Analysing Teacher’s Difficulties in Teaching Listening (original) (raw)
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Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 2019
The objectives of this study are describing the process of teaching English (listening) and identifying the difficulties in teaching (English) listening in a Junior High School in Kudus. This research uses exploratory research design. I will explore qualitative data to analyze the process of the teaching and learning English in Kudus and to identify the need of the learning materials. The subjects of the research are five English teachers’ from a Junior High school in Kudus, they have been teaching English for more than ten years. They have been teaching from different classes, class 7, class 8, and class 9. This study has discovered the challenges and difficulties in learning and teaching in Junior High School in kudus. Most teachers feels that time management become their major challenge in organizing classroom. They have set lesson plan, but sometimes the lesson does not work exactly the same. They have to work with mixed-level students, with students with learning difficulties, ...
Analysing Teacher’s Difficulties in Teaching Listening Comprehension
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education, 2021
This study aimed to investigate the teacher’s difficulties in teaching listening at MAN 1 Palembang. This study used a qualitative research. One of the qualitative research designs applied in this study was case study design. The participant of this study was one of English teachers at MAN 1 Palembang. The participant of this study was taken from one of the four English teachers at MAN 1 Palembang by using criterion sampling strategy. The data were collected through interview. The data were analyzed and presented descriptively. there are six steps commonly used in analyzing qualitative data, as follows; (1) the researcher have to be familiar with entire body of data (2) generate codes, (3) search for themes (4) review themes (5) define and name themes, and (6) produce the report. The results of this study showed that the difficulties faced by the teacher’s in teaching listening at MAN 1 Palembang were related to as follows: (a) the students' psychological factor; (b) students’ b...
ABSTRAK Rina Lukita (2020): A Descriptive Qualitative Study On Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Listening Comprehension at Junior High School 1 Rimba Melintang, Rokan Hilir, Riau Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi dan menguji penerapan strategi guru dalam mengajar pemahaman mendengarkan. Ada tiga guru bahasa Inggris SMPN 1 Rimba Melintang yang dipilih secara purposive sampling sebagai peserta. Namun, penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dirancang untuk mengasumsikan dua aspek strategi guru yaitu penerapan strategi pengajaran guru dan menilai pemahaman mendengarkan siswa. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan guru bahasa Inggris. Hasil dan analisis wawancara menemukan bahwa ketiga guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan strategi dalam pemahaman mendengarkan. Keputusan menggunakan strategi yang berbeda akan memiliki hasil yang berbeda. Aspek kedua, media audio visual memungkinkan siswa mendengar suara dan memperhatikan langsung objek yang dituju, kemudian...
The Students’ Listening Problems For Senior High School in Pematangsiantar
Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
This article describes the English listening problems faced by students in senior high school in Pematangsiantar. Specifically, it reveals (1) students' English listening skills, (2) problems they face in listening to English, and (3) how the teacher solves the problem. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method and is carried out in high school in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra. the subject of this article through the purposive sampling technique. The data was obtained through a series of English listening tests using recordings with native and non-native speakers, observation, and interviews. The findings show (1) the problems they face in listening to English deal with speaking speed, limited vocabulary, level of concentration, and established language habits, and (3) To overcome this problem, the teacher applies the practice of the right way technique. by giving students several ways to practice listening to English. Thus, it can be concluded that the teacher's efforts are relevant to listening problems faced by students.
An Analysis of Listening Problems Faced by 12TH Grade Students at Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Malang
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a brief description of the whole content of the research.It covers background of the research,research question,purposes of research,scope of the study,significance of the study,and clarification of term. 1.1 Research Background English is purely a foreign and new language for Indonesian People. As one of the International Languages, English has an important role almost in all aspects of life. English has become a compulsory foreign language in Indonesia. It is one of the subjects that is taught since in the elementary school level until university level and examined in the national examination to determine student's graduation. English in Kindergarten (TK) and Elementary school (SD) is widely taught as local content or Extracurricular content. However, English in the Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) or Vocational School (SMK) is taught in more international content. Basically,there are four skills in English language learning:Writing,Listening,Reading, and Speaking. Each skill must be mastered by the learner. Listening is considered as receptive skill, in which people need the ability to receive spoken language.Listening should be learned because it has an important role in facilitating the learner to master the Language. Murcia (2001) states that listening comprehension lessons is vehicle for teaching grammatical elements structure and allow new vocabulary items to be conceptualized within a body of communication discourse.In addition, Martinova (2012) suggests that listening brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
An Analysis of Teachers’ Strategy in Teaching Listening
Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal, 2020
Listening is the ways of picking up the information delivered by others in daily life, and also is the most important elements in studying foreign language. Several people have, however, problem in listening because they think that listening is the hardest skill to be mastered. To solve this barrier, teachers carry a big responsibility in their classroom. Teachers need to encourage students’ participation through preparing an interesting strategy during listening instruction in order to attract students’ attention to take part actively in listening. This study attempted to investigate the strategy used by teacher in teaching listening. Richard’s theory of listening strategy to include bottom-up and top-down was applied. Through utilizing qualitative descriptive analysis, this study involved three listening lecturers of English Department of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo where they were observed and interviewed. The analysis of data revealed that teachers used mostly top-down process ...
An Investigation of English Teacher Candidates’ Problems Related to Listening Skill
This article reports a study performed at the ELT Department of Dicle University, Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty. The aim of the study is to examine students’ evaluations of their performances as listeners in English. Another purpose of the study is to determine the listening comprehension problems faced by language learners and the factors that make comprehension easier or more difficult. The analysis of data reveals that the students rate their listening performances as “poor”. In the listening process, they are affected by many factors such as speech rate, tone of voice, lack of visual materials and voice quality of listening materials. It has also been found that language courses offered in High Schools focus on reading and grammar with the purpose of preparing the students for the University Entrance Exam, but afterwards, during their university education, students’ success level in listening is affected negatively. Key Words: Listening skill, language teaching.
Listening Skills Teaching Practice at Secondary Level: Gondar Secondary Schools in Focus
The objective of this study was to assess the exercise of teaching listening skill at general secondary schools found in Gondar city. Thus, adopting descriptive survey design, a total of 115(male=90 & female=25) English language teacher who taught grade 9 students participated in the study. The study used both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were collected through structured questionnaire whereas the semi-structured interview was used to collect the qualitative data. Data analysis was undertaken using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Quantitatively, frequency and percentage were used whereas thematic analysis was used for analyzing the qualitative data. Findings show that the majority of English language teachers use the bottom-up approach during the teaching of the listening skill. Findings also show that English language teachers failed to properly and fully implement the pre, while and post listening activities. Findings also show that teachers’ e...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This study aims to investigate the students' difficulties in listening and to explore the factors of students' listening difficulties. The writer uses mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) with questionnaire and interview as the data collecting techniques. The participants of this research are 100 students of a senior high school in West Java who filled in the questionnaires and 8 students who took part in in-depth interviews. The quantitative approach is used to show the numeric data of the questionnaire about students' listening difficulties and the qualitative approach is applied to explore the factors of students' listening difficulties. The findings of the research show that the difficulties in listening skills faced by students include unfamiliar words, rate of speech, unfamiliar accent, unclear pronunciation, recording quality, and inadequate facility. As for the factors of those difficulties, it involed the students' background knowledge, lack of practices and environment noise.
This research entitled “ An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Listening: A Case Study at Twelfth Grade Students of MA NW Narmada in Academic Year 2015/2016 ” was aimed at discovering students’ common difficulties in listening and possible causes of those difficulties. This study also focuses on the difficulties in listening part of National Examination. The population of this study was 111 students, cluster random sampling technique was used to select research subject, and the sample was 37 students. In collecting the data, two kinds of instruments were used: test and questionnaire. The test was used to find out the students’ common difficulties in listening part of National Examination, and the questionnaire was used to discover some possible causes of those difficulties. By using descriptive quantitative method to analyse the data, it was found that the students’ common difficulties were answering question in monolog, this is indicated by the majority of students who gave inco...