Immunologic Functions in Chronic Active Hepatitis (Cah) of Childhood (original) (raw)

Calcium anacardate as growth promoter for piglets at the nursery phase

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2017

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the dietary inclusion of calcium anacardate on the performance, diarrhea incidence, blood parameters, intestinal morphometry, and pH of gastrointestinal contents in piglets from 21 to 42 days of age. Sixty weaned Topigs piglets, with initial weight of 6.049±0.311 kg, were distributed in the following treatments: diet with or without antibiotic growth promoter (zinc bacitracin) and diets supplemented with increasing levels of calcium anacardate (0.4, 0.8, and 1.2%), with six replicates and two animals per experimental unit. No differences in performance (21 to 42 days of age), blood parameters, and villus height:crypt depth ratio were found between piglets fed diets containing calcium anacardate or antibiotic growth promoter. The replacement of the antibiotic growth promoter zinc bacitracin by calcium anacardate results in similar performance in piglets from 21 to 42 days of age, without changes in blood parameters and in the villus height:crypt depth ratio. The dietary inclusion of calcium anacardate does not decrease diarrhea incidence compared with the antibiotic zinc bacitracin. Index terms: anacardic acid, intestinal morphometry, organic acids, phenolic compounds, post-weaning, zinc bacitracin. Anacardato de cálcio como promotor de crescimento para leitões na fase de creche Resumo-O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inclusão do anacardato de cálcio em rações para leitões, dos 21 aos 42 dias de idade, sobre desempenho, ocorrência de diarreia, parâmetros sanguíneos, morfometria intestinal e pH dos conteúdos gastrintestinais. Foram avaliados 60 leitões desmamados da linhagem comercial Topigs, com peso inicial de 6,049±0,311 kg, distribuídos entre os seguintes tratamentos: rações com ou sem antibiótico promotor de crescimento (bacitracina de zinco) e rações contendo doses crescentes de anacardato de cálcio (0,4, 0,8 e 1,2%), com seis repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Não foram observadas diferenças no desempenho (21 a 42 dias de idade), nos parâmetros sanguíneos e na relação altura de vilosidade/profundidade de cripta entre leitões que receberam ração contendo anacardato de cálcio ou antibiótico promotor de crescimento. A substituição de antibiótico promotor de crescimento bacitracina de zinco pelo anacardato de cálcio resulta em desempenho semelhante de leitões dos 21 aos 42 dias de idade, e não altera os parâmetros sanguíneos e a relação altura de vilosidade/profundidade de cripta. A inclusão de anacardato de cálcio na ração não diminui a ocorrência de diarreia em comparação ao antibiótico bacitracina de zinco. Termos para indexação: ácido anacárdico, morfometria intestinal, ácidos orgânicos, compostos fenólicos, pós-desmame, bacitracina de zinco.

Differences in calcium absorption and kinetics between black and white girls aged 5-16 years

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2009

To assess racial differences in calcium (Ca) metabolism, we measured Ca absorption and kinetics in 89 girls (38 black and 51 white) aged 4.9-16.7 years using a dual-tracer stable isotope technique. We found significantly greater rates of fractional (0.44 2 0.13 vs. 0.25 f 0.08, p < 0.0001 1 and total calcium absorption (406 2 142 vs. 234 +-82 mgfday,p < 0.0003) in black than in white postmenarcheal girls. Fractional absorption of Ca was also greater in black than in white premenarcheal girls (039 +-0.14 vs. 0.30 4 0 . 1 0 ,~ = 0.01). Fractional absorption of Ca was more closely correlated to Ca intake in white (r = -0.42, p = 0.002) than in black girls (r = -0.25, p = 0.14). Urinary Ca excretion was significantly lower in pre-but not postmenarcheal black girls than in white girls. Calcium kinetic values associated with bone calcium deposition were greater in black girls, indicating a greater rate of bone Ca deposition in both pre-and postmenarcheal black girls. These results suggest that the greater bone mass accumulated during childhood and adolescence in black than in white females is due, in part, to greater rates of Ca absorption in black girls. Address reprint requchts to: Strvcw A . Ahrutus. M. I). Children i Nutrition Re.scarch ('cwtc~r Stable Istttopc. La borutoty 1100 Ratc,.s Strc.c?i Houston TX 770.W

The Effect of Dietary Calcium Loading on Some Heamorheological Parameters of Albino Wistar Rats

Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine , 2019

The effect of dietary calcium loading and it's haemorheological changes in albino rats were determined using different methods, depending on the different haemorheological parameters studied. Westergren tubes was used to determine Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), microhaematocrit centrifuge was used in the determination of Pack Cell Volume (PCV), while Sahli Haemoglobinometer tube was used to determine the hemoglobin concentration (HB) of the blood. Blood samples were collected into EDTA bottles. 15 albino wistar rats of average weight of 300g were randomly divided into three groups of A, B and C, with each group containing five rats. Group B and C were feed on salt loading diet (2, 4, 6 and 8g calcium chloride diet) and their haemorheological parameters were compared to the control on normal rat diet for a period of eight weeks. Blood samples were obtained from the tail of the rats and the haematocrit, erythrocyte and packed cell volume were determined in both groups. Blood samples were analyzed within 2 hours of collection. The result showed significant increase in haematocrit value (PCV) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), although not too significant. There was a significant increase in hemoglobin concentration in rats on salt loaded diets compared to control (P<0.05)This study shows that increase in these haemorheological parameters in association with chronic salt loading, hence suggest a role played by chronic salt ingestion in the etiology of hypertension.

Isoleucine requirement of pigs weighing 8 to 18 kg fed blood cell-free diets

Journal of Animal Science, 2013

The aim of the present study was to determine the minimum requirement of Ile in young pigs, enabling feeding of balanced low-CP diets. Most previous studies have used experimental diets that included blood cells, which are particularly high in Leu and known to antagonize the utilization of Ile. One week after weaning at d 28, 100 crossbred female pigs weighing 7.9 ± 0.7 kg were allocated to 1 of 5 dietary treatments. Diets were formulated to contain 1.15 g standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys/MJ NE and were free of blood cells. The SID Ile was 0.42, 0.47, 0.53, 0.58, and 0.62 relative to Lys. The other indispensable AA were supplied according to requirements. Representative samples from the 5 diets were analyzed in 4 replicates at 3 different laboratories. The pigs were fed ad libitum and individually housed in 7 identical rooms during a 21-d period. At d 0, 7, 14, and 21, the pigs were weighed, and feed intake was determined. At d 15, blood samples were collected from the jugular vein to determine the plasma urea and free AA content. There were differences among the 3 laboratories in the analyzed content of several AA, and also Ile and Lys showed a large variation within the diets, which may cause variation in published requirement estimates. The concentration of Ile in plasma increased linearly (P < 0.01), and Lys in plasma decreased linearly (P = 0.02) with increasing SID Ile:Lys. A tendency for a linear decrease in plasma concentration was found for Thr (P = 0.10). Both ADFI and ADG were reduced when Ile was supplied above the Ile requirement estimate. Quadratic regression curves on ADFI, ADG, and G:F all showed the maximum at 0.52 SID Ile:Lys. Modeling with 2-sloped quadratic-broken line curves showed the maximum at 0.50, 0.53, and 0.54 SID Ile:Lys for ADFI, ADG and G:F, respectively. In conclusion, the average estimation of requirement in this dose-response study using blood cellfree diets was 0.52 SID Ile:Lys during a 21-d experimental period from 8 kg BW.

Free amino acids in plasma, red blood cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and muscle in normal and uraemic children

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2002

Background. The aims of this study were to investigate free amino acid (AA) concentrations in plasma, red blood cells (RBC), polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMN), and muscle, sampled at the same time, in normal and uraemic children. Methods. Twelve apparently well-nourished chronically uraemic children (five females) aged a mean of 9.4"4.8 (range 1.7-17.7) years and 13 age-matched normal children were studied. Venous blood and muscle samples for AA analyses were taken simultaneously after an overnight fast. Results. The intracellular AA patterns in the three cellular compartments were qualitatively similar, but the absolute intracellular concentrations were higher in muscle than in PMN, which had higher values than in RBC. The AA patterns in plasma, RBC, PMN, and muscle in the uraemic children have many similarities; typical features being low branched-chain AA (BCAA), tyrosine, and serine concentrations and variably high concentrations of some non-essential AA. Among the individual AA, there were only few correlations between their concentrations in the three cell compartments. Conclusions. The lack of correlation between the concentrations in RBC, PMN, and muscle for most of the AA indicates that there is no close association in the same subject between individual free AA concentrations in various types of cells, presumably because of differences in metabolism and function. Consequently, one should be cautious in assuming that AA concentrations, determined in RBC or PMN, reflect the concentrations in muscle cells. Therefore, these preliminary observations do not support the hypothesis that RBC and PMN AA analysis can be considered as a suitable alternative to muscle AA determination.

Assessment of some biochemical and hematological parameters Children with hepatitis B and C

central asian journal of Medical and natural Science, 2023

The study showed that there is a noticeable difference in the average values of hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), and white blood cells (WBCs) among children infected with hepatitis C compared to the control group. This distinction is statistically significant, with a p value of less than 0.01. However, when children with hepatitis B are compared with the control group, no significant difference is observed".