İranli Göçmenleri̇n Di̇n Deği̇şti̇rmesi̇nde Etki̇li̇ Olan Sosyal Ve Psi̇koloji̇k Faktörler: İzmi̇r Örneği̇ (original) (raw)
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Journal of Humanity and Society (Insan & Toplum), 2023
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İranlı Mültecilerin Toplumsal Uyum Süreci ve Sosyal Sermayenin Etkisi: Denizli Kenti Örneği
İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2022
The fact that individuals or societies who have decided to immigrate receive information from previous nomads, contact them, and establish various relations networks during and after the migration process helps to avoid some risks that immigrants will experience and reduce costs. It is clear that like every immigrant community, Iranian refugees also go through similar processes. People affected by the policies implemented by the Islamic Republic of Iran prefer the migration route. Denizli is one of the satellite cities where transit refugees are settled and determined within the framework of Turkey's migration policies in the Iranian migration movement, where Turkey is a transit country. However, due to the changing immigration policies of the United Nations and other countries, Iranian immigrants could not go to third countries and were left in limbo in Denizli. On the other hand, recent migrations also take place with the intention of settling in Turkey. The chaotic situation in question brought along a process of social cohesion in Denizli, sheltering for many years and creating a subpopulation in the city. This study aims to reveal the social capital and relationship networks of Iranian refugees, who sheltered in Denizli and formed a sub-population with heterogeneous contents, during the pre-migration, migration process and postmigration social cohesion processes. For this purpose, qualitative research method was used, and data were collected through in-depth interviews with 14 Iranians, who were reached through snowball sampling in total, through a semi-structured interview form. In the results of working; the existence of differences in social capital and relationship networks of Iranians who migrated to Denizli many years ago and Iranians who migrated recently has been determined and it has been revealed that these differences affect the social adaptation process.
Bölgeleri̇n Kalkinmasinda Li̇manlarin Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇: İzmi̇r Örneği̇
Bölgesel Kalkınma Dergisi, 2023
Limanlar erişimi güçlendirmeleri, üretimi ve ticareti desteklemeleri, ekonomik ve sosyal canlılığı artırmaları gibi faydaları ile bölgesel kalkınma açısından özel öneme sahiptir. Kadim bir liman şehri olan İzmir bugün 16 liman ve 92 milyon ton yük elleçleme miktarı ile büyük bir liman bölgesidir. Ancak uzun dönemli gözlemlere ve yaşanan gelişmelere rağmen, İzmir limanlarında elleçlenen yükün Türkiye içindeki payının azalma eğilimini işaret etmektedir. İzmir'in liman altyapısı ve liman hizmetlerine dair deneyiminin değişen koşullar içinde daha ileri nasıl taşınabileceğine odaklanan bir strateji çalışması İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı tarafından yapılmıştır. Analiz ve katılımcılık zemini üzerinde geliştirilen ve alanında ilk bölgesel çalışma olarak değerlendirilen İzmir Limanları Mevcut Durum Analizi ve Gelişim Perspektifi; TCDD İzmir Limanı'nın canlandırılması, Aliağa limanlarının güçlendirilmesi, Çandarlı Limanı'nın rüzgar enerjisi ekipmanları taşımacılığı üzerine ihtisaslaşması ve tüm liman bölgesinin liman otoritesi modeliyle etkin biçimde yönetilmesi önerilerini içermektedir. Bu makalede, bölgesel kalkınmada limanlara öncelik veren bir anlayış ile İzmir Bölgesi özelinde yapılan çalışmaların liman ve kalkınma literatürü ile bağlantılı biçimde aktarılması amaçlanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar Türkiye' de liman bulunan bölgelerde limanların güçlendirilmesine ilişkin çalışmaların bölgesel ekonominin gelişimi açısından rol oynadığını, nitelikli analizler ve katılımcılık süreçleri ile hayata geçirilecek doğru politikaların uzun vadede liman kaynaklı gelir, iş ve katma değer artışlarına katkı sağlayabileceğini ortaya koymuştur.
Akışkan Kırılganlıklar Ekseninde İranlı Mülteciler: Emek ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet
fe dergi feminist ele
İçinde bulunduğumuz küresel çağ, çok katmanlı göç süreçleri üretmekte ve mültecilik son zamanlarda en yaygın göç formu olarak dünya gündemindeki yerini almaktadır. Risklerle örülü ve akışkan özellikler gösteren geç kapitalizmin göçmenler için yarattığı çeşitli dezavantajlar, kadın ve LGBTİ bireyler başta olmak üzere mültecileri daha derinden etkilemektedir. Göçün küresel bağlamıyla oluşan yeni toplumsallıklar, bireylerin çalışma ve gündelik yaşamdaki kişisel deneyimlerine sızarak öznelliklerini dönüştürmektedir. Bu araştırma sözü edilen gerçekliklerden yola çıkarak Sara Ahmed'in kırılganlık ve Zygmunt Bauman'ın akışkanlık kavramları ilişkiselliğinde, Denizli'de yaşayan İranlı kadın ve LGBTİ mültecilerin çalışma ve gündelik yaşam pratiklerini analiz etmektedir. Araştırmanın temel iddiası, kırılganlığın ve akışkanlığın birbirlerine eklemlenmesinin, mültecilerin göç, göçmenlik, gündelik yaşam ve mülteci işçi deneyimlerini biçimlendirerek onlara yeni öznellikler kattığıdır. Çalışma kapsamında nitel araştırma yöntemiyle 13 İranlı mülteciyle yarı yapılandırılmış, derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın temel bulgusu, kadın ve LGBTİ mültecilerin hem göç süreçlerinin hem de Denizli'de askıya alınmış yaşamlarının tamamlanmamış, kırılgan ve kopuşlar içeren bir yapıya sahip olduğudur. Anahtar Kelimeler: mültecilik, toplumsal cinsiyet, emek, akışkanlık, kırılganlık Iranian Refugees in the Context of Liquid Fragilities: Labour and Gender The global age we live in generates multi-layered migration processes and asylum seeking takes its place in the world's agenda. Various disadvantages created by late capitalism, which is woven with risks and has fluid characteristics, affect refugees, especially women and LGBTI individuals, more deeply. New communities formed by the global context of migration transform their subjectivity by penetrating into individuals' personal experiences in working and daily life. Based on the aforementioned realities, this research analyzes the working and daily life practices of Iranian women and LGBTI refugees living in Denizli, in relation to Sara Ahmed's fragility and Zygmunt Bauman's liquidity concepts. The main argument of this research is that the combination of fragility and liquidity imputes new subjectivities to refugees by shaping their migration, daily life, and refugee worker experiences. Within the scope of the study, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 13 Iranian refugees using qualitative research method. The main finding of the research is that both the migration processes and the suspended lives of women and LGBTI refugees in Denizli are incomplete, fragile, and have a structure that includes ruptures.
The Journal of Turk-Islam World Social Studies
Social actions emerge as an indicator of democracy when there is dissatisfaction with the management and when things do not g oto the desired level in the social environment. In the slıghtest spark that may emerge between the powers of power and the public, those who first operate the bureaucratic mechanism also resort to the power and influence of the media and thus create discursive practices. These discursive practices are mostly presented as bad, devaluation of the other, and an effort to gain legitimacy against the other. As an extension of the mutual expectations among the gevorning people, social actions must operate on the basic of mutual consensus. The aim of this study is to examine the social activity with economic indicators which started in Mashhad, İran on 28 December 2017 and lasted for about 15 days. For this purpose, the presentation of the news was discussed in Kayhan and Javan newspapers between 1 January and 4 January 2018 when the violence of the events increased and the tension of the regime (reformist) was high on both sides and the headlines , photographs and contents of the newspapers were discussed. According to the results of the research, the news in the Javan and Kayhan newspapers, which is known for its proximity to the İranian regime, was handled in a discursive dimension, and it was concluded that it was based on its discursive practice and used photographs and titles that served in this direction
The Journal of Humanity and Society , 2023
Recent difficulties in migrating to North America and Europe and new opportunities in the neighboring country made Turkey a new destination country for many Iranians. This study examines the migration experience of Iranian immigrants and those Iranians seeking international protection refugees living in Turkey by exploring their social, economic, and cultural integration along with the barriers they face in integrating into Turkey. The main purpose of the research is to analyze the reasons for Iranians to choose Turkey as a target country and their settlement and integration processes. This study adopted a qualitative approach by conducting semi-structured interviews with 41 Iranians living in various cities of Turkey. The qualitative findings reveal that Turkey’s geographical and cultural proximity provides significant facilitating factors for the integration of Iranians in their new host society. The immigrants, however, face serious challenges in integrating into the Turkish society. These challenges range from obstacles in involving in the labor market to access to health services. Furthermore, daily lives of Iranian immigrants are also affected by Turkey’s changing migration policies which refrains them from making clear plans for their future lives. This study also provides strategies to policy-makers in immigration services to reduce the barriers in the social integration of Iranian immigrants.