Development of business management to expand the market and increase the competitiveness of MSMEs (original) (raw)
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Implementation of Operational Management for MSME Business
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
The purpose of this writing is as a tool to find out what entrepreneurship means, because in a general sense, an entrepreneur is a person who carries out business activities that are characterized by intelligence or talent in recognizing new products, determining new production methods, arranging operations management for procuring new products, marketing them, as well as manage its operating capital. In addition to understanding the meaning of entrepreneurship, what must be owned by an entrepreneur in building his company. Then another goal is to find out what operational management is in the MSME business. Operational management itself has a meaning as a business area that focuses on the production process, as well as ensuring that maintenance and development take place effectively and efficiently. Operational management itself has the benefits and objectives of changing or transforming various resources owned by a large or small company, namely to organize and manage materials, p...
MSME Development Strategy in Central Maluku Regency
Daengku, 2024
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the economic sectors that can support the regional and national economy. In addition to having a contribution to GDP, it can also absorb labor. The condition of MSMEs in Central Maluku still has various weaknesses such as capital, marketing and human resources, so there needs to be an appropriate development strategy. The purpose of this study is to determine the development strategy of MSMEs so that their contribution to the economy can be more optimal. The method used is the SWOT method which identifies various strengths, and weaknesses owned as well as opportunities and threats faced. The results showed that the right strategy to develop MSMEs in Central Maluku Regency is an aggressive strategy or growth strategy.
AdBispreneur, 2016
The implementation of "business not as usual" on the MP3EI 2011-2015 was held to optimize the potential of regional commodities that can increase the regional values. This research was conducted to search for the potential of UMKM in developing the potential commodities of Lampung province. The problems related to the commodities development consists of setting up the potential commodities which as based on the production copacity, so that it is difficult for those local governments to stimulate the coomdities development. The research method was qualitative method and data collected through literature reviews and analysis of competitive advantage. The results of the research were 1) there are high potential of UMKM development, 2)UMKM should be developed in accordance with the local culture and regional commodities, 3) UMKM plays an important role in solving the social problems such as creating employment, 4) the development of human resources, technology, capital, marketing, information and management plays an important role in the development micro business, 5) the natural resources, human resources, and the world market in the global era would be a high potential if it is designed and the initiation strategy consists of the government network, NGO, private institution, individual and groups, which is managed effectively.
Mapping the economic potential of MSMEs to develop the BUMDes business
Community Empowerment
The main objective of this program is to identify Lorok Village's economic potential and to educate the target audience about the design of the BUMDes business development strategy for maximizing Lorok Village's economic potential. This program was attended by eleven BUMDes administrators from Lorok Village, Kabal Island, Tanjung Pule, and Payakabung, as well as ten Lorok Village officials. Counseling about mapping Lorok Village's economic potential and organizing a network of cooperation and marketing as a management strategy, as well as question and answer activities, is the method used. As a result of this program, BUMDes business managers are better able to understand the economic potential of Lorok Village and gain a better understanding of BUMDes business development strategies.
Developing HRB to ensure sustainable business growth
Success in achieving the organization's performance in many companies often happens because of the luck factor which is owned by the company on that team members have the ability that is in harmony with the other members, and they can work together to complement each other shortcomings of other team members. Problems will arise in the form of a continuous decline in performance from year to year, when two (2) or more members of the organization team is no longer a member of the organization team due to various reasons. Delays to realize that sustainable business growth will be achieved through the establishment, empowerment and the existence of the Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) resulted in Top Level Management and shareholders should take policy measures, "whether to retain the business by using the maximum effort?" or "whether the business run better liquidated because of actions for performance improvement resulting in depletion assest of the company?"
Business management training for MSMEs GRD Frozen Food
Community Empowerment
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in increasing people's income in Junjungan Hamlet. One of them is the MSME GRD Frozen Food, which is able to employ a large number of people from the surrounding area. However, because these MSMEs haven't marketed digitally and haven't kept track of their finances, their business management isn't ideal. The purpose of this program is to implement social media marketing and simple bookkeeping using Excel. Socialization, training, and continuous assistance with marketing and accounting books are all used to achieve these objectives. The results of the activity show that the MSMEs of GRD Frozen Food are capable of using Instagram for marketing and of compiling simple bookkeeping, both manually and electronically.
Strategy for Launching Msme Business Products
Akrab Juara : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, 2022
This research aims at research methods used qualitative methods with reference to product launching strategies. Data collection techniques through interviews with similar companies and Product Launching experts. The results of the analysis show that there are 9 product launching strategies, obviously: 1.
Managing Business on Global Market Competition
The success of a business run by the organization depends on the success in managing and empowering the four main factors; capital, human resources, products and services, which the management and empowerment should be integrated, so that businesses can achieve successful run in line with the strategic objectives of the organization. The problems most frequently encountered and perceived is the leader's ability to function as a manager and empower 4 (four) the main factor, not done in an integrated manner, so that the growth target that has been set can not be achieved and the defeat in the face of global competition can occur.
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peningkatan kinerja UMKM setelah mendapat kucuran kredit, mengetahui alternatif perencanaan strategi yang tepat dalam pengembangan UMKM, dan mengetahui prioritas strategi pengembangan UMKM di Kabupaten XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk menguji peningkatan kinerja UMKM setelah mendapat kredit, Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity dan Threat (SWOT) untuk perencanaan alternatif strategi dan Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) untuk penentuan prioritas strategi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan pada omset penjualan dan keuntungan usaha setelah mendapat kucuran kredit, namun pada jumlah tenaga kerja mengalami peningkatan yang tidak signifikan setelah mendapat kucuran kredit. Strategi pengembangan yang dapat diterapkan pada UMKM Kabupaten XYZ yaitu penetrasi pasar dan pengembangan produk. Prioritas strategi pengembangan yang dapat diterapkan UMKM di Kabupaten XYZ adalah melakukan inovasi produk yang diolah, menjaga dan mempertahankan kualitas produk dan meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana pengembangan UMKM.
Management Style SMEs Development of Wooden Batik Centre
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Industrial centers are often used as places for small and medium enterprise (SMEs) development activities and sources of regional income. This includes wooden batik centers in the DIY Province, namely in Putat Village, Gunung Kidul Regency, and Sendangsari Village, Bantul Regency. However, the development activities of SMEs in industrial centers in Indonesia were not optimal, one of the reasons is the management strategy. Therefore, this article contains a comparative study of management styles of development activities, using qualitative research methods, with multiple cases. The results showed that there was a different management style of SMEs development activities in the wooden batik center, where the management style of the wooden batik center SMEs development activity in Putat Village which was applied by the management of Kopinkra Sumber Rejeki Makmur as a center development institution was authoritarian, so the management system tends to be closed. In contrast to the manag...