Internal Control System Adoption Rate for Organic Rice Certification (original) (raw)

Factors Affecting the Adoption of System of Rice Intensification: A Logit Analysis

Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 2019

A field study was conducted in Tripura, a northeastern state of India during the winter season (2016-17) to identify the factors affecting the adoption of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)in rice cultivation. The data were collected from 120 farmers were selected using multistage random sampling technique. A logit regression model was used to identify the factors and simple ranking techniques to rank the problems in adoption of SRI method. The results indicated that factors like literacy level and extension contact helped in the adoption of SRI. Though the coefficients associated with the age of respondents and landholdings were negative, none of them found significant. The constraints encountered by the respondents were unavailability of skilled labours (mean score 64.32), high cost of labour (61.11), high cost of paddy seed (58.40), non-availability of seeds of different varieties in proper time (57.76), difficulties in handling very young seedling for transplanting (55.32) and non-availability of inputs at proper time (53.16). The cultivation of rice with the SRI method ensured a higher yield than the conventional method. This calls for the removal of constraints impeding the adopting proper strategies like suitable training and demonstration programmes, subsidy on inputs as well as machinery, etc. This, in turn, would encourage the farmers for extensive adoption of SRI in rice cultivation.

Socio-Economic Determinants of Adoption of Improved Rice Production Technologies among Rice Farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria: A Logit Regression Model Approach

Adoption is a decision to make use of an innovation on a continuous basis. It is against this backdrop that this study investigated the socio-economic determinants of adoption of improved rice production technologies in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study employed multi- stage random sampling techniques in the selection of 420 rice farmers from the three agricultural zones of the state. Primary data were sourced through field survey with the aid of structured questionnaires and interview schedule. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. The result of the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers shows that majority (66.67 percent) of the respondents were males whose age ranged between 41-50 years with mean age of 42 years. Most of them (62.50 percent) were married and had household size of between 6-10 persons with average household size of 8 persons. Majority (50.83 percent) were full-time farmers whose farm size ranged between 1.1-2.0 hectares. Most of the farmers (43.33 percent) had been involved in rice farming for 21-30 years and earned monthly income of between N31,000-N40,000. The result of logistic regression analysis showed a log likelihood ratio of -188. 40 and Chi-square value of 682.559 which was significant at (P= 0.01); implying that all the variables jointly determined the dependent variable. The Pseudo R2 (Nagelkerke) which was 76.6 percent implied that about 76.6 percent of the variation in the adoption of improved rice production technologies was explained by the farmers socio-economic characteristics. Most of the variables were significant and met a priori expectations. The result of factor analysis identified: technical, financial and institutional constraints as major bottlenecks limiting adoption of improved rice production technologies in the area. It was concluded that the socio-economic characteristics of the rural farmers significantly influenced their adoption of improved rice production technologies. Necessary recommendations such as: reviving youths’ interest towards rice production; employing and training more extension workers; timely provision of subsidized agricultural inputs as well as incentives for the formation of cooperative societies; were made.

Adoption Dynamics of Farmers Regarding Rice Production Technology

Trends in Biosciences, 2019

Adoption refers to the extent of use of recommended farming practices of rice production technology by farmers. The assessment of adoption process provides valuable information to the researchers, extensionists and policy makers to identify reasons of low productivity. Extent of adoption of respondents about practices in rice cultivation was measured by undertaking the recommended package of practices for obtaining higher production of rice production technology. The present study was investigating the adoption level of farmers about rice production technology of rice-maize grower families of Durg district of Chhattisgarh state. Data was collected from rice-maize grower families that were selected randomly from each selected 12 villages to make a sample size of 120 rice-maize farm families, with the help of pre-tested interview schedule. The result reveals that maximum respondents (43.33%) had medium level of adoption, followed by 30 per cent of respondents had high level of adoption and 26.67 per cent of them had low level of adoption about recommended rice production technology. Rice, maize, and wheat are major cereals contributing to food security and income in South Asia. These crops are grown either as a monoculture or in rotations in tropical and subtropical environments of South Asia. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main crop in summer while a wide range of crops, including rice, wheat, maize, winter pulses (chickpea, lentil, field peas), potatoes, and mustard are grown in rabi or winter season. In the kharif-1 or spring season, short-duration crops such as maize, pulses (mungbean, cowpea), and rice are grown. Ranganatha (2001) found that education, use of mass media, extension participation, innovation proneness, scientific orientation and risk orientations were having significant relationship with the adoption level of small farmers about organic farming practices. Khan et al. (2002) found that majority of rice growers had medium level of adoption of eco-friendly technologies. Jaiswal et al. (2002) revealed that the partial adoption was a result of various factors namely, economic constraints, situational factors and communication gap with respect to plant protection, seed treatment and fertilizer doses regarding soybean production technology. Ajrawat and Singh (2004) concluded from their study that majority of the farmers in both categories (large and small) had high level of adoption of seed and irrigation facility while in reverse weeding technology and plant protection technology had adopted to low extent regarding wheat production. Gupta and Chauhan (2004) reported that no practice was correctly adopted by any of the respondent regarding home science innovations. Saxena and Kushwah (2004) observed that majority of the respondents (40.00%) were found to be medium level of adopters, followed by high (34.17%) and low (25.34%) level of adoption about organic farming practices respectively. Singh et al. (2004) revealed that majority (57.50%) of cane growers had a medium level of adoption about recommended sugarcane technologies. Anupama et al. (2005) observed that 97% of the farmers fell under the category of low adoption and only 3% belonged to the medium adoption category. No farmer was found having adoption more than 66.00%. Meena et al. (2005) found that majority of the respondents (51.33%) belonged to medium level of adoption group regarding improved practices of cabbage cultivation. Poswal et al. (2005) found the overall extent of adoption was 46.45 per cent regarding recommended practices of sugarcane production technology. Suchan et al. (2005) reveals that overall 50.00 percent of the total respondents were found to be in the medium adoption group, where as 28.00 per cent and 22.00 per cent respondents were in the low and high adoption group respectively. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was undertaken in Durg district of Chhattisgarh state during 2016-17 in all three blocks namely Patan, Dhamdha and Durg. From each selected block four villages on the basis of area under rice-maize cropping system were considered for this

Adoption level of integrated crop management practices among rice farmers: Does the adoption of production technology predict postharvest technology adoption

International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, 2022

SAMARICA is the second district of Occidental Mindoro province in the Philippines having a vast land area for rice production. It supports the rice milling sector of the province with promising facilities for postharvest of rice. This study investigates the rice farmers’ adoption level of integrated crop management practices (ICMPs). The adoption ICMPs aims to promotes farm productivity and efficiency. A total of 404 rice farmers participated in this study selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. Quantitative data were generated from the survey questionnaire and were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the relationship between production and postharvest practices. The results revealed that rice farmers have “very high” adoption of rice production technologies except for water technologies and intermittent irrigation with “high” adoption level. In terms of postharvest, there is “very high” ad...

Measuring the intensity of adoption of the system of rice intensification and improved rice seeds technologies in Geita district, Tanzania: An application of the adoption quotient and the double hurdle model approaches

The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Improved Rice (IRS) technologies are increasingly being disseminated to rice farmers in Tanzania to boost rice production [1, 2]. The use of these technologies is considered as an important milestone in improving rice productivity in the Country. However there remains a challenge in assessing and measuring the adoption of such technologies by farmers and their associated determinants. This study sought to apply the adoption quotient to assess the intensity of adoption of SRI and IRS technologies and examine the effects of institutional factors on the intensity of adoption using the double hurdle model. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire administered to 324 rice farmers from Nyamwilolelwa ward in Geita District, Tanzania, during the 2020 crop season. The research used cross-sectional survey method conducted and the questionnaire were administered using ODK-Kobo Collect technology. Data analysis for both, descriptive and inferential statistics was done on Stata version 14. The results from the adoption quotients estimates revealed a low adoption of SRI and IRS technologies whereby only 37.96% of rice farmers in the study area were found to have adopted the principles of SRI and IRS technologies, whereby on average the farmers adopted only 23.74% of the elements of SRI and IRS technologies. Results from the first hurdle regressions revealed that, extension visit, agriculture support, and the type of farming system, are significant in predicting the probability of adopting SRI and IRS technologies (p<0.05). With regard to the intensity of adoption, results from the second hurdle regressions revealed that extension consultation, distance to a nearby cooperative member, and experience in water management difficulty, are significant in predicting the intensity of adoption (p<0.05). The main conclusions drawn from this study is that the decision to adopt or dis-adopt SRI and IRS technologies is significantly determined by training, extension consultation, agriculture support and type of farming system. We furthermore conclude that the intensity of adoption of SRI and IRS technologies is significantly determined by extension consultation, distance to a nearby cooperative member, and water management difficulty. The study recommends improving and strengthening extension services, training and dissemination programs in order to increase the uptake of innovated rice technologies.

The study of technology adoption on integrated crop management (ICM) of paddy rice in Aceh Province


The aim of these activities was to provide input/recommendations to policymakers about the issues and problems of agricultural development from the study of technology adoption on integrated crop management (ICM) of rice. The event was held from March-November 2015 in four districts namely Pidie, Aceh Utara, Aceh Barat, and Aceh Barat Daya. The activities implemented through field studies with respondents are farmers who received the SLICM program (purposive sampling). Each district was selected one district and each district will be selected two villages. In-depth interview respondents as much as 10-20 farmers per village. Respondents were selected randomly from members of rice SLICM. Data collected consists of primary data and secondary data and processed by descriptive analysis. The results showed that the level of technology adoption on integrated crop management (ICM) of rice in Pidie, Aceh Utara, Aceh Barat, and Aceh Barat Daya districts is not influenced by the characteristics of the respondent, such as; age, education, and experience of farmers in cropping rice. Technology adoption on integrated crop management (ICM) of rice is still limited to the use of the technology components of new varieties and seed labeled. The various components of the basic technology and the integrated crop management selection of paddy rice, which have not adopted by respondents include intermittent irrigation, organic fertilizer utilization, weeding with grok. While legowo cropping system is still limited. The adoption rate on integrated crop management (ICM) of rice is influenced by several factors, among others: the implemented technology is easy, uncomplicated. The technology is also cheap but in accordance with the conditions of society and new technologies can provide more benefit to them (increased yield).

Adoption of Organic Agriculture Application in Subang Regency, West Java Province of Indonesia

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2021

Indonesia is one of the countries that has started to develop organic agriculture. The appeal of organic farming, both farmers and ordinary people, is also triggered by consumer awareness of choosing food that is safe for health. This research is a survey research, namely explanatory/confirmatory research. The research was conducted using interview methods and questionnaire instruments. The side method uses purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing showed that the nature of innovation (t-statistic 2.741) and extension support (t-statistical 8.530) had a significant effect on the level of interest of farmers while the nature of prospective users (t-statistical 3.174) and extension support (t-statistical 2.274) had a significant effect on the level of farmer adoption. The conclusion of this research is; (1) Farmers already know and try organic farming, however, the adoption process is still affected by market access which makes farmers still reluctant to start implementing organic farming; (2) the nature of innovation and extension support are factors that affect the level of interest of farmers; The nature of the candidate (characteristics) and counseling are factors that influence adoption; (3) P4S Agrospora in this case becomes a forum for farmers to learn about the application of organic agriculture but needs to be empowered again for independent extension workers who are able to play the same role as P4S.

System of Rice Intensification Technology : An Analysis of Constraints Perceived by the Farmers in Adoption of Sri Technology


The success of any innovation depends upon the availability of technological inputs and other required resources. An attempt has been made to know the problems faced by the farmers in the adoption of System of Rice Intensification Technology and collect their suggestions to minimize their problems. The present study was conducted in ten villages of Kurud block in the Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh, India. A total of 126 selected farmers were treated as respondents. The study revealed that among several constraints, shortage of agriculture labour (93.65%) was the major constraint in adoption of SRI technology, followed by 67.46 per cent of the respondents faced non availability of cono-weeder and marker non availability of farm yard manure (FYM), 36.50 per cent of them faced labour demanded high labour cost, 34.12 per cent of them faced sometimes seedling died in early stage, 30.15 per cent of respondents faced more infestation of weed due to wider spacing and sometimes seedling d...

Farmers’ Adoption of System of Rice Intensification in Chanchaga Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria

Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2021

The study evaluated the adoption of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) among rice farmers in Chanchaga Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria. A 3-stage sampling technique was used to collect data for the study through a structured questionnaire and interview schedule administered to 200 rice farmers. The results indicated that majority of the farmers were males (83.0%), married (68.5%) with no formal education (50.5%). Mean age was 44.1 years, household size was 8.8 persons, farming experience of 16 years, average monthly income was N590,000.00 and average farm size was 1.7 ha. The most adopted SRI production practice was fertilizer and herbicide application (100.0%), planting depth (91.5%) manual land cultivation and planting method (91.0%). The respondents were at different stages of adoption with accelerating growth, rotary weeding and use of organic fertilizer having positive adoption index of 0.972, 0.970 and 0.601 respectively. Level of adoption of SRI technologies w...

African Journal of Agricultural Research Determinants of Adoption of Improved Technologies in Rice Production in Imo State, Nigeria

In Imo State, an increasing number of improved rice production technologies and management techniques have been introduced to rice farmers across the State. Despite the introduction of the rice production technologies, rice production continues to be low. This study therefore analyzed factors associated with adoption of improved rice production technologies in Imo State of Nigeria. Random sampling technique was used in selecting one hundred and thirty (135) rice farmers from the communities where rice is produced in the State. Data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire, and analyzed using descriptive statistics and logit regression. The result obtained shows that 73.33, 67.41, 78.52, 86.67 and 45.4% of the rice farmers adopted improved rice varieties, use of agrochemicals, fertilizer application, optimum seed rate, and mechanical harvesting, respectively. Farmers' socioeconomic factors such as age, income, cooperative membership, household size, level of education, farm size and number of contacts with extension agents affected adoption. These key factors need to be taken into consideration when expanded program on technology adoption is to be considered.