Televisi Dan Dinamika Politik (Opini Pemerhati Talk Show Obrolan Karebosi Pasca Pilkada Serentak 2015 DI Sulawesi Selatan) (original) (raw)

Persepsi Masyarakat Dalam Menanggapi Iklan Politik DI Televisi


This study aims to describe (1) people's perceptions in responding to political advertising on television; (2) the impact of political advertising on people's suffrage. The descriptive qualitative research method was carried out in Setail Village. Data collection was carried out through direct observation, informational interviews, and documenting activities. Data analysis includes the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The final stage is to test the validity of the data with the Technical Triangulation procedure. The results showed: (1) Public perception in responding to political advertising on television is political advertising through television is very good and effective. Associated with public perceptions about political advertising is very effective, with evidence including being able to add political insight, especially ordinary people, being able to know and know the candidates who will participate in the election,...

Analysis of the Role of Serambi Indonesia Media in Improving Political Education in the 2019 Legislative Elections in Bireuen District, Aceh

Jurnal Politik indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Politics)

The role of the Serambi Indonesia media is urgently needed to have a positive effect on increasing political education for the public as voters in general elections because the media has a strong influence in shaping one's cognition, where the media provides information and knowledge that ultimately shapes perceptions, and perceptions will influence attitudes and behavior. The Serambi Indonesia media was chosen because the media contains a lot of political news and can keep up with the times. Serambi Indonesia is one of the largest print media spread across Aceh Province. This study aims to find out the role of the Serambi Indonesia media in increasing political education among the public in the 2019 legislative elections in the Bireuen Regency. This study uses a qualitative method. Qualitative research focuses on collecting data that is descriptive and analytical on the Serambi Indonesia website, intending to uncover more specific phenomena that can provide a more in-depth pict...

Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Pemula Dalam Bingkai Jejaring Sosial DI Media Sosial

Jurnal ASPIKOM, 2018

The purpose of this research to identify the social networking of early voters in the social media and its influence toward political participation. Using qualitative approach, the data is primarily collected through focus group discussion and in-depth interview with 63 college students chosen purposively in 3 big cities; Bandung, Jakarta, and Surabaya. Research results show that social media is massively used by the early voters for interacting and communicating because it needs no physical preparation and revelation of their original personality. The network is easily accessed, both on campus and at home, which sustains higher intensity in using social media. While networking socially, the early voters only interact and communicate with old acquaints, thus the networking does not aim for developing a new network. Their participation in politics is considered low, have less understanding about politics, and have not participated yet, both online and offline. Social media has become their primary source of political news and information for discussing with family and peers face-to-face. Discussion result becomes a consideration for their political decision making. The contribution of this research is to give perspectives on political participation of novice voters in social media in order to motivate social media users to become politically literate.

News Content Perspective of TV One and Metro TV in Seeing Indonesia Government Policy

research, 2017

In the new order era, media is chained and regarded as a mouthpiece of New Order government. After 17 years the fall of the New Order regime, some of the media in Indonesia still can never escape from the intervention, particularly media owners. This research aims to determine the differences of political perspective of two television media toward the government. The research used qualitative method which relies on secondary data through documentation. The results indicate that the political orientation of the media owners had intervened the media perspective against the government. Media cannot be an objective watchdog of the government, because the news on the televisions is subjective. The media, such as TV One and Metro TV, have different agenda and perspective. The setting of a resource as well as the communications attitude of the TV One host shows its role as a government watchdog. Metro TV has a different attitude; there is tendency to be more cooperative and accommodating with government and the policies of President Joko Widodo.

Media Baru, Ruang Publik Baru, dan Transformasi Komunikasi Politik di Indonesia


This article tries to unveil the transformative power of the new media platforms that reshape a new pattern of political communication in our democracy. Furthermore, the characteristics of new media have contributed significantly to the renaissance of an enabling public sphere. The structure of new media transforms the restricted and deep-rooted top-down pattern of political communication into one that is decentralized and bottom-up today. There are, at least, five forms of transformation in the pattern of political communication as the result of utilizing various features of the new media technology, namely e-government, political campaign, citizen’s aspirations channel, and decentralized political education. Some trends of the application in the context of general election’s micro-political communication (citizen-to-citizen) are discussed succinctly, such as Vote Cerdas BDG, Orang Baik, Bersih2014, Check Your Candidates, Mata Massa, Rumah Pemilu, and Jari Ungu.

Pola Konsumsi Media dan Kaitannya dengan Partisipasi Masyarakat pada Isu-Isu Publik di Kota Padang

Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi, 2017

The low participation of Padang citizens in the local elections leads to questions on how effective is the media's role in providing proper information about local political issues for the people. How media is able to attract attention and motivation of the people to actively involve in public Concerns. Through the media, the people can be connected to public concerns, gain, build, and spread their opinion or discourses which are considered important for the civic life and prosperity. This research is aimed at analyzing the correlation between behavior of media consumption with the civic engagement and public participation. The method applied in this research is quantitative correlation approach. The samples are collected by using questionnaires. The location was decided by using random sampling techniques from which four village districts were selected as research locations. The samples were gathered from 100 respondents based on Taro Yamame's formulated with 10% critical values. The age factor becomes dominant in media choice. Younger respondents tend to access online media instead of the conventional one, while the other respondents tend to choose the conventional media. Online media give room or chances to the Respondents to actively participate in the society. On the other hand, the conventional media have not yet able to provide a stimulus or allow for the people to actively involve in democracy. Test result indicated there are correlations found between the online media consumers with the civic engagement and public participation.

Peran Iklan Televisi Layanan Masyarakat sebagai Penyebar Perubahan Tatacara Pemilu Legislatif dengan Pengetahuan Pemirsa (Kasus: Masyarakat Desa Cihideung Ilir, Ciampea Bogor)


The objectives of this study were to analyze the role of public service advertising on television to socialize the change of choosing method in Legislative Election 2009, to analyze spectator s knowledge about the change of choosing method in Legislative Election 2009 and to analyze the correlation between role of public service advertising on television and spectator s knowledge. This research was conducted at Cihideung Ilir Village, Ciampea, Bogor, West Java, using survey on 98 people from Cihideung Ilir. The respondents were selected using a simple random sampling method. Data were collected and analyzed using chi square s test and rank Spearman s test. The results of this research showed that the role of public service advertising in television to socialize the change of choosing method in Legislative Election 2009 was in medium level. Then, spectator s knowledge about the change of choosing method in Legislative Election 2009 was in medium level. Last, the results said that there were significant correlation between role of public service advertising on television and spectator s knowledge.

The Utilization of Broadcasting Media in Meeting the Information Needs of Prospective Regional Chief Regarding Political News


Broadcast media is one of the electronic media that is widely used to meet the information needs of the public. One of them is television media which is currently still enjoyed by many people amid the presence of new media and social media. There are two private television stations, namely iNews TV and Metro TV as news television which are widely used by political parties and regional head candidate pairs in campaigns, building self-image, and offering work programs. Likewise, the community in fulfilling the information needs related to the 2017 Pilkada DKI Jakarta also took advantage of this television media. This study uses the Uses and Gratifications theory which focuses on the use of media to obtain gratifications for one\u27s needs and public space theory. The purpose of this research is to describe the use of broadcast media in fulfilling the information needs of the political news of the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews, observation,...

Indonesia Leader Forum, post-truth and political interests in social media and television

International Journal of Communication and Society, 2019

This paper aims to how Indonesian Leaders Forum (ILF) as a new talkshow program in Indonesia effort to increasing political interest of citizens. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with a case study of the ILF Program. By using descriptive method, the author can explain the background of the incident, some perspective on the event and analyze in depth. So the ILF can answer the public's concerns about the political situation in Indonesia today conclusion contains the main points of the article.

A Discourse Research Towards News Report of Jakarta Regional Election on Media and Published from October 2016 until April 2017

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019

The regional head direct election in 2017 is a democratic party that will be implemented by the Jakarta community. But, the present media has its own model in the news which is broadcasted to the public. With the power to build the public opinion, media are capable of directing the votes for political purposes. Referred to Jakarta Head Election Done Jakarta in October 2016 and April 2017 at Media In the period of Seven months there are 5 (five) big issues rose in the news. Those are: issues of electability and support, campaign issues and performance, issues of blasphemy, and issues of political promises in campaigns. The research would like to examine the ideology or political interests of and, also the works of opinion formation happened in public as well as the meanings of the news publication in the framing that is created by the media against the question of politics. This research use the qualitative approach supported by the quan...