Character Education Model for Primary School Students based on Javanese Ethnolinguistic (original) (raw)

Teaching Character Education to Primary School Students through Javanese Ethnolinguistics

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017), 2017

Globalization as the most powerful phenomenon of the present time is widely contested for its positive and negative outcomes. To Indonesian context, particularly to the Javanese, it brings more negative impacts than the advantages causing the decrease of primary school students' character as seen from their disobedient to be the observance of their own indigenous culture and ethics. The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of Javanese ethno-linguistics intervention to the character of primary school students. This research used qualitative method. There were 60 lower primary school students (class IV) taken as the subject of the study. They were from four Elementary schools at Central Java. The research had been conducted for three months. The data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. The data were triangulated and analyzed by using Miles and Huberman techniques. The results showed that after giving ethno-linguistic treatment for three months teaching the students through Javanese song, Geguritan (Javanese poems), macapat (Javanese hymne) and geguritan competitions, and various Javanese literacy activities, the students show positive changes of their characters. They show more appreciation to others; they love their indigenous heritage, have good manners, use kromo alus (the most polite style), and become more obedient to their parents. These results are so much different from their characters before the treatment. It can be concluded that the ethno-linguistic approach can improve students' characters.

Character Education Model For Junior High School Students Based On Java Ethnopedagogic

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020

The primary aim of this paper is to find an effective and efficient character education model for Javanese ethno pedagogy junior high school students. The Javanese teachings used are the teachings of one of the educational leaders in Indonesia who come from Javanese society, namely Ki Hajar Dewantara, who reads Ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madyo mangun karso, tut wuri handayani. Data collection uses qualitative methods that are case studies by conducting observations, in-depth interviews, FGDs, and documents. The results were analyzed using the stages of category collection, direct interpretation, searching for category equivalence and naturalistic generalizations. The research subjects were teachers and students of grade 1 junior high school. The results showed that character education for Javanese Ethno pedagogy-based junior high school students was carried out in several stages, namely, training, mentoring and supervision for teachers and through modeling, habituation, KBM, extra...

Implementation of Character Education at Elementary School Level in Sulawesi, Indonesia


This study aimed to describe the implementation of character education conducted at elementary school in Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study used descriptive qualitative research approach with the use of interview and questionnaire to collect the data. There were headmasters, teachers, and students from eight regions of Sulawesi to participate in the study as the research participants. Four character values were used to be the focus of the present study namely honesty, intelligence, care, and tenacity. Seven stages of character education strategy were used including giving assignment, habituating, training, teaching, guiding, modelling, and conditioning. Results showed that seven out of eight schools had implemented character education along with the seven required strategies, so that the students had been accustomed with the four character values that became the focus of the study. Another result depicted that one school in Central Sulawesi had not been successful in implementing three...

The National Character Education Paradigm in the Indonesian language instructions

Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 9), 2017

The cultural-based nation character education in the elementary school is aimed at implementing the education in its nature that is developing the human potential of students for their roles in the future. This national character education integratively combines the generic and specific potentials to solve and to face the problems of life. The value-based life-skills education in the elementary school is underlying the behaviour, characteristics, and attitude that is based on the succeed of students' future life. The giving of universal values such as honesty, respect, manners, hardworking, tolerance, and others become the core study for teachers' insights during their friendly interaction with students, for that reason, education in schools are so consciously designed and managed that the instructional process for students evoke the attitude and behaviour learning through the nation character education. Many inhibition factors that are faced by the school in implementing the education, internally in the school or externally especially in understanding and teacher's competence in developing nation character education. It is all because not only a simple thing to change teachers' paradigm in implementing the managing model of conventional learning that been rooted in their teaching attitude. The finding shows that (1) according to the analysis of Indonesian Language SK-KD, the national characters evoke in terms of loving to read, patriotism, respecting others, tolerance, friendship, caring for others, communicative, religious, honesty, discipline, creative, perseverance, confidence, curiosity, bravery, and critical; (2) the character values are not explicitly stated yet in the Lesson Plan for many kinds of elementary schools; (3) in the religion-and multicultural-based schools, the character implementation has been planned and accustomed in the class and school environment; (4) in the religion-and multicultural-based schools, teachers' behaviour in implementing the character values is routinely done, conditioned, and customization. The research was held in four elementary schools in Bandung that were set purposively, by considering the paradigm, the school vision and mission, including the conventional elementary school (Pasirkaliki), religion-based elementary school (Muhammadiyah), potential elementary school (Sukarasa), and Multicultural elementary school (Slamet Riyadi). The research was focused on the analysis of SK-KD, Lesson Plan, and learning observation as well as interviewing the teachers.

Character education management in public junior high school 14 Manado, Indonesia

International journal of applied research, 2020

Good character education management needs to be developed based on the principles of character education, in implementing character education strategies that must be designed systematically, both concerning learning interactions, classroom management, utilization of character education resources, and assessment of character education. Therefore we need adequate knowledge and skills in character education management procedures for the related components. The problem still appears in the character education process in junior high school 14 Manado is that character education management has not yet been implemented. It can be seen from the not yet implemented character education planning procedures, procedures for implementing character education and character education evaluation procedures. This research will use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a process of research and understanding based on methodologies that investigate social phenomena and human problems. This re...

Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020), 2021

Education is the most important aspect in a person's life. Through education, a person can be seen as respectable, have a good career and can behave according to the norms. Besides that, education also has a very important role. With high education, a person can have a good job, live a good life and improve his social status. Higher education will able to change a person's behavior and character to be better. This study aims to determine the implementation of character education at Sumbawa Besar Regency. The approach used in this research was qualitative research, since it was focusing on the understanding of social phenomena from the perspective of the participants. Data collection techniques used in the study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusion or verification. In order to obtain the validity of the data so that will obtain the valid findings, it is necessary to examine its reliability by using technical triangulation and source triangulation. The results of this study are that planning for character education in Sumbawa has been arranged by the principal and then the teacher is instructed to make a syllabus and lesson plans to insert those values in the learning process. The implementation of character education in teacher learning activities inserts some character values in the learning process. Furthermore, the most common characters that implemented in learning processes are religious, honesty, discipline, responsibility, and hard work.

Strengthening Character Education in Formal Education Units Based on Minister Regulation of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia (Study at Public Alementary School Pakong 1, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency, Indonesia)

International journal of social science and human research, 2022

Indonesia is one of the countries that has experienced difficulties in implementing public policies, one of which is the implementation of the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2018 concerning strengthening character education in formal education units at Public Primary School Pakong, Public Primary School Pakong 1 is a school that is very much a role model. for other schools at Public Primary School Pakong 1, but in fact children in Pakong sub-district have characters that are still less than the standard of good character, this can be seen from the way the children communicate, whose language is not appropriate for their age. Therefore this research was conducted. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The theory he uses is the theory of public policy implementation from George Charles Edward III. With theoretical indicators, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The results of this study are true that the implementation of the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2018 concerning strengthening character education in formal education units at Public Primary School Pakong 1, Pakong District, Pamkeasan Regency. It can be seen from the four indicators of the theory of public policy implementation, namely the communication carried out is still not optimal, because the community and parents of students still do not understand about strengthening character education. Existing resources are also still lacking due to competent human resources but are not juxtaposed with complete facilities such as school fields, and prayer rooms. The disposition at Public Primary School Pakong 1 is also still lacking, this can be seen from the desire of the implementers in the implementation of strengthening character education to be carried out only with minimal standards and not maximized. The bureaucratic structure at Public Primary School Pakong1 is good but still requires strengthening and consistency from each implementer.

Charactered Education in Learning Indonesian Language in the High School: Case Study in SMAN 1 Surakarta, Indonesia

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences

Character education is the focus of Indonesian education nowadays as people in Indonesia is experiencing a negative character shifting. In order to change negative character, character education should be taught to the young generation through the integration of the character education at school. This study aims to determine the ways of integrating the value of character education in the lesson plan and the process of Indonesian language learning in the high school. This study employed a case study method by implementing a qualitative approach. This research was carried out in State Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Surakarta, Indonesia. The technique of data collection comprised of observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of this study shows that SMAN 1 Surakarta infuses character education in Indonesian language learning. The character values, which are integrated to the lesson plan, are respect, discipline, care, courage, responsibility, justice, honesty, helping each oth...

The Implentation of Character Education through the School Culture in Sma Negeri 1 Dompu and Sma Negeri Kilo Dompu Regency

Journal of Literature Languages and Linguistics, 2014

This study aims to describe: a) the implementation of character education through the school culture in SMA Negeri 1 Dompu and SMA Negeri 1 Kilo, Dompu Regency and b) the impacts of the implementation of character education through the school culture in those two schools.This was a qualitative study employing the naturalistic approach, carried out in SMA Negeri 1 Dompu and SMA Negeri 1 Kilo. The data were collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and documents. They were analyzed by adapting the interactive model, consisting of three recurring and continuous activities, namely data reduction, data display, and data verification/conclusion drawing.Based on the research findings, the following conclusions are drawn. 1) The development of the school culture to build character in SMA Negeri 1 Dompu, consisting of planning, implementation, supervision, and evaluation, runs well. The implementation of character education through the school culture in SMA Negeri 1 Dompu runs well, supported by the school personnel and school committee. SMA Negeri 1 Dompu carries out a lot of activities to develop the school culture that the students adopt. Meanwhile, in SMA Negeri 1 Kilo, the planning of the school culture development is good but the implementation, supervision, and evaluation are not good enough. The implementation of character education through the school culture in SMA Negeri 1 Kilo does not run smoothly due to the lack of the school personnel's support and the school committee's support and the lack of activities to build the school culture. The difference in the conditions of the implementation of character education through the school culture between SMA Negeri 1 Dompu and SMA Negeri 1 Kilo depends very much on the principals' roles. The roles of the principals as leaders are capable of building a positive school culture. 2) The impacts of character building through the school culture are, among others, manifested in: a. caring cleanliness; b. beauty and tidiness c. religious service obedience; d. conformity to the rules; e. mutual respect, politeness, and family like relationship; f. honesty and responsibility; g. togetherness; h. tidy document filing and educational infrastructure; and i. stakeholders 'participation and involvement. Keywords: character education, school culture. A. Background In line with the development of science and technology, culture and structure changing dynamics Indonesian society as a whole experienced a fantastic change. The values of the communities began began slowly abandoned or likely to eliminate moral values and character that has been built by the structure and culture of the people. These changes have underlying patterns of social life not only on the adults but also among youth has penetrated the fabric of life including students. The crisis experienced by the character of the Indonesian nation is now located at a very alarming nature sincere, noble, noble, honest, courtesy, and responsibility are eroded instantly replaced with a sense of anxiety, violence, behavior contrary to the values, beliefs, norms, religious customs prevailing in the society, nation and state of Indonesia. Images of the character crisis that hit the Indonesian nation is not only happening in one multi-dimensional but multidimensional even institutions. Ary Ginanjar Agustian (Zuchdi, et al, 2009: 35-37) noted some important points related to the portrait of Indonesia today. First, as many as 42.3% of high school students in Cianjur have had sex outside marriage. According to them, the sex was done as they liked, and some even have multiple partners. The research was conducted Annisa Foundation (AF) in July-December 2006 against 412 respondents from 13 middle and high schools as well as private land. Even more disheartening is apparently as much as 90% of them understand the religious values. Secondly, in Indonesia is estimated to occur each year 2 to 2.6 million abortions or 43 abortions occur for every 100 pregnancies, 30% of which is expected to be done by people aged 15-24. This information is based on data from the World Health Organisation (WHO: World Health Organization). Third, the gang at SMAN 34 (SMA model and idol in Jakarta) put through torture junior students. The senior students who are members of the gang are also frequent bullying. The emergence of the crisis character not only occur at the national level but also at the local level including Dompu district, it can be observed from the cases that occurred in the district Dompu example, in 2005, there was another incident jab fights between individual teachers at SMAN 1 Kilo due to incorrect an individual teacher hit the student who happens to have a family relationship with a person other teachers. In April 2009, the students of SMK Negeri 1 Woja damage school facilities and teachers pursue; event was triggered by the high

Character education trend in Indonesia

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2022

Character education is an educational concept to form and foster a Muslim personality as a whole (syumuliyah). This literature study aimed to determine the implementation of character education and supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of character education in formal schools in Indonesia. Data analysis techniques by means of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Based on research findings, the trend of implementing character education in Indonesian formal schools has the same spirit in the content of character education. In formal schools with the status of public schools, the implementation of character education follows government regulations as stated in the Strengthening of Character Education (SCE), which is an implication of Islamic teachings. As for formal schools with private status on an Islamic basis, character education tends to be oriented towards cultivating akhlakul karimah (moral education) combined with government regulations. The implications of this research lead to the cultivation of character values that are embedded in social attitudes and spiritual attitudes as provisions for students' daily lives. The supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of character education are also discussed.