The Assessement of factors that affect the growth and success of Micro and Small Business Enterprises. A case of Gurage Zone three selected Woreda. (original) (raw)
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ABSTRACT This study aimed at identifying the major problems that are associated with the growth and success of MSEs specially focuses on trade, services, manufacturing, construction and urban agriculture sectors in Gurage zone three selected Woreda. In the study, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in order to achieve the objective of the study. Primary data was obtained using questionnaires, unstructured interviews and personal observations. The information gathered through questionnaire from a sample of 140 operators and face-to-face interviews were conducted with MSEs operators. Secondary data was also collected from books, journals, past research works, official documents and the internet. The respondents of MSEs operators were selected by using of Stratified sampling techniques from the study area. Besides, the interview questions were analyzed using descriptive narrations and summation of different respondents’ point of views. The analytical strategy used based on the assumptions developed by previous studies. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social (SPSS) for measure of central tendency and dispersion, Pearson’s Product moment correlation Coefficient and multiple regression analysis. On the basis of the findings, the major problems facing the MSEs operators in Gurage zone are lack of finance, lack of management skills and previous industrial experience, lack of sufficient working premises, lack of infrastructural facilities, lack of proper marketing skills and lack of conducive working environments. The results of the findings further indicate that there exists positive strong significant relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. Finally, the selected independent variables may significantly test the variations from the dependent variable at 1% level of significance. Based on the results of the findings, recommendations are forwarded to operators of MSEs , to government bodies and for the other researchers. Key words: Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), Factors, Growth and Success.
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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in national economic development. MSMEs play a role in economic growth and employment as well as in the distribution of development results. The objectives of the study are: (1) To identify the potential of the area in Celawan Village, Pantai Cermin District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province, and (2) Formulate the MSME strategy and development program in Celawan Village. Data collection techniques used are using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation study. The method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The benefit of this idea is expected to be able to help the community, government, researchers and academics in planning the latest programs that contribute greatly to the State. Therefore, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in the local local economy in driving economic activity to the international level. In the framework of im...
This study focuses on the problems facing the development of the small-scale business industries at Esikhawini in Kwazulu Natal Province. The first chapter brings forth the primary information about the smallscale business as it started in other countries does. It came to South Africa with the missionaries from Europe. Via the Mediterranean Sea as their route until eventually reached Africa exchange of commodities begun. The African continent has generally poor infrastructure and because of illiteracy Europeans came to exploit African minerals and took Africans into slavery. All that missionaries introduced was their concern with literacy and religious instructions Missionaries failed to develop an African entrepreneur class. In chapter two-literature review shows that there are many problems that hinder the development of the small-scale business industries that could not be developed the government. Other authors reveal that the government failed to attend some of the problems because of the lack of skills for running the small-scale business. The geographical location of the business, as some of the business is located far from the source of raw material is another factor. The competition among the smallscale business further made them not to support the communities. Thus resulted in the decline of the small-scale business industries. Chapter three of the study reveals the purposive sampling method that was used in this study. It is because of its appropriateness to the study, that the data collection wasdone using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires comprises both close and openended questionnaires. They were distributed among the workers and the owners of the small-scale business industries In chapter four the data collected was analyzed using tables and the pie charts, in the data analysis the researcher found that the small scale business industries at Esikhawini were owned by the single untrained people, which contributes to their decline. Most of them know nothing about the running of the business and there is a lot of competition among these business which is a further hindrance to the development of this industry. TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIENTATION OF THE sruDY Declaration Acknowledgement Dedication Abstract CHAPTER ONE PAGES i ii Hi iv 1.1 Historical background on the development of the small-scale business industries 1-9 1.2 Statement of the problem 9-10 1.3 Aims of the study 10 1.4 Motivation 10 1.5 Geographic area of study 10-11 1.6 Research methodology 11. 1.7 The value of the study 12 CHAPTER lWO 2. Theoretical framework and literature reviews 13 2. Theoretical consideration 13 2.1 Traditional development theory 13-14 Ability to accumulate capital 14 Hirschman hypothesis of labour production 15-17 2.1.2 Theory of derived development 18 The motive force 18-19 The process 19-20 Goals 20 Consumption oriented development 20 2.1.3 The Balance Growth Theory 21-23 2.1.4 The Import Substitution Theory 23-24 2.1.5 The Theory of Mass Production and Advanced Technology 25-26 2.1.6 Modernization Theory 26-29 2.1.7 Dependency Theory 29-33 2.2 The problems fadng the development of the small-scale. business industries in: 34 2.2.1 United Kingdom 34 The Regional problem 34 The Political System of the United Kingdom 35 The Management problem 35-36 Inadequate funding 36 Aexibility 36 Specialization Marketing know-how Teething problems PAGES 37 37 37-38 2.2.2 Japan 38-43 2.2.3 Italy 42-43 Social value 43 2.2.4 France 43-45 small business Problem of planning The problem of policy making Problem of expansion The influence of big business Problem of organization Problem of administration The absence of trade unions on the small-scale Business Industries Retrenchment and unemployment Migration and immigration Small firms in the modernization process 2.3.6 The transformation of technology in the process of industrialization 2.3.7 Vocational education 2.3.8 The role of non governmental organizations in supporting and developing the small-scale enterprises sector 2.3.9 Managers problems Inadequate records Cumulative losses Lack of Tax knowledge. Expansion beyond resources Inadequate coSt analysis Lack of productive development Lack of product diversification Lack of information about customers Failure to diversify markets. Lack of market research Continued polides of bankruptcy. Legal problems Lack of administrative coordination Absentee of management Absentee of management Internal conflict Government regulations Lack of quality control and planning Lack of skilled managers Personal recruiting difficulties Capital shortages Lack of demand Raw materials and supplies 2.3.10 Problems fadng uhuru chickens 2.3.11 Hypothesis 2.3.12 Definition of terms 2.3.
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The primary goal of this investigation was to look into the elements that were influencing the development of MSEs in Kurmuk Woreda. To do this; the researcher used a stratified random sampling technique, categorizing the entire target population according to the business sector in which they were active. The sample size was determined using the Yamane sample size determination formula, and it was 134 out of a total population of 200. Explanatory research was used for the study, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. Primary data was gathered from MSE owners and managers via a questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Both the interview question and the survey were qualitatively evaluated using SPSS version 27. A Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were also used by the researcher. According to the data gathered, there is a considerable correlation between the development of MSEs and government support services, infrastructure, financing, entrepreneurship, management, and market linkage. Infrastructure, management, financing, entrepreneurship, and government laws, regulations, and assistance were identified as major factors influencing the growth of MSEs from the regression analysis. According to the report, there should be improvements made to infrastructural facilities, financial access, owner management abilities, governmental regulations, and support services to promote the expansion of MSEs.
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Dire Dawa managment anf Kaizen institute
This research aims to investigate factors that are determining the growth of MSEs on wood and metal, garment, food processing and shoe and leather sectors in the case on manufacturing small enterprises in dire dawa city administration. For the sake of achieving the objectives of this study, Likert-scale type and multiple choice questionnaires was analyzed using appropriate host of statistical methods such as descriptive and inferential analyses. The information assembled through questionnaire from a population of 42 small manufacturing enterprises and face-to-face interview for 20 representative or owners of the enterprises. The empirical study elicited eight major challenges which seem to affect performance of manufacturing small enterprises in city. Descriptive findings revealed that marketing, working premises and financial factors respectively were found the three top most severe problems that challenged the MaSEs sector in GTP1 period. Similarly, the inferential analyses output also indicated that marketing, working premise, finance and technological factors are the decisive determinants for the performance of MaSEs at 5% level of significance. Likewise, standardized beta coefficient exhibited that marketing factors followed by working premise and technological factor respectively were found the top three positive significance factors in the performance of the enterprises. Both inferential sand descriptive finding revealed that managerial and entrepreneur's factors were found the least determinant and problems for the growth of employment in the city administration .Whereas, infrastructure factors found to be moderately significance factor at 10%level of significance.