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Eğitimde Değişim ve Yetişmiş İnsan Gücümüz

Eğitim sistemi toplumun insan gücü potansiyelinin şekillendirilmesinde önemli bir araç görevini yerine getirmede kullanılmaktadır. Geçmişte şimdiki gibi kitlesel bir eğitim faaliyetine gerek olmaması sistemli bir eğitim faaliyetinin düzenlenmesini de gerektirmiyordu. Dolayısıyla devlet diye nitelenen mekanizma içinde kurumsal bir eğitim faaliyetine de gerek duyulmuyordu. Özellikle endüstriyel dönüşümle birlikte üretim faaliyetlerinde ortaya çıkan ihtiyaçlar kitlesel eğitim faaliyetlerinin doğmasını da gerektirmiştir. Dünyadaki gelişim sürecini yönlendiren, etkileyen ülkeler erken dönemde eğitimle ilgili düzenlemeleri de gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Ülkemiz tarihi geçmişi itibariyle ortaya koyduğu değişim sürecindeki sorunlar benzer şekilde eğitim sisteminde de yaşandı. Aslında eğitim sistemindeki değişmeler toplumsal değişime birebir bağlıdır. Bu nedenle eğitim sisteminde değişim yapmak toplumsal değişime bağlıdır.


Kimileri liseyi bitirir, kimileri üniversiteyi, kimileri ise hayat okulunu. Ama hepsininde bir amacı vardır, eğitim. Farklı yöntemlerle insanı eğitirler, bu eğitimler de değişimlere sebep olur. Yazar George B. Leonard'un da dediği gibi "Öğrenmek değişmektir, eğitim ise öğrenciyi

İsti̇hdam İçi̇n Eği̇ti̇mi̇ Yeni̇den Düşünmek

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2016

The purpose of this study is to criticise education for employment understanding in the context of current job markets. Firstly, human capital theory, screening and queue hypethesises are explained. Secondly, how education is transformed in neoliberal era and what kind of human capital investment it has become in this era is discussed. New state of job markets in this era, in which capitalism has become global, and which is also named as postfordist era, is compared to fordist era and discussed. In this era, unemployment rates have rised and jobs are commodified due to flexibility applications. This era, which is dominated by unsecurity and uncertainity, not only effects working life, but also societal life. Those people who works at unsecured jobs and has no certainity regarding future are identified as precariat by some authors. Each individual who is precariat has to increase their own competibilities and employabilities. With commodification of education, individuals feel obliged to invest on their own human capitals by obtaining more and more certificates or diplomas. On the other hand, those educational qualities guarantee neither employment nor higher lifte time earnings. Consequently, it can be said that education for employment both costs high amounts and it makes educational activities instrumental. As a result of this situation, learnings that do not provide advantage to individualis are marjinalised and become unimportant. Furthermore, education becomes a process which only gives professional knowledge. Because of this, education for employment has te be rethought and education should be re-conceptualised as an intelectual activity. This study tries to discuss this issue in the context of unsecurity, unemployment and precarity.

Ulusal İstihdam Stratejisi Bağlamında İstihdamın Eğitimle Dansı

Ulusal İstihdam Stratejisi’nde, eğitim, esneklikle birlikte ve tamamlayıcı bir rol oynuyor. Sermayenin emek gücü ihtiyacına karşılık verebilecek bir eğitim, dolayısıyla eğitimin piyasa ile daha yakın bir ilişkisinin kurulması, istihdamla birlikte eğitimin de bireysel bir sorumluluk ve kazanç olarak tanımlanması stratejinin arka planını oluşturuyor.

Eğitimde Gelişme, Yenileşme

Eğitim faaliyetleri okul bünyesinde dersler bazında hazırlanmış programların çerçevesinde yürütülmektedir. Okulların kademelerine göre uygulamalar da farklılaşmaktadır. Okullardaki uygulamaların niteliğine ilişkin değerlendirme yapma güç ve yetkisi bakanlığa yasal düzenlemelerle verilmiştir. Yasal düzenlemeler eğitim sisteminin yapılanmasını da şekillendirmektedir.

Gelişen Teknolojiler, Değişen İşgücü Nitelikleri ve Eğitim

OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018

In recent years, it has been suggested that the education should be restructured in line with the requirements of the economy both national and international level and in order to do this, regulations are made at the global level under the leadership of international organizations. The history of education's role in economy by functioning in the training of qualified workforce necessary for the production goes back to the industrial revolution. There is a parallelism between the function expected from education with the acceleration of industrialization in the nineteenth century and the function expected from education to provide changing workforce qualities with the development of technology in recent years. Today, however, this function has a more centralized position and the educational policies shaped entirely by the economy are being accelerated. While existing change is defined as a requirement of developing technology, it is pointed out that providing these qualities by education is important because new technologies require new qualifications. It is argued that a new industrial revolution has been experienced, defined by the concepts such as smart factories, internet of things, cyber-physical systems. With this revolution, it is claimed that on the one hand, the nature of work, the quality of the workforce, the organization of production will change on the other hand education must be transformed into this axis. This study first examines the historical development of technology and production organizations, and then it discusses the changes in labour qualities in parallel with the experienced changes by a historical approach around the concepts of skill and employment. Finally, it deals with the reconstruction of education in the context of previous discussions and evaluates the changes in the functions of education on the basis of knowledge economy and lifelong learning conceptualizations. Thus, it analyses the relationship between developing technologies, changing labour qualities and education historically and theoretically.

1990'dan Günümüze Türkiye'de İstihdamın Değişim Trendi ve Ulusal İstihdam Stratejisi İhtiyaci

Kamu-İş Dergisi, 2009

Developed countries to cope with employment problems are to take a series of measures, and to determinate new strategies and new employment targets. Strategies are all decisions showing how to arrive at determinating goals and targets, and without the effective strategies is not possible to achieve goals and targets. Turkey needs to a “National Employment Strategy” what will contribute its economic growth by improving investment and employment opportunities, and increase competitive force, and develope human resources. Key words: Changing Employment, Emplayment Strategy.