Percpetion of students in a web based reading course (original) (raw)

De la educación a distancia a la educación virtual


This book comprises the reflections of knowledgeable and seasoned distance education practitioners on the paradigm shift from (fourth generation) distance education to (fifth generation) virtual education. The authors are seasoned and prominent academics at the Distance Education University (UNED) of Spain. Lorenzo García Aretio is the Unesco Distance Education Chair and Dean, Marta Ruiz Ruiz is a professor and Vice-Dean, and Daniel Domínguez Figaredo is a faculty member and researcher in the Department of Educational Theory and Social Education. For the benefit of English language readers, in this review I will present an overview of some of the numerous insights presented by the authors. The worldwide boom in the digital technologies has created the information society. As people seek to grapple with the tsunami of information sources, the technologies of information and communication have become readily available, rendering irrelevant location and timing of access to sources of knowledge. The information society sets the stage for the knowledge society that enables learners to employ the technologies to construct their own knowledge, making possible the learning society. The evolution in recent years of interactive and collaborative technologies makes possible student-centered learning with continuous interaction among the participants in the process. Time and space constraints disappear entirely, making way to a new concept of 'virtuality' that is revolutionizing all forms of education. García, Ruiz and Dominguez explain that, given the advent of digital technologies, distance education has progressed through five generations of development. The first generation, until 1965, was marked by reliance on printed media distributed mainly through postal services. The second generation, from 1965 to 1985, was marked by the emergence of radio and television technologies. The third generation, from 1985 to 1995, was marked by the integration of computer-assisted instruction and inception of technologies of information and communication (TICs). The fourth generation, virtual education, from 1995 to the present, saw the convergence on the Web of all of the elements of the previous generations. The massive adoption of home-and business-based PCs and affordable and broadband connections to the Internet, learning management systems, computer conferencing, learning communities, the offer of Internet-based Book Review-De la educación a distancia a la educación virtual Cookson

Análisis Comparativo Del Aprendizaje De Una Segunda Lengua Online y Presencial

Elia, 2022

This study analyzes students' perceptions of their own learning of Spanish as a second language (L2) when comparing face-to-face (F2F) courses to online (OL) environments before the pandemic. It appears that most students are satisfied learning Spanish in either OL or F2F classes, but their self-reported perception of learning is lower for OL students than F2F participants. It also seems that a higher percentage of F2F participants are more satisfied with the format of their classes (F2F vs OL). It is argued that incorporating more asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) and teacher presence among this particular population of students may increase satisfaction with both learning environment and perception of learning. A further analysis compared Spanish final-exam scores among OL and F2F participants; the results showed that participants in F2F classes obtained statistically significant higher scores than participants in OL classes. Some pedagogical suggestions are presented for this particular population of Spanish as L2 online students.

A Study on the Pedagogical Components of Massive Online Courses Un estudio sobre los componentes pedagógicos de los cursos online masivos

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the rapid growth in the MOOCs offering brought about a new educational landscape, posing new challenges to teaching and learning, mainly due to massive participation, ubiquity and free enrollment. These courses embody a confluence of technological and pedagogical mediations yet to be fully explored. This study, applying an instrument of educational and interactive indicators on a MOOC (INdiMOOC-EdI) designed by the authors, seeks to ascertain the pedagogical components of MOOCs delivered in the Spanish language in order to establish which course features are platform dependent. An exploratory sequential mixed methods study was carried out on a total of 117 courses within 10 different platforms via an instrument developed and validated ad hoc. The data obtained is subjected to a content analysis for a qualitative perspective; while a quantitative perspective is obtained through a statistical analysis complemented with classification algorithms typical in data mining. The results suggest that the different platform providers condition the pedagogical design of the MOOCs in five key areas: learning, activities and tasks, means and resources, interactivity and assessment. It concludes with a series of descriptive , educational and interactive indicators that can be a pedagogical benchmark for future MOOCs. RESUMEN A finales de la primera década del siglo XXI, el rápido aumento de cursos MOOC dibuja un nuevo panorama educativo plan-teando nuevos retos a la enseñanza y al aprendizaje debido, fundamentalmente, a sus características de masividad, ubicuidad y gratuidad. En estos cursos se da una confluencia de mediaciones tecnológicas y pedagógicas aún por explorar en todas sus dimen-siones. Este trabajo, utilizando un instrumento de indicadores educativos e interactivos en un MOOC (INdiMOOC-EdI) de ela-boración propia, se centra en averiguar qué componentes pedagógicos posee la actual oferta de MOOC en lengua hispana, para poder dirimir aquellos elementos dependientes de las plataformas que los soportan. Para ello se realiza una investigación mixta de tipo exploratoria y secuencial que analiza un total de 117 cursos ubicados en 10 plataformas diferentes, utilizando el instru-mento creado y validado a tal efecto. Con la información obtenida se lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido en su vertiente cua-litativa, mientras que con la cuantitativa se efectúan análisis estadísticos complementados con algoritmos propios de la minería de datos. Los resultados muestran que las diferentes plataformas condicionan los diseños pedagógicos del MOOC en cinco aspectos fundamentales: el aprendizaje, las actividades y tareas, los medios y recursos, la interactividad y la evaluación. Se concluye con una serie de indicadores de tipo descriptivo, formativo e interactivo que pueden orientar la pedagogía de futuros Cursos Online Masivos Abiertos.

La educación superior a distancia y el e-Learning en las prisiones en Portugal


Higher Education in Europe has undergone massive changes due to technological advancements and adjustments resulting from the Bologna Process, by which learning should be accessible for all regardless of social exclusion reasons, such as imprisonment. The resulting massification of access to Higher Education requires flexible and inclusive training provision focused on the student. These are the primary aims of Distance Learning at the Open University of Portugal. The aim of this paper is to understand the viewpoints of twenty-six respondents (students, applicants to courses and senior rehabilitation technicians) on the reality of Higher Education in Distance Learning and e-Learning in a Portuguese prison. This study occurs in a context of a non-positivist paradigm, placing the emphasis on the perception of individuals through a qualitative methodology. The results obtained from interviews show that the education process has many weaknesses and limitations mostly due to the lack of facilities, educational and technological resources, and support from teachers. The conclusion is that it is essential to provide better conditions for prisoners receiving this type of education, as it can be an opportunity for obtaining professional qualification and for personal development, thus increasing their prospects of success in the future. RESUMEN La enseñanza superior en Europa ha venido experimentando grandes transformaciones gracias a los avances tecnológicos y a los cambios derivados del proceso de Bolonia, que prevé la creación de condiciones para que todos tengan acceso al aprendizaje, independientemente de factores de exclusión social, como la reclusión. La subsiguiente masificación del acceso a la Enseñanza Superior exige una oferta educativa flexible, centrada en el estudiante e inclusiva: son estas las prioridades de la Educación a Distancia de la Universidad Abierta en Portugal. Este artículo tiene como objetivo conocer las impresiones de veintiséis individuos (estudiantes, candidatos a estudiantes y técnicos superiores de reeducación) sobre la realidad de la Enseñanza Superior en la modalidad de Educación a Distancia y aprendizaje virtual (e-Learning) en una cárcel portuguesa. Este estudio se encuadra en un paradigma no positivista y hace hincapié en la percepción de los individuos, recurriendo a una metodología de carácter cualitativo. Los resultados, obtenidos mediante entrevistas, revelan la existencia de enormes debilidades y limitaciones en el proceso educativo, debido, sobre todo, a la falta de instalaciones y medios, recursos pedagógicos y tecnológicos, y apoyo de los profesores. Se ha concluido que es fundamental crear mejores condiciones de asistencia a distancia en las cárceles, porque esta formación superior puede ser una oportunidad de cualificación profesional y desarrollo personal, que incrementa sus perspectivas de éxito en el futuro.

Obtienen mejores resultados los estudiantes que siguen cursos por Internet que los que siguen cursos presenciales? Reflexiones y breve revisión de algunos resultados empíricos


The increases in the number of online courses given by universities have been quite dramatic over the last couple of years. Nowadays, many universities even give complete degree programs online where instructions and lectures in the form of, for example, streaming videos, are available for students to watch 24 hours a day. In a sense, the use of Internet and Interactive Computer Technologies (ICT) in higher education can be compared to any other type of teaching tool, such as the blackboard and overhead projectors. The motivation for using the Internet and ICT in higher education, from an economic point of view, is if they are more effective as teaching tools compared to any relevant alternative. That is, all else being equal, if the Internet is an effective teaching tool in that students who attend online courses or complete degree programs perform better in terms of marks in the final exam compared to face-to-face students. In this paper we reflect on and summarize some of the empirical findings in the literature on the effects of online teaching on student performance compared to face-to-face equivalents.

Acceso y actitud del uso de Internet entre jóvenes de educación universitaria

Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, 2020

El presente artículo propone identificar la actitud y las prácticas habituales de acceso a Internet entre los universitarios; además de conocer su grado de relación con la edad, género, semestre, carrera y rendimiento académico. Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño correlacional a través de un cuestionario sociodemográfico, y la escala Telephone, Tool, Territory, Treasure of Information y Toy (5T). Participaron 813 estudiantes de una universidad pública de México. Los resultados mostraron que, desde hace varios años, el uso de Internet es masivo entre los universitarios, aunque existen diferencias significativas en cuanto al tipo de contenido al que acceden. Los hombres, los participantes inscritos en segundo semestre y los que tienen 21 años puntúan más alto cuando utilizan el Internet para jugar y como entretenimiento en comparación con el resto de sus compañeros. También se demostró que no existe una relación entre los usos de Internet, edad y rendimiento aca...

Educación online durante el cierre escolar por COVID 19 en España. Percepción del profesorado

Aloma: Revista de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport

Este estudio empírico explora las percepciones del profesorado no universitario sobre la educación online y el uso de las TIC durante el cierre de los centros educativos españoles por la COVID 19. También pretende determinar las limitaciones encontradas en algunos aspectos, y las diferencias de opinión entre el profesorado de distintas etapas educativas. Para ello, se diseñó un cuestionario ad hoc destinado al profesorado de toda España del que se obtuvieron 700 respuestas. Los resultados muestran que el instrumento utilizado es válido, fiable y capaz de discriminar diferentes puntos de vista sobre la educación online en diversos tipos de enseñanzas. Asimismo, revela que la percepción del profesorado sobre la instrucción online no es favorable, siendo más negativa en las etapas obligatorias que en las más vocacionales. Además, la educación online supone una carga de trabajo extra, un coste económico adicional, y lleva aparejadas algunas dificultades derivadas de la falta de contacto...

Actitudes de estudiantes indígenas frente al aprendizaje de inglés a través de un programa virtual: un estudio en una universidad pública colombiana


This article reports an exploratory study carried out at a public university in Bogotá, Colombia, with two indigenous students who took a level I virtual English-course during the second term of 2008 and the first term of 2009. The aim was to analyse their attitudes towards the learning of English through the virtual modality. Interviews, observations and questionnaires were used for data collection. It was found that indigenous students felt frustrated taking a virtual English course, and that their motivation as regards the learning of this language is very low. Thus, they need to be motivated and guided along the process. At the end, some recommendations for teach ing or tutoring indigenous students, learning English virtually or any of the other modalities of the English program at the university were derived.

Online Education in a Public Colombian University

Tenth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, 2017

This article explores an analysis of students’ perception of online courses at Universidad del Atlántico. The sampling in this research is 106 students who have taken Cátedra Universitaria (online course). The principal objective of this research is to identify which elements have impacted the teaching-learning process in an online environment and how this can be reflected in the dropout rate.