Bennabi’s Thoughts on Civilization: Analyzing from a Pluralistic Perspective (original) (raw)

Behbudi’s views on the spiritual renewal of society

Conference: Actual problems of social and humanitarian, exact and natural sciences in the modern era, 2021

This article analyzes the reform movement of Behbudi, a prominent figure of the Jadid movement, on the possibility of a new path of development through the spiritual upliftment of the state and society.

The Heritage of N. M. Tarabukin in the Perspective of Semiotics: Sign – Meaning – Life

Kritika i semiotika, 2023

Ключевые слова Тарабукин, живопись, семиотика, композиция, жест, портрет, концепт жизни Благодарности Статья подготовлена при поддержке Российского Научного Фонда, грант № 22-18-00364 «Семиотические модели в кросскультурном пространстве: Balcano-Balto-Slavica», Для цитирования Злыднева Н. В. Наследие Н. М. Тарабукина в перспективе семиотики: знаксмысл-жизнь // Критика и семиотика. 2023. № 2. С. 53-72.

ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ Ж.А. ДЕ ГОБИНО: НЮАНСЫ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИЙ /Civilizational ideas of J.A. de Gobineau: nuances of interpretation (2023)

Наследие, 2023

В статье рассматривается концепция локальных цивилизаций, разработанная французским философом Ж.А. де Гобино. В российской цивилизационистике его идеи излагаются неточно и упрощенно. Обращено внимание на идею неравенства цивилизаций и их типологию, использование центр-периферийной модели, проблему внутреннего варварства, понимание циклизма локальных цивилизаций. The article discusses the conception of local civilizations developed by the French philosopher J.A. de Gobineau. In Russian civilizationistics his ideas are presented inaccurately and simplistically. Attention is drawn to the idea of the inequality of civilizations and their typology, the use of the center-peripheral model, the problem of internal barbarism, the understanding of the cyclism of local civilizations.

On the “second wind” of civilizational development (reflections on the report of N.I. Lapin)

Civilization studies review, 2021

The text is a response to some of the passages of the report by N.I. Lapin, which was pre­pared for discussion of the methodological grounds of the “Russian Civilizational Devel­opment Project” (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences). In the continuation of the methodological searches of N.I. Lapin, the concept of the historical development of the civilization of K. Jaspers is considered in more detail in accordance with the all-human idea of A.V. Smirnov, as well as in the context of the justification of civilizational unity through the phenomenon of transversal reason (V. Welsh). Based on these ideas, the justification for the importance of constructing the unity of world civiliza­tion, which should take place not through the priority of individual cultures, countries or their associations, but on the basis of their originality, is provided. The concept of histori­cal development of K. Jaspers allows us to conclude that the distinction of the first axial time ...

Burkert’s Historical and Philosophical Concept (Based on His Work “Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis”)

Logos et Praxis

The article examines the historical-philosophical concept of the famous German antiquity historian and philologist Walter Burkert. Within his concept the author examines the archaeological epigraphy, ritual and mystery side of Greek culture, religious philosophy along with works by historians, poets and philosophers for centuries. His work is focused on combining the universally recognized facts with the archaic finds, a religion that emerged in the Greek culture through the middle East and Persian influences. W. Burkert also offers to dispel the common perception of the Greek culture and to move away from the understanding of it as the "Greek miracle" indicating a balanced picture of the archaic period in which under the influence of the Semitic East the whole Ancient Greece culture began its unique flowering. Cultural hegemony was soon adopted in the Mediterranean. W. Burkert sees no reason to distinguish between the mythological cosmogonies of the Greeks from their Eastern predecessors claiming that they belong to a single family. It is also clear, though, that the presocratics are still followed in the footsteps of Eastern predecessors what has been repeatedly demonstrated by W. Burkert through the analysis of ancient Greek texts. For example, he describes some instances of religious borrowing, for example, an important role of Persian influence on Greek religion. This, for example, "the possibility of a heavenly immortality" as a reference to the Zoroastrian tradition. No less important is also the trade relations with the Phoenician merchants, who were always considered by the Greeks as carriers of Eastern culture and the main suppliers of imports to Greece from the East (the proof is the excavations in Al-Mina archaeological fund in the form of ceramics in Islands such as Kos and Rhodes, etc.). In more rational areas such as mathematics and astronomy where Greek borrowings through continuous and extensive contacts with the Middle East are, in general, irrefutable, we can see the reflection images of the natural world in theology. The author, overall, characterizes himself as a philologist studying the texts of Ancient Greece in an attempt to find historical, psychological and social explanation of religious phenomena that we face in our era.

P. M. Bitsilli and Eurasianists: Different Visions of Culture

Vestnik slavânskih kulʹtur, 2023

УДК 930 ББК 87.3(2)+63.3 Научная статья / Research article This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) © 2023 г. А. В. Антощенко г. Петрозаводск, Россия П. М. БИЦИЛЛИ И ЕВРАЗИЙЦЫ: РАЗНЫЕ ВЗГЛЯДЫ НА КУЛЬТУРУ Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются взаимоотношения между П. М. Бицилли и ведущими представителями зарождающегося евразийства в первой половине 1920-х гг., когда происходило оформление их ощущения катастрофических изменений, вызванных Первой мировой войной и революцией в России, в целостные мировосприятия. Методологической основой исследования является коммуникативный подход к их интеллектуальным контактам, порождающим смыслы

Civilization from the Ecological Worldview

Studia Humanitatis

The article puts forward the thesis that the ability of a person to transform the natural habitat is the basis of civilization and its energy component. Civilization performs the functional role of a universal means of implementing culture in specific historical conditions. Culture is the substance of spirituality and the quintessence of the mankind’s experience, which helps the individual to navigate the world. The ability to work, the manufacture of tools, the development of technology, on the one hand, were used to master external reality and, on the other, determined the formation of the inner spiritual world due to distancing from direct contact with reality. The modern type of individuality is characterized by a desire for independent determination of life positions, as well as the orientation towards free intellectual search, pluralism and diversity of cultural values. The anthropocentric approach views civilization as a set of options for the exploration of the outside world...

The Civilization's Final Collapse in the Pentalogy „Magi” by V.I. Kryzhanovskaya


Пенталогия В.И. Крыжановской «Маги», включающая романы «Эликсир жизни», «Маги», «Гнев божий», «Смерть планеты», «Законодатели», публиковалась в период с 1901 по 1916 гг. Предшествуя публикации в 1918 г. О. Шпенглером труда «Закат Европы», пенталогия служит образной иллюстрацией процессов угасания человеческой цивилизации, разворачивающихся на фоне эволюции биологических видов и технологического прогресса. Первый ретроспективный обзор, даваемый в пенталогии, предпринимается в 1940 г., второй – спустя 300 лет. Актуальная временная перспектива открывает возможность сравнения реальных событий ХХ в. с описанными в указанных романах. Пенталогия обозначает путь, даёт надежду тем, кто озабочен духовным развитием. Её основные темы: бесконечность познания, одиночество субъекта познания и сострадание к заблудшему человечеству. Пенталогия во многом современна и достойна того, чтобы её читали любители фантастики и изучали специалисты разных областей знания