A sigma model field theoretic realization of Hitchin's generalized complex geometry (original) (raw)
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Generalized Complex Manifolds and Supersymmetry
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2005
We find a worldsheet realization of generalized complex geometry, a notion introduced recently by Hitchin which interpolates between complex and symplectic manifolds. The two-dimensional model we construct is a supersymmetric relative of the Poisson sigma model used in context of deformation quantization. the formalism can be seen as the two complementary pictures of string theory -from the world-sheet and from the supergravity point of view. Pure spinors naturally emerge in the low-energy context, in which, in particular, the above mentioned mirror symmetry proposal was formulated. In this paper, we are going to see how generalized complex structures emerge from the world-sheet point of view.
A brief review of supersymmetric non-linear sigma models and generalized complex geometry
This is a review of the relation between supersymmetric non-linear sigma models and target space geometry. In particular, we report on the derivation of generalized K\"ahler geometry from sigma models with additional spinorial superfields. Some of the results reviewed are: Generalized complex geometry from sigma models in the Lagrangian formulation; Coordinatization of generalized K\"ahler geometry in terms of chiral, twisted chiral and semi-chiral superfields; Generalized K\"ahler geometry from sigma models in the Hamiltonian formulation.
In this dissertation we take the first steps towards a generalization of symplectic topology, which includes e.g. Gromov-Witten invariants and Fukaya categories, to generalized complex geometry. In order to facilitate this, we extend the notion of pseudoholomorphic curves to arbitrary almost generalized complex manifolds. Our ansatz is motivated by instantons in the generalized B-model of topological string theory defined on generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds. It is shown that instantons are not invariant under B-transformations as geometric objects, but only modulo canonical transformations acting on the string super phase space ΠT * LM of M. To establish an invariant notion, we introduce generalized pseudoholomorphic pairs, or abbreviated (E, J)-holomorphic pairs. They consist of a map Φ : Σ → M and an isotropic embedding λ : T M → E. Here (Σ, j Σ) is a compact Riemann surface, (M, J) is an almost generalized complex manifold and (E, q, [•, •], π) is an exact Courant algebroid over M. The almost generalized complex structure J acts on E. "Können wir uns dem Göttlichen auf keinem anderen Wege als durch Symbole nähern, so werden wir uns am passendsten der mathematischen Symbole bedienen, denn diese besitzen unzerstörbare Gewißheit."
Gauged (2,2) sigma models and generalized Kähler geometry
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007
We gauge the (2, 2) supersymmetric non-linear sigma model whose target space has bihermitian structure (g, B, J ±) with noncommuting complex structures. The bihermitian geometry is realized by a sigma model which is written in terms of (2, 2) semichiral superfields. We discuss the moment map, from the perspective of the gauged sigma model action and from the integrability condition for a Hamiltonian vector field. We show that for a concrete example, the SU(2) × U(1) WZNW model, as well as for the sigma models with almost product structure, the moment map can be used together with the corresponding Killing vector to form an element of T ⊕ T * which lies in the eigenbundle of the generalized almost complex structure. Lastly, we discuss T-duality at the level of a (2, 2) sigma model involving semi-chiral superfields and present an explicit example.
Topological amplitudes in heterotic superstring theory
Nuclear Physics B, 1996
We show that certain heterotic string amplitudes are given in terms of correlators of the twisted topological (2,0) SCFT, corresponding to the internal sector of the N = 1 spacetime supersymmetric background. The genus g topological partition function F g corresponds to a term in the effective action of the form W 2g , where W is the gauge or gravitational superfield. We study also recursion relations related to holomorphic anomalies, showing that, contrary to the type II case, they involve correlators of anti-chiral superfields. The corresponding terms in the effective action are of the form W 2g Π n , where Π is a chiral superfield obtained by chiral projection of a general superfield. We observe that the structure of the recursion relations is that of N = 1 spacetime supersymmetry Ward identity. We give also a solution of the tree level recursion relations and discuss orbifold examples.
Wess–Zumino sigma models with non-Kählerian geometry
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2003
Supersymmetry of the Wess-Zumino (N = 1, D = 4) multiplet allows field equations that determine a larger class of geometries than the familiar Kähler manifolds, in which covariantly holomorphic vectors rather than a scalar superpotential determine the forces. Indeed, relaxing the requirement that the field equations be derivable from an action leads to complex flat geometry. The Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism is used to show that if one requires that the field equations be derivable from an action, we once again recover the restriction to Kähler geometry, with forces derived from a scalar superpotential.
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Cohomological analysis of bosonic D-strings and 2d sigma models coupled to abelian gauge fields
Nuclear Physics B, 1998
We analyze completely the BRST cohomology on local functionals for two-dimensional sigma models coupled to abelian world-sheet gauge fields, including effective bosonic D-string models described by Born-Infeld actions. In particular we prove that the rigid symmetries of such models are exhausted by the solutions to generalized Killing vector equations which we have presented recently, and provide all the consistent first order deformations and candidate gauge anomalies of the models under study. For appropriate target space geometries we find nontrivial deformations both of the abelian gauge transformations and of the world-sheet diffeomorphisms, and antifielddependent candidate anomalies for both types of symmetries separately, as well as mixed ones. (~) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.