A Hybrid System Simulation for Formation Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots : An Application of Artificial Potential Field and Kinematic Controller (original) (raw)
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Formation control of mobile robots
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 2011
In this paper, we study the formation control problem for car-like mobile robots. A team of nonholonomic mobile robots navigate in a terrain with obstacles, while maintaining a desired formation, using a leader-following strategy. A set of artificial potential field functions is proposed using the direct Lyapunov method for the avoidance of obstacles and attraction to their designated targets. The effectiveness of the proposed control laws to verify the feasibility of the model is demonstrated through computer simulations.
An algorithm for formation control of mobile robots
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2013
Solution of the formation guidance in structured static environments is presented in this paper. It is assumed that high level planner is available, which generates collision free trajectory for the leader robot. Leader robot is forced to track generated trajectory, while followers' trajectories are generated based on the trajectory realized by the real leader. Real environments contain large number of static obstacles, which can be arbitrarily positioned. Hence, formation switching becomes necessary in cases when followers can collide with obstacles. In order to ensure trajectory tracking, as well as object avoidance, control structure with several controllers of different roles (trajectory tracking, obstacle avoiding, vehicle avoiding and combined controller) has been adopted. Kinematic model of differentially driven two-wheeled mobile robot is assumed. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed approach.
Formation Control For Wheeled Mobile Robots
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2014
this paper describes work on formation for a group of wheeled mobile robots. Also in this paper we have tried to give the detail information about the kinematics of wheeled mobile robot available in various literatures in a simpler way. We are using car-like mobile robot where the leader mobile robot is controlled to reach the desired position, whereas the follower follows the leader robot with some specific distance and angle. Here we made an assumption that the motion occurs in a 2D space without any obstacle in its path. The basic of kinematic bicycle model for a wheeled mobile robot is used in this work. For controlling the motion of robots we are using fuzzy logic. As we know, Fuzzy logic theory is subdivided into two types, type-1 and type-2. For the motion control of a car-like mobile robot in formation we are using the concept of Interval type2 fuzzy logic (IT2-FL). A new rule base is designed for IT2-FL system and the simulation is done in Matlab environment also the final ...
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International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA) , 2018
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Formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots
2006 American Control Conference, 2006
In this paper, formation control of a group of nonholonomic wheeled robots are considered. By introducing a unified error of the formation and trajectory tracking, state feedback control laws are proposed for formation control with a desired trajectory. Graph theory and Lyapunov theory are used in the control design. After that, by introducing observers, output feedback control laws are also proposed for the formation control. Simulation study shows the proposed controllers are effective.
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications
This paper presents a novel robust and autonomous formation control scheme for wheeled mobile robots in the leader-follower formation control framework considering their non-holonomic constraints. In the proposed formation control scheme, the leader robot of the group plans its path of navigation autonomously in a cluttered environment by employing incremental path planning by modified artificial potential field. Then, the follower robots in the group plan their path in order to follow the leader robot by maintaining a particular formation using the separation-bearing (l-ψ) control. Then the formation control problem has been transformed into a trajectory tracking control problem. The kinematic control component of the tracking controller provides the necessary velocity input for eliminating the non-holonomic constraints, whereas, the sliding mode augmented robust trajectory tracking control component minimises the effects of nonlinearities, model uncertainties, parameter variations, and disturbances. The effectiveness of the proposed control law has been established by simulation studies.
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Applied Sciences
The paper is devoted to the leader–follower approach for multiple mobile robots control and its experimental verification. The formation control of mobile robots is motivated by the concept of virtual leader tracking, which is enhanced by the collision avoidance between the robots proposed in our previous work. The effectiveness of this approach was verified through realisation of experiments with use of MTracker mobile robots. The OptiTrack vision system was used for robots localization. Software part with control algorithms and communication was prepared with use of the Robot Operating System.