Strengthening Character Education in Formal Education Units Based on Minister Regulation of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia (Study at Public Alementary School Pakong 1, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency, Indonesia) (original) (raw)
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Character education policies in Indonesia Photo in Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education which explains the main values of strengthening character education, namely religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation and integrity. The issuance of a national policy as the basis for the implementation of education in Indonesia does not necessarily make its implementation run smoothly, this is due to the lack of understanding of the character education policy and its development model in various educational units and the lack of collaboration between stakeholders in implementing the character education policy. This research can also be used as a mainstay to support the main strengthening of other Character Education; one of them is the Principal and Teacher of PAI in the junior secondary education unit in Karawang Regency; which incidentally is the locus of this research. PIE; as subjects that should be connected with Character Education appear to be separate running entities. This research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the development of character education policies implemented by educational units based on existing regulations. This research is expected to provide recommendations and research guarantees in the form of a compatible and relevant character education policy development model and is applied to junior secondary education units in Karawang Regency.
Character education management in public junior high school 14 Manado, Indonesia
International journal of applied research, 2020
Good character education management needs to be developed based on the principles of character education, in implementing character education strategies that must be designed systematically, both concerning learning interactions, classroom management, utilization of character education resources, and assessment of character education. Therefore we need adequate knowledge and skills in character education management procedures for the related components. The problem still appears in the character education process in junior high school 14 Manado is that character education management has not yet been implemented. It can be seen from the not yet implemented character education planning procedures, procedures for implementing character education and character education evaluation procedures. This research will use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a process of research and understanding based on methodologies that investigate social phenomena and human problems. This re...
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