Effectiveness of Inquiry Based Learning Method to Increase Students Critical Thinking Speaking Skill Sma Parulian 2 Medan (original) (raw)

Inquiry-Based Learning: An Attempt to Enhance Students’ Speaking Performance

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2019

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate how the Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) strategy can improve the speaking skills of the tenth graders of SMAN 1 Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang. This collaborative classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. The result of this study revealed the average speaking score was 76.69. So, it has met the first criterion of success that 100% of the students get equal or more than 70. Considering to the result of the questionnaire toward the students’ attitude after joining the implementation of the teaching strategy, 84% of the students had good respond to the implementation of IBL. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti bagaimana strategi pengajaran menggunakan Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa kelas X di SMAN 1 Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas secara kolaboratif ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai ber...


JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics & Literature)

This research is aimed at finding out to what extent IBL strategy can affect students speaking ability and to find out the significant of IBL strategy on students speaking ability. The populations of this study were all students in second grade at SMAN 7 Bengkulu. The samples of this study were 30 students on one class of second grade at SMAN 7 Bengkulu Selatan. This study used quasi-experimental study with one group design in order to test hypotheses. The study was conducted by pretest, the treatment in three meetings by using IBL strategy and posttest to the students. The instruments of this study were pretest and posttest. The result of this research showed that there were increasing scores of students speaking ability from 40,27 to 51,33, the increasing scores covered in; vocabulary aspect (13,54), grammar aspect (10,67), fluency aspect (7,33), and pronunciation aspect (12,67). The conclusions of the study were: firstly, IBL strategy affected students speaking ability with avera...

The Impact of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology (ICONIST 2019), 2020

Critical thinking skills are fundamental skills possessed by students to adapt to the external challenges of 21st-century. Then research on the effect of the implementation of inquiry learning models on students' critical thinking skills. This study was categorized as a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this research is 224 students are divided into seven different classes. The sample selected by using cluster random sampling technique and selected 2 classes. The instrument of critical thinking consists of 6 essay questions given by an individual on material temperature and heat. Critical thinking test first through the validity test by experts. Critical thinking skills tests are given at the beginning and end of learning. Hypothesis testing is done by independent t-test. Before testing the hypothesis, the normality and homogeneity of the data are tested as a prerequisite for the parametric statistical test. This indicates that there is a difference in the critical thinking skills of students who take the inquiry learning model from students who learn to use the non-inquiry learning model. The inquiry learning model applied in the experimental class aims to train students in finding a concept related to temperature and heat.

The effect of the inquiry-based learning approach on student's critical-thinking skills 1

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of an activity set developed according to the inquiry-based learning (IBL) approach in the unit " Particulate Structure of Matter " on students' critical-thinking skills in science and technology courses. The study was conducted with 90 students from the 6 th grade attending four, 6 th grade secondary school classes. Within the framework of the study, in order to evaluate the effects of IBL approach on the students' critical-thinking skills in science and technology courses, the guided activity set was developed by the researchers in line with the IBL approach. In this study, pretest and posttest control group experimental designs were applied. The findings of the study revealed that science and technology learning supported with the guided activities developed in line with the IBL approach have significant effects on students' critical-thinking skills in science and technology courses.

The effect of the inquiry-based learning approach on student’s critical-thinking skills

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2016

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of an activity set developed according to the inquiry-based learning (IBL) approach in the unit "Particulate Structure of Matter" on students' critical-thinking skills in science and technology courses. The study was conducted with 90 students from the 6 th grade attending four, 6 th grade secondary school classes. Within the framework of the study, in order to evaluate the effects of IBL approach on the students' critical-thinking skills in science and technology courses, the guided activity set was developed by the researchers in line with the IBL approach. In this study, pretest and posttest control group experimental designs were applied. The findings of the study revealed that science and technology learning supported with the guided activities developed in line with the IBL approach have significant effects on students' critical-thinking skills in science and technology courses.

The Influence of Socratic Questioning Technique and Students Critical Thinking toward Their Speaking Competence at SMA Negeri 11 Ambon

Ethical Lingua : Journal of Language Teaching and Literature. Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo, 2018

This study is aimed at 1) describing the students' speaking competence and 2) students critical thinking skill; 3) finding out the positive and the significant difference in speaking competence between the students who were taught by using Socratic Questioning Technique (SQT) and those who were taught by using Information Gap Technique (IGT); 4) finding out the positive and the significant differences in students speaking competence between those who had high and low critical thinking; and 5) finding out the positive and significant interaction in students speaking competence between teaching techniques and the critical thinking skill. A quasi experiment method (pre-posttest non-equivalent control group design) through the 2 × 2 factorial designs used to represents an independent variable and a dependent variable with different level of thinking. The results showed that there were significantly differences in speaking ability between students who had high critical thinking and those who had low critical thinking. The value of R was 0.840 with interval correlation (0.80 – 1.00) meaning coefficient correlation was very strong and significant in linear regression or gained regression criteria in addition there was a positive and significant interaction in speaking competence between teaching techniques and critical thinking skill.

Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students Critical Thinking Skill

Journal Of Biology Education

This study aims to analyze the effect of the inquiry learning model on students' critical thinking skills, analyze the magnitude of the influence of the inquiry learning model based on education levels, namely SMP and SMA and analyze the magnitude of the effect of using the inquiry learning model based on grade level, namely VII, VIII, X and XI. Fourth, analyze the influence of the use of the inquiry learning model based on the topics of Biology and Science learning materials being taught, namely the Excretory System, Volcanoes, Digestive Systems, Cells, Ecosystems, Circulatory Systems and Environmental Pollution. The method used is meta-analysis, which analyzes 10 articles within a period of 3 years from previous research. The technique used is a meta-analysis technique with descriptive analysis method by analyzing several articles of accredited national journals. Research data collection is done by searching for articles with the help of Google Scholar. The effect size value i...


https://ojs.fkipummy.ac.id/index.php/elp/article/view/768, 2023

The success of speaking ability is influenced by various factors, and one of them is students' critical thinking. The application and improvement of students' critical thinking skills in learning English are considered important. This study aims to examine the correlation between students' critical thinking skills and their speaking ability. The researcher employed a quantitative approach using the correlation method. The sample consisted of students from STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh enrolled in the academic years 2017, 2018, and 2019. Questionnaires were distributed to 25 students to assess their critical thinking skills, while a speaking test was used to evaluate their speaking ability. The collected data were subjected to a normality test, revealing that the critical thinking skills data were normally distributed, whereas the speaking ability data were not. Data analysis was conducted using the Spearman-rho test in SPSS 2016. The obtained results showed that the significance value was 0.536 (> 0.05), and the coefficient score was 0.133 (< 0.2). Therefore, this study found no significant correlation between students' critical thinking skills and their speaking ability. Consequently, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected, while the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. Based on the result, it was not relation for English students departtment of STKIP Abdi Pendidikan to enhance their speaking abilty with critical thinking, but the students realize that one of factors of speaking is critical thinking.

The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Studentsr Critical Thinking Skills


Critical thinking is one of the 4C skills of the 21 century have to be mastered by students to analyze the phenomena of science and think for the well-being in the world. Some factors are argued as the key points to nurture the skill, such as the learning strategies, and the content of learning which should contextually and inquiry-based presented. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the module which was designed based on the inquiry-lesson to improve the students' critical thinking skills. Subjects were selected from the biggest Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic High School) and credited as ―A‖ in Magetan District, East Java Province, Indonesia. This study was conducted in the academic year of 2016–2017. All eleventh-grade classes from the selected school were randomly selected to find out the two homogeneous classes for control and experiment class. A test for critical thinking was constructed based on the indicators by Facione. The independent t-test experi...

Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills of Students of Class X Mia Man 3 Kota Padang Panjang Using Guided Inquiry


Education is an effort to develop students in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills in a social environment in which interaction occurs between students and educators. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of knowledge competencies, attitude competencies and skills competencies of students by using a guided inquiry model. The research subjects were class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The design of this study uses classroom action research. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle of which was held 3 times. The results of this study indicate that the average score of knowledge, attitudes and skills of students of class X MIA has increased. The first cycle obtained an average of 77.87%, while in the second cycle there was an increase of 82,49%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the students' critical thinking skill...