The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Students’ Speaking Skill (original) (raw)

The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Achievement and Fluency in Speaking English

ETLIJ, 2021

The objective of the study was to find out the correlation between students' vocabulary achievement and fluency in speaking English. The population was the second grade student of SMK Negeri Binaan PEMPROVSU. The population were 5 class consist 121 students. This study took a class TKJ and TKR as a sample by using Cluster Random Sampling. In gathering data, used a match test to measure vocabulary mastery and oral test to measure fluency in speaking English. In analyzing data, this study used Pearson Product Moment Formula. After analyzing, it was found r-calculated 0,873. It means that r-calculated was higher than rtable. So the relationship between two variables above were significant. Conclusion is there was a correlation between the students' vocabulary achievement and fluency in speaking English. Researcher compared the rcalculated with r table (0,873 > 0,304) if r-calculated is bigger than r-table, the correlation is significant. And percentage if correlation between students' vocabulary achievement and fluency in speaking English was 76,22%. It means that the students' vocabulary achievement will support fluency in speaking English.

The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Speaking Ability at Grade 8 of Junior High School

Journal of English Language Teaching, 2020

This research aimed to find out the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability at grade 8 of SMP Negeri 26 Padang. This research was quantitative research which used correlational technique design. The sample of the research was 30 students of grade eight selected by clustering sampling. The instruments used in the research were vocabulary test and speaking test. Vocabulary test consisted of 50 questions of multiple choices, and speaking test in the form of role play. The research data were in the form of interpretation of students’ vocabulary and speaking test results, and their correlation. Based on data analysis, it was found that students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability were fair. They were proved by the mean score 65 for vocabulary mastery and 68 for speaking ability. Moreover, there was strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and speaking ability. It was shown by the rvalue = 0,703.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari hubungan antara kemahiran kosa kata dan kemampuan berbicara siswa di semester enam pendidikan bahasa inggris di Universitas Pasir pengaraian. Di samping itu juga menilai tingkat kemahiran kosa and kemapuan berbicara siswa-siswa tersebut. Setelah di analisa data tersebut, di temukan r hitung nya adalah 0,559 dengan taraf signifikan 0.05% dengan degree of freedom (df= n-2) adalah 22. Itu artinya r hitung lebih tinggi dari pada r tabel (0.599 > 0.404), yang berarti ada hubungan positif antara variabel x dan y dengan kata lain hipotesis alternatif di terima.

The Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Speaking Skill


In an increasingly advanced globalization era where the ability to speak English is a must in keeping up with the times. An analysis of the correlation between vocabulary mastery and students' speaking skills in English is needed. This is because vocabulary mastery is the main point for students to have good speaking skills. This study aims to determine the relationship between vocabulary mastery and speaking skills. This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlation study type. The sample in this study was 52 respondents in the second semester of the Department of English Education, the University of Nurul Jadid using the purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using the Pearson Product Moment formula to determine whether there are a correlation and the level of correlation between mastery of English vocabulary and speaking skill..

The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Achievement and Their Speaking Achievement at Second Semester Students’ of English Department in Halu Oleo University

Journal of Teaching English, 2020

This study aims to measure the correlation between vocabulary achievements and speaking achievement at second semester students of English study program in Halu Oleo University. The design of the study was research deign or correlational design; the type of the study was quantitative approach. The problem of the study was, is there any correlation between vocabulary achievement and speaking achievement at second semester students of English study program in Halu Oleo University? The population of this research was the second semester students of English Department in Halu Oleo University in the academic year of 2018/2019 with a total number of 120 students. It was divided into two class they are A and B. There are 105 students taken as sample in this study by using purposive sampling technique. The instruments of this research are mid test score of vocabulary examination and basic speaking Examination. The result of calculation using SPSS 20 program found that, (r (105) = 0.459, p ...

Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Fluency in Speaking at Universitas Tanjungpura


This research, entitled “Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Fluency in Speaking” was carried out to the fifth semester students of English Education Study Program. The population of this research is fifth semester students of English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at Tanjungpura University with the sample size of 30. The result of data analysis revealed the correlational between both variable from the samples is showing the correlational coefficient (r) value of 0.19. This value showed vocabulary mastery has low correlation with fluency in speaking. The contribution of vocabulary mastery to fluency in speaking is 3.6% which is almost non-existent. The hypothesis was tested by comparing the r value with r table, with the degree of freedom (df = n-2) of 28 and 1% level of significance. The r value (0.19) is lower than r table (0.463). It means, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. With this researc...

The Influence of Vocabulary Mastery Toward English Speaking Ability of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Study Program Muhammadiyah University

PREMISE JOURNAL:ISSN online: 2442-482x, ISSN printed: 2089-3345, 2017

One of the purpose of teaching speaking is the students are able to use English as a means of communication based on the context and situation related to their level of vocabulary mastery. So before we are able to communicate well, we should have a large number of words.The objective of this research is to find out whether vocabulary is influential toward English speaking ability. The populations of this research are 190 students of all the fourth semester in the academic year of 2009-2010. Based on the table of Krecjie, a number of samples are 127 students. The sampling technique used is the simple random sampling technique. To collect the data, the researcher requires two tests, vocabulary and speaking tests.This study yields that there is a positive and significant influence between English vocabulary mastery and the students’ speaking ability, it is proved by the value of correlation coefficient 0.764 which is higher than the value of r table (0.176). It means that the rise of t...

The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary MasteryAnd Their Achievement In Reading Comprehension

Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan

This research deals with the correlation between students vocabulary mastery and their achievement in their reading comprehension. The data were taken from 33 students from class X-TKJ of SMK As – Sakienah Boarding School Tugu – Sliyeg. The writer used quantitative method by Pearson Product Moment. From the calculation by using product moment formula, it was found out that the coefficient correlation from this research is 0,8409.. It can be concluded that there is positive and high correlation level between students’ vocabulary mastery and their achievement in reading comprehension. This research used significance level 5%. From the hypothesis testing result, it was found that r_count is 0,8409 >r _table 0,3494. Based on the fact, it can be concluded that Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. So, there is significance correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their achievement reading comprehension.

The correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and listening ability


This research described the correlation between vocabulary mastery and listening ability of the eleventh grade students at Integrated Islamic Senior High School Qardhan Hasana Banjarbaru. The problems that should be answered in this research were: (1) how is the students‟ vocabulary mastery? (2) How is the students‟ ability in listening ability? 3) Is there any significant correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and their listening ability? The subject of this research was the eleventh grade students at Integrated Islamic Senior High School Qardhan Hasana Banjarbaru. There were 75 students in the eleventh grade. The data of this research were collected through: written test and documentary. Then all data are analyzed with quantitative method and by using inductive method to draw conclusion. By using product moment formula, the final result shows that rxy is 0.557. For N = 75, r table in 5% fault is 0.227 and 1% fault is 0.296. It appears that rxy is more than r table. It me...

Correlation of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension at the Second grade of SMP Negeri 1 Kolaka

ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching, 2019

The aim of this research was to find out the correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’ reading comprehension at the second Grade of SMPN 1Kolaka. The population of this research was all the second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kolaka which consist of 206 students. The sample of this research is 26 students, it is class VIII B. The instruments in this research were two kinds of test, they were vocabulary test and reading comprehension test, each test consisted of 20 multiple choice. All the data gained in this research was analyzed by using the formulation of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. According to the result of the analysis and statistical calculate, it found that rxy was 0.705 and rt was 0.404 with the degree of freedom (df=N-nr) was 24. By comparing the values of rxy and rt, the result was rxy was bigger than rt, in other words rcount was higher than r table. It means that there was correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery...