Switched Capacitor Signal Conditioning for Push-Pull Type Capacitive Sensors (original) (raw)
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A Capacitance-to-Time Converter-Based Electronic Interface for Differential Capacitive Sensors
Electronics, 2019
In this paper we present an oscillating conditioning circuit, operating a capacitance-to-time conversion, which is suitable for the readout of differential capacitive sensors. The simple architecture, based on a multiple-feedbacks structure that avoids ground noise disturbs and system calibrations, employs only three Operational Amplifiers (OAs) and a mixer implementing a square wave oscillator that provides an AC sensor excitation voltage. It performs a Period Modulation (PM) and a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of the output signal proportionally to the sensor differential capacitance values. The sensor variation range and the detection sensitivity can be easily set through the additional resistors. Preliminary PSpice simulation results have shown a good agreement with theoretical calculations as well as a linear response with a high detection sensitivity of differential capacitive sensors having a baseline in the range [2.2 ÷ 180 pF]. Moreover, different experimental measurements h...
On the Design and Optimization of a Switched-Capacitor Interface Circuit for MEMS Capacitive Sensors
In this paper a switched-capacitor (SC) interface circuit that is intended for MEMS capacitive sensors is proposed and designed. In the proposed architecture, both correlated double sampling (CDS) and chopper stabilization (CHS) noise reduction techniques are applied to the interface circuit to reduce the amplifier offset and low frequency noise. The effects of parasitic capacitances between the sensor and its interface circuit which are usually larger than the sense capacitances are carefully analyzed and used to optimize the readout performance. In other words, by analyzing the circuit offset and noise performance in presence of these parasitic capacitances, the suitable values of the circuit parameters such as sampling frequency, chopping frequency, and amplifier unity gain bandwidth are calculated. In comparison to the circuit using only CDS or CHS technique, the resolution variation of the proposed readout circuit is less than laF in presence of parasitic capacitances varying up to 20 pF.
A low cost switched-capacitor interface for capacitive sensors
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - IMTC '95, 1995
Thk paper describes a new Imu-cost electronic interface to process signals generated by capacitive sensors. Design criteria and accuracy evaluation have been presented by means of a theoretical apparatus. Exfended experimental tests confirmed these results showing the excellent ratio between performance and costs of the system Specific applications of this work can be found in extended arrays of sensing elements qpical of robotic applications.
Analysis of the Switched-Capacitor Dual-Slope Capacitance-to-Digital Converter
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2010
A dual-slope capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) that operates on the elements of a differential capacitive sensor and provides a digital output that is linearly proportional to the physical quantity being sensed by the sensor is presented and analyzed in this paper. The converter topology is so chosen that a linear digital output is obtained for not only a sensor possessing linear input-output characteristics but also a sensor possessing inverse characteristics. The digital output in the proposed converter is dependent only on, apart from the sensitivity of the sensor, a dc reference voltage. Hence, high accuracy and linearity are easily obtained by employing a precision dc reference. Since the proposed CDC is based on the popular dual-slope analog-to-digital converter structure, it possesses all the advantages (resolution, accuracy, and immunity to noise and component parameter variations) and limitations (requirement of auto-zero and low conversion speed) applicable to the dual-slope technique. A prototype built and tested for a typical differential capacitive sensor with a nominal capacitance value of 250 pF gave a worst-case error of less than 0.05%.
Sensors, 2019
This article focuses on a proposed Switched-Capacitor Dual-Slope based CDC. Special attention is paid to the measurement setup using a real pressure sensor. Performance scaling potential as well as dead zones are pointed out and discussed. In depth knowledge of the physical sensor behavior is key to design an optimal readout circuit. While this is true for high-end applications, low-performance IoT (Internet of Things) sensors aim at moderate resolution with very low power consumption. This article also provides insights into basic MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System) physics. Based on that, an ambient air pressure sensor model for SPICE (Simulation-Program-with-Integrated-Circuit-Emphasis) circuit simulators is presented. The converter concept was proven on silicon in a 0.13 μ m process using both a real pressure sensor and an on-chip dummy MEMS bridge. A 3.2-ms measurement results in 13-bit resolution while consuming 35 μ A from a 1.5-V supply occupying 0.148 mm2. A state-of-the...
Linear Integrated Interface for Automatic Differential Capacitive Sensing
In this work, the authors introduce a new full-analog front-end for differential capacitance sensors which provides a DC output voltage, directly proportional to the measurand variations. The readout circuit architecture is based on a De Sauty bridge as core of the capacitive sensing whereas the feedback circuitry performs the bridge autobalancing operation by means of changes in a multiplier output. The circuit is designed in a standard CMOS technology (AMS 0.35 µm) so is suitable for portable systems. Simulated results have shown a good agreement with the theoretical model being the percentage relative error less than 2.5%. Interface sensitivity is constant and values around 0.055 V/mm for the considered application.
Single Supply Differential Capacitive Sensor with Parasitic Capacitance and Resistance Consideration
2018 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE), 2018
A single supply differential capacitive sensing technique is presented in this paper with the focus of parasitic integration. In real application, any capacitive sensor should consider parasitic in its measurement. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of capacitive and resistive parasitic to the network circuit. The derivation theory of the differential capacitive sensor circuit is elaborated first. Then, comparison is made using simulation. Test was carried out using frequency from 40 k Hz up to 400 kHz. Result is presented and have shown good linearity of 0.99984 at 300 k Hz, R-squared value. Future application is expected to be used for capacitive sensor that is making use of energy harvesting application.
A Simple Analog Interface for Capacitive Sensor with Offset and Parasitic Capacitance
— In this paper, a simple but efficient analog interface circuit for floating capacitive sensor is presented. In most of the capacitive sensor, the offset and parasitic components are associated with the sensor and varies with the measurand. In these sensors, the change in the sensor capacitance due to measurand can be very small but having a relatively large offset capacitance in parallel and also the value of parasitic capacitances are not constant and varies with measurand. Hence, the error due to offset and parasitic components will propagate in the output which will degrade the performance of the sensor system. The proposed analog front end circuit accepts these types of sensors and provide an output voltage proportional to capacitance change due to measurand. A prototype board has been developed and tested for different values of of the parasitic and offset capacitance by varying the variable sensor capacitance. The circuit validate the theoretical expectation and without any visible effect on output voltage on offset and parasitic capacitance. The worst case error for all taken cases are found to be within 1%. In order to test the validity of proposed interface circuit in real time application, a capacitive humidity sensor is fabricated and tested with the proposed circuitry. The interface circuit found to be working well with humidity sensor in the range of 30 to 90% RH.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2018
This paper presents a low-power, high-precision capacitance-to-voltage converter (CVC) for grounded capacitive sensors. To measure very small capacitance variations in the presence of a large offset capacitance, a new zoom-in structure is proposed. The major non-idealities of the CVC such as the settling error, charge injection, and parasitic capacitance of the switches are minimized through an optimized design. Accordingly, it is shown that the zoom-in technique can significantly reduce many of these errors. The effect of the parasitic capacitances around the sensor capacitance is significantly reduced by using a switched-capacitor-based active-shielding technique. The interface is designed as an integrated circuit using a standard 0.18-μm CMOS technology. Simulation results show that for a sensor capacitor with a nominal value of 10 pF, variation of only 200 fF, and parasitic capacitance of up to 20 pF, a worst-case capacitance error of 0.2 fF can be achieved by taking into account the layout mismatches and the interconnection effects. The achieved latency is 100 μs, and the CVC consumes only 80 μA from a 2-V power supply. The simulated input capacitance resolution for this latency is 123 aF, which is quite close to our calculated resolution (126 aF). This resolution corresponds to an energy efficiency of 9.82 pJ/Step. A temperature sweep simulation has been performed over the temperature range from −45°C to 125°C to demonstrate the small thermal drift of the designed circuit. KEYWORDS capacitance-to-voltage converter (CVC), grounded capacitive sensor, switch, zoom-in technique 1 | INTRODUCTION Nowadays, displacement measurement systems with high accuracy are increasingly used in industrial applications. 1-3 Laser interferometers used to be the only tools available for high performance displacement measurements. However, they are power-consuming, bulky, complex, and very expensive, while also being incapable of measuring absolute position in most cases. 4 By improving the interface electronics, small displacements can be measured with very high resolution and precision using eddy-current and capacitive sensors, instead of interferometers. 5 Eddy-current sensors are popular in contaminated environments, 6 while for more advanced applications capacitive sensors are preferred. 7,8 Thus, the focus of this study is a capacitive method for displacement measurement. Depending on how the capacitive sensor is connected to the electronic interface circuit, the interface principles can be categorized as (1) capacitive sensors with a grounded target electrode 9-13 ; (2) capacitive sensors with an active target
An Interface Circuit for &@-Accuracy Signal Processing of Differential-Capacitance Transducers
For high-accuracy signal processing of differential-capacitance transducers, an interface circuitry is developed. The architecture is based on the idea that the ratio of one of the transducer capacitances to its total capacitance represents the offset binary equivalent of the physical quantity under measurement. An opamp-based capacitance-to-voltage converter is commonly used for capacitance detection and an analog-to-digital converter is used for the ratiometric operation. A circuit analysis shows that the interface can detect the capacitance change as small as 0.01 % of the total capacitance. Experimental results are also given to confirm the analysis.