Emerging Issues and Challenges in Fiscal Federalism in Brazil: Some Lessons for India (original) (raw)

The New Fiscal Federalism in Brazil

Fiscal arrangements in Brazil severely constrain the federal government's ability to fulfill its mandate as a national government. Municipal governments, meanwhile, have more revenues than they need, encouraging fiscal mismanagement. Reform is urgently needed to counteract Brazil's fiscal imbalance. EePo<iligy.R candExtemflAffaiComplexdnbutPREWoddngPaptoaninatethefindingsof wodinpropessand to enamungc the exchange of ideas among Bank staff and all othas inteeed in developnent issues. lese papes cany the names of the authors, rflect only their viws. and should be used and cited accordingly The findings, interpretations, and conclusio arm the authons own. They should not be atrbted to the World Bank, its Board of Dicos, its managaetnt,or any of its membercountrie.s Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized * Administration of the general value-added created a vertical fiscal imbalance. tax by the state involves unresolved issues about tax crediting on interstate trade. Shah presents policy options to resolve these problems. * The state and municipal revenue-sharing funds do not distribute revenues fairly and equitably. The PRE Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work under way in the Bank's Policy, Research, and External Affairs Complex. An objective of the series is to get thesefmdings out quickly, even if presentations are less than fully polished. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions in these papers do not necessarily represent official Bank policy. Produced by the PRE Dissemination Center governments have been given the legislative authority on subjects of local interest to supplement federal or state legislation. Furthermore, they have been assigned responsibilities in public transport, preschool and elementary education, health care, land use and historical and cultural preservation. Any subjects not specified by the Constitution have been reserved for state government legislation. 1.12 Conceptual Basis of Expenditure Assignment Allocation of expenditure and tax functions to various member units is the most fundamental issue in a federation. Fiscal federalism literature argues that expenditure assignment must precede tax assignment. This is because tax assignment would in general be guided by expenditure requirements at different levels and these cannot be worked out in advance of expenditure assignment. This literature also provides broad guidance in delineating expenditure responsibilities. For example the so called * Preliminary data ** Estimate

Session 2B) EFF Theme Plenary: New Economic and Fiscal Federalism NEW ECONOMIC AND FISCAL FEDERALISM: THE BRAZILIAN CASE


1. As the 20th century draws to a close, Brazil ranks as the tenth largest GDP in the world economy, with the fifth largest territory and population on the planet. The Brazilian economy faced a long period of stagnation in the 19th century, but exploded into an accelerated growth process, unparalleled in almost any other nation of the world, from the 1870s to the 1970s. However, in the last twenty years, the vibrant growth trajectory that culminated in the period after World War II, has turned clearly downward. Today, per capita income ranks in forty-fifth position, while income distribution is still one of the most unequal in the world.

Brazil: an evolving federation

Managing fiscal decentralization, 2002

Brazil is a highly decentralized federation. The 27 states (including the Federal District) and 5,559 municipalities together account for over one-third of total government spending and revenue collection. States and municipalities also account for almost 40 percent of the public sector's net debt stock. Revenue mobilization capacity is concentrated in the more prosperoud states and municipalities of the South and Southeast, and some equalization of expenditure capacity has been pursued through mandated revenue sharing. Political and administrative decentralization are also sizable. Each subnational jurisdiction has its own directly-elected legislature and executive branches, as well as an independent judiciary. The federal government has limited control over subnational tax administration; budget formulation, execution, and oversight; and wage and investment policies.

30 Years of the Brazilian Federal Constitution: perspectives for Brazilian federalism


It has been a privilege for the Forum of Federations to work with the Secretariat for Federative Affairs (SAF), Ipea, and with all the authors of this volume over many years to enrich the global discourse on comparative federalism. Rupak Chattopadhyay President and CEO Forum of Federations 30 Years of the Brazilian Federal Constitution: perspectives for Brazilian federalism 12 | The papers in this book allow the reader to not only understand the challenges Brazil faces in improving its federative model, especially as it regards the role of municipalities, but also to visualize necessary advancements in Brazilian federalism. The book seeks to provide Brazilian society with important elements to understand its federative model and strengthen itself in this process. We wish the reader an enjoyable, informative experience.

A primazia da gestão fiscal sobre o planejamento nos estados brasileiros

Revista de Contabilidade e Organizações

Considerando que a literatura crítica ao neoliberalismo considera que sua expansão inverteu a primazia do planejamento governamental sobre a gestão fiscal dos entes governamentais, esta pesquisa, assumindo a existência da primazia da gestão fiscal sobre o planejamento, investiga a relação entre resultado primário e resultado nominal com os investimentos nos estados brasileiros e verifica o efeito que os ciclos políticos provocam nesta relação no período de 2001 a 2018. Para tanto, foram utilizados modelos de regressão linear múltipla com erros clusterizados por estados e por ano. Os resultados evidenciam a existência de relação positiva entre a gestão fiscal e planejamento nos estados brasileiros, confirmando a literatura e nossa hipótese de pesquisa. Além disso, a pesquisa evidenciou que os ciclos políticos eleitorais interferem na relação entre gestão fiscal e planejamento governamental, uma vez que os investimentos aumentam nos períodos pré-eleitorais.

The Brazilian Fiscal Responsibility Law: Cultural and Structural Changes of State Management

Sociology and anthropology, 2017

This paper aims to evaluate the changes of state management in Brazil promoted by the Fiscal Responsibility Law (FRL). Sanctioned on May 4 th , 2000 as the outcome of a long process of maturation of Brazilian public management resulting from the joint effort of both government and society, the FRL has since then guided the state bureaucracy as well as the citizenry in regard to monitoring and supervising public expenditure. As the catalyst of a shift in the traditional patrimonialism inherent to the Brazilian culture of public management, the aforementioned law has delivered good results in the management of public resources despite some backlashes experienced during its effectiveness. As it stands, it is our conviction that the current economic crisis in the country bears a direct relationship with the neglect of the FRL by the last governments. Ultimately, we maintain that the institutional settings of the more recent crises in Brazil, from the 1980s and 1990s to the present, as well as of the current crisis in Europe, do not call into question the efficiency of international covenants on fiscal adjustment, but rather the laxity in their making.


Este artigo objetiva, à luz de um estudo comparado sobre dois modelos institucionais de federalismo, o modelo competitivo ou dual, típico do sistema federativo norte-americano, e o modelo cooperativo, típico do sistema federativo alemão, lançar novos ares de compreensão acerca dos problemas que atingem o sistema federativo brasileiro. Adotou-se o método dialético de abordagem, a partir de aportes doutrinários. Dessa forma, foi possível verificar que, no caso do Brasil, a cooperação federativa se mostra um caminho que se bem desenvolvido, mediante adequadas técnicas de cooperação entre os entes federativos, se apresenta como a alternativa mais apta ao desenvolvimento nacional, regional e local.