Scientific culture from the University. Research competence evaluation of students enrolled in the Summer Science Programs (original) (raw)


La formación de jóvenes investigadores desde la educación terciaria representa una preocupación latente en los centros educativos a nivel global. En ese sentido existen iniciativas, tanto públicas como privadas, que incentivan la cultura científica dentro y fuera del currículum escolar; en México se encuentran los Veranos Científicos (VC). Estos programas de promoción de la ciencia buscan dotar a los universitarios de competencias para la investigación con el afán de su inserción a la producción, generación y transferencia del conocimiento mediante diversas vías: formación científica, estudios de posgrado, colaboración con equipos consolidados de investigación, entre otras, y contribuir al desarrollo social, económico y tecnológico de su región. En tal, esta investigación indaga los niveles de competencia investigativa mostrados en ocho generaciones de egresados de VC de una institución de educación pública del estado de Sinaloa, México. En el trabajo de campo participaron un total ...

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Cultura científica desde la universidad. Evaluación de la competencia investigativa en estudiantes de Verano Científico Cover Page

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Importance of scientific research in university life Cover Page

El Programa de Verano Científico para el área de Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas. Perspectivas estudiantiles sobre la formación en investigación / Summer Science Program for the Area of Social and Administrative Sciences: Student Perspectives on Research Training

Revista Internacional de Aprendizaje en Ciencia, Matemáticas y Tecnología

ABSTRACTTo keep their social influence, universities should be at the forefront in the management of knowledge, research and technological development. However, perform scientific research is one of the most costly and long term activities for institutions of higher education, making it an unattractive activity for young people at this level. The aim of this research were to measure the perception of key indicators pointing as elements that support and/or limit the scientific vocation. The studied population was formed by students who participated in the summer science program call for 2012 in the area of administrative and social sciences. The design of the study was non-experimental transectional descriptive, in which a survey was conducted by academic division students of the area cited, in order to learn about their perspectives on this issue. Results indicate that only 15% of the population under study presented a real interest and 29% does not perceive any limitation. It is co...

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El Programa de Verano Científico para el área de Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas. Perspectivas estudiantiles sobre la formación en investigación / Summer Science Program for the Area of Social and Administrative Sciences: Student Perspectives on Research Training Cover Page

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Improvements in the development of scientific competence in first graders students in a high school in Uruguay Cover Page

Scientific activity evaluation in Cuban universities: Analysis based on Scival (2011-2021)

Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication

Objective. The study aims to analyze indicators of production, collaboration, visibility, impact, and innovation of Cuban universities through Scival during the period 2012-2021. Design/Methodology/Approach. The study design is non-experimental (cross-sectional) and quantitative (descriptive). Eleven Cuban universities were identified in Scival. The indicators were delimited in a time window of 10 years (2012-2021). We analized the results based on 21 indicators covering scientific output, thematic categories, collaboration, visibility, and scientific and patent impact. Results/Discussion. 59.7% of the scientific output is produced by the University of Havana (UH) and the Central University of Las Villas (UCLV). There is a high specialization in engineering and computational sciences. Basic sciences such as mathematics, chemistry and physics are highlighted. 62.1% of the scientific output has been cited. The works’ distribution by journals’ quartiles revealed that 47.3% of the produ...

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Scientific activity evaluation in Cuban universities: Analysis based on Scival (2011-2021) Cover Page

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Measurement of scientific competences in professors of technological higher education Cover Page

Educative evaluative research and the academic program by competences


El presente informe sobre avances de investigación propone el diagnóstico de necesidades situadas, el diseño, y la evaluación de un programa de escritura académica que ayude al estudiante universitario a mejorar las competencias escriturales necesarias no solo para el éxito en sus estudios sino para la vida. El problema de investigación parte del hecho de que los estudiantes que ingresan a la educación superior no cuentan con las competencias suficientes para la escritura de textos académicos. Por otra parte, las metodologías utilizadas por los docentes se caracterizan por la transmisión de conocimiento, y carecen de pedagogías activas, participativas y dialógicas que contribuyan al mejoramiento de las competencias. El objetivo es desarrollar una propuesta teórica desde el constructivismo social que inte- gre las competencias cognitivas, lingüísticas, discursivas, socioafectivas y pedagógicas en un programa de aula para mejorar la escritura académica de estudiantes universitarios y ...

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Educative evaluative research and the academic program by competences Cover Page

The Research Skills from the Program of Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences

Varela, 2018

The strategy of training of doctors is projected from the mission of the Center for Education Studies of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas , to produce scientific knowledge in the area of education, based on academic exchan ge and excellence practices derived from research processes and innovation in national and international scenarios. Therefore, the doctoral program in Pedagogical Sciences is oriented towards satisfying the demands of postgraduate academic training of prof essionals and researchers responsible and committed to the development of education in the territory and with the cultural, political and social development of Cuba and the countries of origin. The objective of this article is to reflect how the development of research skills has been conceived from the Doctorate Program in Pedagogical Sciences in the center mentioned.

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The Research Skills from the Program of Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences Cover Page

Latin American medical students’ appraisal on university scientific research training

Background: Learning research skills should be a goal during undergraduate training of physicians. Aim: To identify Latin American medical students’ appraisal on research skills university training. Material and Methods: A self-administered survey about experience in research, self-assessment of research skills, quality of training in the area received at the university and that importance of publishing as undergraduate students, was answered by 208 medical students aged 23 ± 3 years (54% male), attending a medical students congress. Results: Seventy percent of respondents pertained to medical students’ scientific societies and 34% had published in a scientific journal. Fifty two percent considered as good or very good the training level received at their universities on information retrieval and 45% considered good the training in research methodology. Thirty two percent considered as poor or none the training received in scientific writing and 37% in the publishing process. Eighty nine percent considered student publishing as important and 61% perceived limitations in this matter. Conclusions: The university training level received by Latin American medical students on research and publication process was evaluated as deficient by these students

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Latin American medical students’ appraisal on university scientific research training Cover Page

Characterization of the training of research skills in the career of physical culture in Ecuador

Podium, 2017

In some cases, professors blame research training on the discipline of Research Methodology, oriented at the beginning or end of careers. However, in Ecuador this issue has been little discussed. The present study evidences some difficulties related to the formation of investigative abilities in universities of the Ecuadorian context, specifically the race of Physical Culture. Results are compiled through the application of methods such as documentary analysis (curricula of the main Ecuadorian universities 2014), analysis and synthesis (during the whole process under study) surveys of students and graduates attending the III International Congress of Education Curriculum Planning Physics and Planning of Sports Training, held in Riobamba Ecuador UNACH, in 2014. Likewise, interviews were applied to professionals of the fourth level. In the development is theorized on the state of the art, from the conceptions given by scholars on the subject.

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Characterization of the training of research skills in the career of physical culture in Ecuador Cover Page


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Lines Of Research In Science Education In Colombia Cover Page

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Scientific Research in Cuban Universities and its Characterization from SCImago Institutions Ranking Cover Page

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Developing Knowledge and Competence Through an Academic Research Project Cover Page

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Research competences with ICT in PhD students Cover Page

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The evaluation of scientific research: a theoretical approach from scientometrics Cover Page

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[[Evaluation of competences in scientific writing after two different types of training courses: SCRIU-B study protocol] Cover Page](

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Convocatoria UTD Summer Research Program Cover Page

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Student’s appraisal of the university research training: a preliminary study Cover Page

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 Campos de significación de la actividad científica en estudiantes universitarios Cover Page

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Research at universities Cover Page

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Training of the competence to share scientific information in Academic Social Networks. Cover Page

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Desarrollo de habilidades de investigación en ciencias Cover Page

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Validation and Uses of Scientific-Academic Knowledge: Towards a Community University of Experiential Knowledge Cover Page

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What do Chemistry Teachers Think about School Scientific Problem Solving and Scientific Thinking Competences Cover Page

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Physical contribution to the development of research skills in engineering students Cover Page

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La Investigación Científica en La Formación De Estudiantes Universitarios Cover Page

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La vocación científica de las alumnas identificadas con aptitudes sobresalientes en educación secundaria. Rompiendo mitos / The Scientific Vocation of Students Identified with Excellent Skills in Secondary Education: Breaking Myths Cover Page

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Desarrollo de habilidades Científicas en estudiantes de educación superior: Una mirada desde el enfoque sociocultural Cover Page

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Scientific and research training of cadets studying Medicine career like an educational problem Cover Page

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Scientific Production of Universities in the Field of Physical Education and Education of the Body Cover Page

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Como evaluar la competencia científica Cover Page

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