Fluorescence et propriétés photochimiques des matières organiques naturelles (original) (raw)
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Une multitude de reactions photochimiques sont utilisees comme etapes-cles pour simplifier la synthese organique et contribuent au developpement de la chimie verte. Les exemples decrits illustrent les progres accomplis dans la preparation de produits a forte valeur ajoutee et en techniques de mise en oeuvre.
Fluorescence 3D de la matière organique dissoute du fleuve amazone
Water Research, 1999
Re sume ÐLes eaux de¯euve, fractionne es par ultra®ltration tangentielle se quentielle (UFTS), sont ana-lyse es par des matrices d'excitation et d'e mission de¯uorescence (MEEF). Les substances humiques uorescentes provenant des eaux du bassin amazonien, sont caracte rise es par les longueurs d'onde d'excitation et d'e mission des intensite s de¯uorescence maximum sur des diagrammes 3D (l ex /l em ) et du rapport des intensite s de¯uorescence (r a,c =I a /I c ) de deux¯uorophores (type humique A et C) dans les eaux naturelles. Les re sultats obtenus montrent que: (i) des espeÁ ces¯uorescentes provenant d'eaux riches en mate riel humique (eaux noires) sont pre fe rentiellement retenues par le seuil de coupure de 5 kDa (type humique C). Ces compose s de type C ont une masse mole culaire plus e leve e que les com-pose s¯uorescents de type humique A. (ii) Les re actions de complexation avec les ions cuivriques (Cu 2+ ) se parent les compose s humiques de type C en deux cate gories: l'une ne variant pas, l'autre e largissant le domaine des longueurs d'onde d'excitation ecaces de 20 nm. La photolyse produit des eets similaires sur les compose s humiques de type C. A partir des donne es spectroscopiques et des masses mole culaires, une tentative d'identi®cation est propose e pour les¯uorophores A (l 260 /l 445 ) et C (l 350 / l 445 ). Les compose s de type A et C manifestent des caracte ristiques qui les rapprochent respectivement des acides fulviques et des acides humiques. # AbstractÐNatural organic matter is an important pool that is not yet totally described. Two types of compounds are found: some chemically well characterised molecules (biopolymers) and uncharacterised humic substances (geopolymers). The spectroscopic properties of this pool of organic matter have recently been advanced by the excitation emission¯uorescence matrix (EEFM) Characterization of marine and terrestrial DOM in seawater using excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy. Marine Chemistry 51, 325±346.]. Three types of¯uorophores are described by their excitation/emission wavelength at maximum intensity (l ex /l em ) max : the tyrosin and tryptophan like structures, not examined here, and the humic like¯uorescent structures of type A (l 260 /l 445 ) and type C (l 330 /l 445 ). The EEFM applied to sequential tangential ultra®ltered (UFTS) amazonian fresh waters give spectroscopic information on the¯uorescent properties of particulate (>0.22 mm), colloidal and dissolved (<5 kDa) organic matter. Chromophores A and C are present in all sized fraction samples. Their (l ex /l em ) max are in the same domains as those of terrestrial humic substances [Seritti, A., Morelli, E., Nannicini, L. and Del Vecchio, R. (1994) Production of hydrophobic¯uorescent organic matter by marine diation Pheodactylum tricornutum. Chemosphere 28(1), 117±129; Coble, G. P. (1996) Characterization of marine and terrestrial DOM in seawater using excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy. Marine Chemistry 51, 325±346.]. Dierentiation of the type A and type C peaks in 3D diagrams are based on their (l ex /l em ) max position and the I a /I c ratio. Dierences are observed between humic material extracted by hydrophobic resins or concentrated sample from tangential sequential ultra®ltration (UFTS). Spectroscopic properties of the humic material are not modi®ed by the ultra®ltration process. A particular attention is given on the dierentiation between black water (Rio Negro River) and white water (Rio SolimoÄ es and Rio Madeira River). Black waters are generally known as humic rich and low mineral content waters. EEFM analysis on these two types of water lead to the following conclusions: (i) the humic like¯uorescent compounds of type C are preferentially retained by membranes with 5 kDa cut o. These compounds have the larger molecular weight. (ii) In the presence of copper cation, the type C compounds are divided in two groups according to their (l ex /l em ) max : the ®rst one is invariant, the other one expands (20 nm) its ecient excitation wavelength domain. (iii) Photochemical reactions induced by UV irradiation also lead to a 20 nm expansion of the ecient excitation wavelength domain. From these spectroscopic and molecular weight complementary data, it is proposed that A type¯uorophores are close to fulvic acids while C¯uorophores seems to be more related to humic acid. #
Chimie et lumière Vivant Lumières sur le vivant Protéines fluorescentes et senseurs optogénétiques
Lighting up life: fluorescent proteins and optogenetic sensors Fluorescent proteins of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family have given birth to a vast array of targetable optical sensors that play a major role in the deciphering of live cell chemistry. These genetically encoded reporters benefit from unequaled specificity and integration into the cellular machinery, while they gather withing less than 100 Å the three essential functions of a nanosensor, namely functionalization, chemical detection, and optical conversion. Their numerous applications and their performances directly stem from the photodynamics and photochemistry of the chromophore carried by GFPs. Owing to mutagenesis, spectroscopy and modeling tools, the way in which the GFP structural and conformationnal characteristics modulate their optical properties is better understood today. This mechanistic view will become ever more essential in the rational engineering of new probes for bioimaging.
Le Journal de Physique IV, 1999
Les lampes à excimère ont été mises au point récemment dans le domaine de la photochimie préparative. Des lampes à excimère émettant dans le V-W (172 nm) et dans I ' W (308 nm) ont été constxuites et utilisées pour la dégradation de composés organiques en phase gaz. La comparaison entre la photolyse (172 nm) et la photocatalyse (308 nm), technique très prometteuse en phase aqueuse, a été possible car les lampes émettent le même nombre de photons. La photolyse V-W en présence d'air s'avère être la méthode la plus efficace pour la minéralisation totale des composés aliphatiques et aromatiques étudiés ici qui ont été entièrement transformés en vapeur d'eau et gaz carbonique.
Revêtements photocatalytiques pour substrats organiques souples
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Couleur et transparence à l’ère des procédés photomécaniques
La Transparence. Eds. Marie Laniel and Pascale Tollance.
This paper aims to show that the reception of British coloured illustrated books in the early twentieth-century reflects the artistic and aesthetic repositioning induced by the development of photomechanical process. Photomechanical reproduction freed the graphic line as well as colour. Reviews published at the turn of the century—as exemplified by The Studio—reveal a tension between opacity and transparency, materiality and lightness, chromophilia and chromophobia. These oppositions apply to the art of the book—as in the books illustrated by Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac—as well as to interior decoration. They are subsumed in the image of the peacock’s ocellus, the eyespot that symbolises the exercise of aesthetic judgement. Taste for colour finds expression in a form of tempered chromophilia best understood in the light of three factors: the practice of black and white graphic arts (notably wood engraving), the reception of photography and the revived conflict between line (disegno) and colour.