough to shrink all gender disparities-corrective policies that focus on persisting gender gaps are essential. This report points to four priority areas for policy going forward. First, reducing gender gaps in human capital-specifically those that address female mortality and education. Second, closing gender gaps in access to economic opportunities, earnings, and productivity. Third, shrinking gender differences in voice and agency within society. Fourth, limiting the reproduction of gender inequality across generations. (2) These are all areas where higher incomes by themselves do little to reduce gender gaps, but focused policies can have a real impact. Gender equality is at the heart of development. It's the right development objective, and it's smart economic policy.
Women's Development Towards Inclusive Growth: A Study of Selected South Asian Women
Economic growth incorporating women's participation opens many economic opportunities for women which not only upgrade women's status in society but also make growth more inclusive. Improved condition and position of women in society play an important role in developing women along with enhancing their economic role. Besides explaining the significant role of women in an economy. This paper also throws some light on the need for good governance to enhance their economic role. In this context to evaluate the effect of the development of women on inclusive growth panel data models named the Fixed-Effect and Random-Effect Models have been used. Moreover, the models of White, Rogers, and Driscoll-Kraay estimators are also applied for robustness considering the three selected South Asian countries for the period between 2000-2021. The study finds that developing women play an influential role in inclusive growth and this relationship becomes more significant in the presence of good governance. Thus, it has been recommended that there should be a special focus on government policies towards women's education, health, and political representation to make economic growth more inclusive by enhancing their economic role through their development.
Empowerment of Women in India- An Attempt to Fill the Gender Gap (June, 2012)
The discriminated and exploited of women is seen all over the world. The empowerment is an aid to help women to achieve equality with men or, at least, to reduce gender gap considerably. Women play a very strategic role in the development of society in particular and development of economy in general. Woman is the leader planner of the family, the first trainer; supplier of labour power and by playing focal role in the development of agriculture, industry, service sector, socio-culture etc. creates a civilized society. Women contribute directly or indirectly for economic development. Though the nature has given the genetic power of reproduction especially to the women, the socio-economic status of women is so poor and the incidence of poverty is more on woman only. Empowering women is the only solution for all questions. Her potential hidden power is to be utilized for which, her status in the society must be improved and economically she should be strengthened. The poverty is the m...