Skill Analysis Through Mobile Application (original) (raw)
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Improved Understanding of Student Concepts and Skills in Volleyball Learning through Mobile Learning
Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2020
The development of information systems that is increasingly influential in various aspects of life, one of which is the world of education. One result of the development of information technology that can be utilized in education is mobile learning (M-Learning). The use of M-Learning in volleyball learning at the elementary school level is still rarely developed and used. Though this media can be a means of supporting education can make the learning process active, creative and innovative. M-Learning can enhance learning activities so that it can foster enthusiasm and student motivation. This can help improve students' understanding and volleyball skills which include volleyball, service, passing, and set-up techniques. The research method used is a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent control group design. The results showed that M-Learning can improve student understanding and student skills in volleyball learning. M-Learning can improve learning communication betwee...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021
The learning model used is based on the material provided and adapted to the situation and conditions in the field. There needs to be a game modification so that students can actively participate in learning volleyball games. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of the small side games learning model on the mobile phone application to increase student participation in physical education. The research method used was an experiment with a control group. Participants involved in the study were 84, subjects in the experimental group are 42 (26 male and 16 female), subjects in the control group are 42 (17 male and 28 female). Instrument in this study include: observation, questionnaire, and forearm pass test. Data analysis used in this study using Excel 2019 by testing the difference in mean (t-test). Number of active students during physical education learning in the control group is 28 students and inactive 14 students. The number of active students during physical education learning in the experimental group was 37 students and 5 students inactive. The results of the effectiveness test show that the learning model of small side games is better for improving volleyball forearm pass skills with the results obtained for t0 7.884 and ttable 1.292 db 82 and α = 0.05. Although this study only focuses on learning basic skills forearm pass volleyball in high schools and there is no control during the effectiveness test, it can be concluded that this application in mobile learning based small side game forearm pass volleyball can be used to increase participation and basic skills of volleyball. Besides, it’s easier for teachers or students to receive material either face-to-face or long distance. This study highlights the benefits of SSG because the mobile learning application contributes to the teacher in making lesson plans and as pupils study guide application for implementing small side games in physical education.
Model Development of Digital Based Volleyball Under Service Skills Instruments
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2020
The purpose of this research is to develop a digital-based volleyball service skills test instrument. The research method used is research and development which adopts Borg and Gall theory which has 10 stages of development. The research subjects numbered 28 male. The results of this development research are the 12 subject small-scale trials getting an average value of 82% the category of "Good / feasible" to proceed to the large-scale trial phase volleyball players and daughter. Data collection uses observation, questionnaire, interview and test. The results of 16 subject large-scale group trials obtained an average value of 85.3% in the category of "Good / decent" which means that the digital-based volleyball under service skills test instrument was "feasible" to proceed to the stage of tool implementation. The conclusion from the results of the development of a digital-based volleyball under service skill game instrument "Eligible" is used as a tool to measure the technical ability of volleyball players.
The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of video analysis on the selected skill performance variables of school level badminton players. For this study twelve school level male badminton players were randomly selected from Ramakrishna Mission Sports Academy Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. They belonged to the age group of 11 to 17 years. The subjects were tested to find out short serve and long serve. The selected twelve badminton players were under gone the video analysis through Sports motion cameras and software at practice session. The researcher has done the training on two days a week, for six weeks. All twelve players were tested by selected performance variables at before and after completion of six weeks of training. The pretest, posttest were analyzed by ‘t” ratio. The level of significance for the study was chosen as 0.05. The study revealed that the above said criterion variables were significantly improved due to the influence of video analysis of school level badminton players. Key words: Badminton,video analysis, short serve and long serve.
The multiplication of sports talent is an early part in the coaching of each sport. Volleyball talent scouting test instruments are needed in the early stages of coaching so that no mistakes occur in the future. This research aims to develop a model of data processing test guidance and development of sports talent volleyball based on android. The research was conducted using research and development methods. Focus group discussion was conducted by involving 15 volleyball material experts and 3 media experts. As for the large sample using 10 volleyball experts and 3 IT experts who. The results of the study based on the assessment of material experts and media experts by 96% and 96.79% are very good categories. Field trials with population are children aged 12 14 years and a sample of 60 people (30 sons and 30 daughters). Based on the results of effective and efficient test products of 91% worth to use and no need for revision. The conclusion of this study is that android-based test a...
International Journal of Advanced Sport Sciences Research, 2013
This research aims to Organize a computer teaching program to teach the students (The experimental group) the serve and preparing skills of volley ball activity. And to acknowledge the effect of computer technology teaching program on learning the researched skills and improving satisfaction motor. And to know which is the best method (computer technology program or traditional one) to teaching the skills above and satisfaction motor. The study thesis's are there is an effect of computer technology program on learning the serve and preparing skills and improving satisfaction motor of volley ball activity. There is virtue by using the computer technology program compared with the traditional method to learn the skills and improving satisfaction motor concerned. The researchers used the experimental study in this, 30 students non-experiment volley ball game were the subjects in this study. They were assigned into two groups, group A (n-15) served as a experimental group ,which used the computer teaching program, and group B (n-15) served as controlled group, which using traditional method. Both groups were tested pre & post training program which lasted for 12 weeks, three times a week, and the results were analyzed statically, as well. Both groups continue their regular training program. The researchers found the following: The experimental group developed significantly greater than control group of learning the serve & preparing and improving satisfaction motor. The computer teaching program had an effects on the group which achieved it.
The Need Analysis of Interactive Multimedia Program as the Medium for Volleyball Subject
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019), 2020
Based on the results of preliminary observations, researchers found that, in the training process, students had not used a multimedia approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of need in volleyball exercise. The research method used was descriptive qualitative method. The subjects and objects of this study were 60 students who participated in the student activity unit for volleyball sports. The place for conducting this research was IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The results showed that: 1) The trainer had never used an interactive multimedia approach in the training process, 2) The exercise model of the volleyball used had not varied, 3) It is necessary to develop various volleyball skill training models, 4) There is a need for a multimedia-based volleyball skill training model.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019), 2020
This program aimed to build and stabilize knowledge, understanding, and skill of volleyball coaches in applying volleyball information system (VIS) based volleyball playing performance assessment program. As much as 40 volleyball coaches were participated in this program that were spread in 24 Cities or Districts in West Java. The outcomes of this program were; (1) Instrument model which could be applied by volleyball coaches to measure athlete's capability when facing VIS based competition; (2) Coaches who have knowledge, understanding, and skill in analysing athlete's performance while playing with VIS based performance assessment program; (3) Coaches who have knowledge, understanding, and skill in interpreting data of VIS based performance assessment for this could be a good feedback for the athlete's performance. After holding training, the results showed that in general, coaches got enlightenment about assessment process while playing volleyball using VIS software. About 60% of the participants had not known about VIS based assessment process and the rest 40% of the participants had known the VIS based assessment process yet still not able to apply it with VIS software. Therefore, the conclusion of this submission program was that it gave affect positively on the knowledge and understanding of the coaches in assessing the athletes' skills while playing. Thus, it is expected to having the ability to analyse the data from assessment to become a meaningful feedback for every student, athlete, and even for coach.
Development of Technical Learning Media Multimedia Based Volleyball in SMP Negeri 3 Satu Atap Gebang
Journal Physical Education, Health and Recreation
This research is motivated by the fact that learning volleyball at school is still mostly conventional, such as learning activities at school are still centered on the teacher. The objectives of this study are: To determine the feasibility of Interactive Multimedia-Based Volleyball Learning Media for Junior High School students. This study uses the Research and Development model using the ADDIE development model which includes (1) Analyze , (2) Design , (3) Develop , (4) Implementation . and (5) Evaluate (Evaluation). After this learning media is used in the implementation stage, the learning media is declared fit for use as teaching materials in schools with an average acquisition score of material experts of 3.6 and an average acquisition score of media experts of 3.6, an average acquisition score of trials the moderate group is 3.7 and the student response as a user is 3.8 so that the feasibility of the learning media developed falls into the "very good" category.
Development of SMASH Skills Training Model on Volleyball Based on Interactive Multimedia
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM)
SMASH's skill is a technique that can be done by a person in a hard swooping towards your opponent to produce numbers. Interactive multimedia technology is expected to be a guideline for athletes in looking at more variation models of SMASH. The aim of development research is to produce an interactive multimedia volleyball playing skill training model. The method used in this research is development research design by Borg and Gall. The approach used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative approach. This study is hoped to improve volleyball skills by looking at the interactive multimedia volleyball playing practice model. This study concludes that interactive multimedia-based volleyball skill playing model can be used in the actual application of exercises.