Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Ceramic Industry: A Case Study (original) (raw)

Lean Manufacturing in the ceramic industry

Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering

The problem of implementation of the concept of Lean Manufacturing in the ceramic industry, based on the enterprise manufacturing ceramic fancy goods, is presented in this article. The most important information about the concept of Lean Manufacturing, as well as the current state of implementation of the Lean concept in the ceramic industry. Major barriers in the implementation of the Lean concept are identified and selected instruments of the Lean concept applied in individual areas of the waste elimination are assigned.

Lean manufacturing – results of selected implementation projects

Journal of Intercultural Management, 2013

Lean Manufacturing is a structured program whose objective is to maximize the effectiveness of the company. It is based on the practices and methods of KAIZEN / LEAN applied by the world’s best companies. The experiences from the Author led us to the conclusion that the Lean Manufacturing is based , among others, on the following concepts: - Total Productive Maintenance TPM - Single Minute Exchange Die SMED The Lean Manufacturing focuses on the systematic pursuit and elimination of waste and losses. The losses identified are analyzed, evaluated in adequate manner to the attribute processes. The result of the analysis determines where and how to intervene. In the paper has been presented the bases of Lean Manufacturing. The results of the implementation of Lean Manufacturing in different companies have been described. The main issues of Lean Manufacturing implementation have been characterized.

Overview of Lean Manufacturing and Its Implementation Techniques


Applying Lean manufacturing philosophy is one of the most important concepts that help enterprises to gain competitive advantage in the world market. Lean manufacturing or lean manufacturing is a manufacturing practice that emphasizes on the use of resources for work which add value for the end customer. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the lean principles, tools and benefits of lean concepts in manufacturing industries. Lean manufacturing is plethora of principles that focus on cost reduction by identifying and eliminating non value added activities. The fiercely globalized and competitive markets of 21st century demand for increasing high variety of products at lowest possible costs, lesser lead time and high quality. This changing market scenario calls for a new manufacturing that will enable us to compete in this global competitive market. This research addresses the application of lean manufacturing concepts to the continuous production/process sector with a ...

The Perception & Methodology of Lean Manufacturing: A Review paper 1


— In the present global and competitive environment all organizations needs to perform efficiently with higher productivity. For performing efficiently with higher productivity there are so many tools and techniques. Lean is one of them it means using only what is necessary. Lean manufacturing techniques aim to significantly identify waste and eliminate it from the manufacturing processes. The paper is based on a discussion of literature review that shows how the completion of Lean could find importance to the organization processes and contribute for live in competitive environment by fast full benefits i.e. lead time, set-up time, reduction in inventory etc.

Review of Lean Manufacturing Effectiveness on Industries

mantech publications, 2023

In a competitive industrial scenario, lean manufacturing is much effective in every industry. Lean manufacturing has various forms as lean management, lean production. It is a very effective technique for overcoming non-value-added activity as well as time. Lean manufacturing is also helping full to reduce waste. Waste in the form of a nonvalue-added exercise and poor quality of the product. Waste are seven types in industry transport, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, over-processing, defect. It is eliminated with the help of lean manufacturing. It is a system that gives the production of goods/services with minimum total costs. This paper provides the literature survey on the industries to apply lean manufacturing to the automobile industry, pharmaceutical companies, oil industry, and other manufacturing industries. Also, refer to other papers that give information about lean manufacturing-and introducing lean.

Lean Manufacturing: Trends and Implementation Issues


Many manufacturing cost reduction initiatives have been introduced over past three decades including lean manufacturing. Waste reduction and efficiency improvement are the main objectives of this initiative. It is developed from a set of tools and techniques and can fit nicely in cost focus or cost leadership competitive advantage strategies. But, keeping competitive advantage under the market circumstances are getting harder with growth of production quantity and product diversity. Therefore, paper's focus is lean manufacturing implementation trends and issues within the various manufacturing sector. Successes and failures of implementation of lean manufacturing in some industries are discussed. It was found that lean principles are good source of competitive advantage, it is applicable for many industries and its expansion and discussion are significantly progressing. The biggest threat in implementing lean is lack of understanding the concept but those who engage consultants ...

ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 4.295 A Literature Review on Lean Manufacturing Techniques


Abstract: Lean manufacturing is a proper technique to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement. In lean manufacturing do more with less: time (production time, waiting time etc), inventory, men, and money. At present time, Lean Manufacturing has become a worldwide technique. It is very successful in drawing the attention of companies of all sizes. Many organizations are following Lean technologies and experiencing drastically improvements in quality, production, customer service, and profitability. Process improvement is an iterative method of seeking the elimination or reduction of non-value adding work imbedded in a process. Non-value-adding work is described as elements of work that a customer is unwilling to pay for. The Lean manufacturing technique is meant convert non-value added activity into value added activity. Lean manufacturing has its effect on the manufacturer and the customers alike. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses it...

Understanding the Need of Implementation of Lean Techniques in Manufacturing Industries: A Review

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), 2019

In competitive environment lean manufacturing is necessary in every industry. Lean production is a standard manufacturing mode of the 21st century All the manufacturing industries have put a continuous efforts for its survival in these current world. In order to handle the critical situations manufacturers are trying to implement new and innovative techniques in their manufacturing process. Later on lean was formulated and developed as the solution to the fluctuating and competitive business environment. Due to rapid change in business environment the manufacturing organization are forced to face challenges and complexities in the competition. The concept of lean manufacturing was developed for maximize the resource utilization and minimize the wastes. The main focus of the lean manufacturing is to satisfy customer demands for high quality and low cost. The technique not only identifies the reasons for waste but also helps in its removal through marked principles and guidelines. Lean Manufacturing is an efficient and fast growing approach in the world of competition. Lean manufacturing utilizes a wide range of tools and techniques; the choice of tools is based on the requirement. Many parameters contribute success of lean. Organizations which implemented lean manufacturing have higher level of flexibility and competitiveness. However, lean manufacturing provides an environment that is highly conducive to waste minimization. The majority of the study focuses on single aspect of lean element, only very few focuses on more than one aspect of lean elements, but for the successful implementation of lean the organization had to focuses on all the aspects such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Cellular Manufacturing (CM), U-line system, Line Balancing, Inventory control, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Pull System, Kanban, Production Leveling etc.,