Tannins Extraction of Tea Leaves by Ultrasonic Method: Comparison with The Conventional Method (original) (raw)
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Tannin was successfully extracted from Gelam bark using acetone as the solvent as natural alternatives. The extracted tannin was then used as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel under acidic medium. The gravimetric and electrochemical potentiodynamic corrosion tests were executed at different purified and unpurified tannin concentrations (200-800 ppm) to test the ability to inhibit mild steel corrosion. The results showed that the corrosion rate decreased as tannin concentration increased while the inhibition efficiency increased. The isotherm adsorption found that the Langmuir model was the best model to represent the interaction of tannin inhibitor and the active sites on mild steel surface. The SEM analysis showed that the mild steel morphology changed after the addition of tannin. The presence of blue-black color on the mild steel surface indicated the formation of ferric tannate to protect the surface of mild steel. In conclusion, purified tannin was a better inhibitor compared ...
Study Of The Composition Of Solutions Used In Extracts Of Local Plants And Tannins
The American Journal of Engineering And Techonology, 2021
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The study was aimed to investigate the use of microwave assisted extraction (MAE) to improve the extraction efficiency of the Polyphones from crude drugs. Classical solvent extraction techniques have several limitation especially low yield and time consumption; hence the present study was designed to provide an effective alternative method of extraction which can be adopted at industrial level. In this study poly-phenol were extracted from Harda (Terminalia chebula) using Soxhlet and microwave apparatus, and effectiveness of the both process was evaluated by determining tannin concentration. The method selected for tannin estimation was Folien-ciocalteu method. Result of the study clearly demonstrated that microwave is better method. Study had also undertaken the task of optimization of parameters such as solvent type, microwave power, extraction time and temperature. Results had revealed that the best possible combination parameter for fast and highest extraction by this method was found to be 2 Power of microwave, 50ºC temperature, 4 min. time and alcohol as solvent.
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The main objective of this study was to extract phenolic compounds from caper and oleaster by using microwave. The effects of microwave power (400 and 700 W), extraction time (5-20 min), solid to solvent ratio (1:10, 1:20 and 1:30) and solvent type (water, ethanol and different ratios of ethanol-water mixture) on total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and concentration of the phenolic compounds in the extracts were investigated. In conventional extraction, extraction time and solvent type were used as independent variables. Microwave extraction was compared with conventional extraction. In caper and oleaster extracts that were obtained by using microwave, total phenolic compounds ranged between 5.0-52.4 and 2.6-43.0 mg GAE/g dry material while the antioxidant activity were between 0.5-2.0 and 0.2-3.7 mg DPPH/g dry material, respectively. Higher total phenolic content was observed with increasing solvent amount. The highest total phenolic content was obtained when 50% ethanol-w...
One of herbal plants that is cultivated as a material for making traditional medicines is tea (Camelia sinensis L.). Parts of plants that are used as traditional medicine were fresh or dried leaves. Tea leaves contain tannins which are known as active compound used to treat diarrhea, stop bledding and treat hemorrhoids. This research aimed to determine tannin concentration on fresh and dried tea leaf extract using UV-Visible spectrophotometric method. The type of this research used quantitative research with experimental design use t-test. This research used a sampling technique that is purposive sampling. The results of the analysis of tannin concentration using UV-Visible spectrophotometric method on fresh and dried tea leaf extract were 3,64 ± 0,105276 mg GAE/gram sample and 3,87 ± 0,019088 mg GAE/gram sample respectively. Tannin concentration on dried tea leaf extract was higher than on fresh tea leaf extract. After was analyzed statistically with independent sample test (T-test...
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Konjac (Amorphophallus oncophillus) contains a high economic value of soluble fiber glucomannan. Most of Indonesia konjac flour is exported in low (glucomannan content <65) hence sell in cheap price. Quality of glucomannan could be improved by removing impurities such as starch and cellulose. Application of ultrasonic-assisted extraction (leaching) of non glucomannan compound is an effective method to purify the konjac flour. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of ultrasonic waves frequency and leaching time of ultrasonic-assisted extraction method using aqueous isopropanol on glucomannan purification. The leaching conducted two frequencies (20 and 40 kHz) and various extraction time (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 minutes). The results showed that the best condition of glucomannan purification was achieved at 20 kHz for 10 minutes. In this conditon, glucomannan content , viscosity and yield were 76. 1%, 12,800 cPs, and 96.1%, respectively.
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Selain itu, JTEP juga telah terdaftar pada Crossref dan telah memiliki Digital Object Identifier (DOI) dan telah terindeks pada ISJD, IPI, Google Scholar dan DOAJ. Mulai edisi ini redaksi memandang perlu untuk meningkatkan nomor penerbitan dari dua menjadi tiga kali setahun yaitu bulan April, Agustus dan Desember berisi 12 naskah untuk setiap nomornya. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi masa tunggu dengan tidak menurunkan kualitas naskah yang dipublikasikan. Jurnal berkala ilmiah ini berkiprah dalam pengembangan ilmu keteknikan untuk pertanian tropika dan lingkungan hayati. Penulis makalah tidak dibatasi pada anggota PERTETA tetapi terbuka bagi masyarakat umum. Lingkup makalah, antara lain: teknik sumberdaya lahan dan air, alat dan mesin budidaya pertanian, lingkungan dan bangunan pertanian, energi alternatif dan elektrifikasi, ergonomika dan elektronika pertanian, teknik pengolahan pangan dan hasil pertanian, manajemen dan sistem informasi pertanian. Makalah dikelompokkan dalam invited paper yang menyajikan isu aktual nasional dan internasional, review perkembangan penelitian, atau penerapan ilmu dan teknologi, technical paper hasil penelitian, penerapan, atau diseminasi, serta research methodology berkaitan pengembangan modul, metode, prosedur, program aplikasi, dan lain sebagainya. Penulisan naskah harus mengikuti panduan penulisan seperti tercantum pada website dan naskah dikirim secara elektronik (online submission) melalui http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jtep.
Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 2020
Ö Z E nginar yaprağı (Cynara Scolymus) ekstratları tıpta yaygın olarak kullanılan özlerdir. Klorojenik asitler antioksidan antibakteriyel ve antiviral özelliklerine sahip bileşiklerdir. Bu çalışmada, enginar (Cynara scolymus) yaprakları kuruduktan sonra, toz halindeki kısımlar su ile ekstre edilmiştir. Özler, HPLC (Yüksek Basınçlı Sıvı Kromatografisi) ile analiz edildikten sonra ppm olarak ifade edilmiştir. Box-Behnken tasarımına dayalı Yüzey Yanıt Yöntemi kullanılarak, klorojenik asidin Cynara Scolymus'tan ekstrakte edilmesinin optimum koşulları, ultrasonik destekli ekstraksiyon ile tespit edilmiştir. Bu ekstraksiyon etkinliği için deneysel koşullar, ekstraksiyon süresi (15-45 dakika), sıcaklık (30-70°C) ve ultrason gücü (%25-75) olarak belirlenmiştir. Optimum koşullar %47.65 ultrason gücü, 35.18 dakika, 53.400 C sıcaklık olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta ise maksimum klorojenik asit verimi 10.05 ppm olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca toplam fenolik içerik yani antioksidan kapasitesi ise UV-Vis spektrometresi ile ölçülmüştür. Her bir numuneden alınan numunelerin absorbans değerleri UV spektrometresinde 765 nm'de ölçülmüştür. Optimum koşullar %47.29 ultrason gücü, 29.67 dakika, %55.33 etanol konsantrasyonu olarak belirlenmiştir. Toplam fenolik içerik 70.24 ppm olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre ultrasonik yardımlı ekstraksiyon (UAE), klorojenik asit ekstraksiyonu için etkili bir yöntem olabileceğini göstermiştir.
Tannin Extract Of Guava Leaves (Psidium Guajava L) Variation With Concentration Organic Solvents
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2013
Research has been conducted to determine the levels of tannins in leaves of guava (Psidium guajava L) using a variation of the concentration of organic solvent. The method used for qualitative analysis with the tannins are formed by the intensity of the color is blackish green FeCl3 compounds. While the principle of quantitative determination of tannins is tanat acid standard curve at a wavelength of 724,5 nm. In the quantitative analysis of tannins used variations of organic solvent (ethanol and acetone with a concentration of 30%, 50%, 70%). Levels of tannins in the sample solution was calculated with Tannates Acid Equivalent (EAT). The results showed levels of tannins in leaves of guava with 30% ethanol, which is 3.228 mg/g, 50% is 2.970 mg/g, 70% is 2,333 mg/g. While the levels of tannins in guava leaves with 30% acetone solvent which is 2,781 mg/g, 50%: 2,738 mg/g, 70%: 2,405 mg/g.
Purification of industrial tannin extract through simple solid-liquid extractions
Industrial Crops and Products, 2019
Acacia Mimosa or black wattle (Acacia Mearnsii) industrial tannin extracts are used as such for leather tanning, water flocculants, adhesives and many other applications. However, when higher purity of the polyphenols is requested, these extracts are not suitable anymore. Therefore, feasible strategies have to be developed in order to improve the purity of the extract. Solid-liquid extractions with common solvents were performed and the soluble and insoluble fractions of the tannin extracts in methanol and acetone were quantified and characterized through chemical analysis of phenolics, FT-IR, Py-GC/MS, LC-UV/ESI-MC and GPC. It was observed that the solvent soluble fractions were enriched of polyphenols, the insoluble residue after methanol extraction was the one presenting higher amount of hydrophobic compounds and the fraction soluble in acetone resulted purified of proteins. However, these encouraging findings suggest that this strategy does not allow to separate the phenolics from the saccharidic components which appear to be intimately interconnected.