Development of problem-solving based test instruments to foster the students creative thinking skills on environmental conservation (original) (raw)
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Analysis of Students Creative Thinking Ability in Environmental Problem Solving
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
21st century is a period that requires the transformation of life including education in it. Changes that occur include increased interaction between individuals globally, the flood of open information, computing technology that reaches all types of work that can be done anywhere and anytime and the occurrence of cultural integration across borders and even countries. This situation requires individuals to have the resilience to adapt and survive in this century. The quality of teachers in education plays an important role in building various skills of students to face life's demands. Creative thinking skills are one of the competencies needed in this century. Fostering creativity in learning activities is very important to strengthen student resilience in the future. This study aims to provide an overview of students' creative thinking skills on environmental problems. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. This article begins with the results of an assessment...
The creative thinking ability of high school student to ecological problem
BIO-INOVED : Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The use of modules in science learning has a positive impact on science process skills. The purpose of this study is to develop eco-friendly technology learning modules based on Creative Problem Solving (CPS). This module consists of 3 parts, namely introduction, learning, and evaluation. In the learning section the steps of the CPS are explained on the contents of the material. The process skills of each meeting are made by an environmentally friendly technology product. The resulting product helps in solving environmental problems in everyday life. The results of the validation assessment get a valid category from all aspects of the assessment. The highest score is in the aspect of presentation and graphic components with values of 3.71 and 3.74. So this module can be used as an alternative solution to learning environmentally friendly technology.
Journal of Biology Education, 2018
Creative thinking is an ability of creating a new thought as a result from combination of previous knowledge. It is needed to be developed in the 21st century because it is importance in work world. This study aims to analyze the students’ creative thinking of SMA N 1 Pecangaan on environmental material. The research used observational method. Population is whole students of tenth grade of SMA N 1 Pecangaan. The samples used purposive samplings were X MIA 1, X MIA 2 and X MIA 4 with total number 116 students. The students’ creative thinking was tested by essay test and instrument non-test which is scoring rubric of writing article about environment problems. The result showed that students’ creative thinking of SMA N 1 Pecangaan in answering question is 14.7% very creative, 31% creative, 20.7% creative enough and 33.6% less creative. The students’ ability in writing article showed 0% very creative, 16.4% creative, 30% creative enough, 49.1% less creative and 4.3% not creative. The r...
Students' Creative Thinking Ability Profile in Problem Solving of Animals Ecology
Proceedings of the 5th SEA-DR (South East Asia Development Research) International Conference 2017 (SEADRIC 2017), 2017
In the era of a global economy based on knowledge and technology, lead free competition occurs with the trend of open systems. Therefore, Indonesian nation must improve the quality of human resources. The quality of human resources is marked by rapid development patterns of thinking in the form of creative thinking, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. Orientation of creative thinking in this research consists of 3 aspects, which are fluency, flexibility and novelty. Creative thinking can be seen from its activities in the problems solving. The purpose of this research was to describe the profile of students' creative thinking in problem solving of animal ecology and to describe the characteristics of students' creative thinking in problem solving of animal ecology. The type of this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were students who have taken animal ecology course. Based on the results of written assignment 1 and written assignment 2 done by students, the level of students' creative thinking ability was at quite creative level. The highest aspect of creative thinking possessed by students was fluency, and the lowest aspect was novelty.
International Journal of Instruction
This study aims to produce an instrument model for critical and creative thinking skills based on environmental socio-scientific issues and test the validity and reliability. First, field studies and needs analysis use a design and development approach. Namely: (1) problems, (2) goal setting, (3) model design and development, (4) model testing, (5) evaluation of the test results model, and (6) application model. Then, the planning and development stages are carried out using a literature study to obtain a formulation of indicators which are then developed into a grid and a prototype instrument. The trial sample describes 277 science teacher candidates from 3 universities in Indonesia. Proof of content validity using the Aiken formula by seven experts and getting a score of 0.84 in the excellent category. The measurement model reliability assessment includes Composite Reliability with a value of 0.89 in the reliable category. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the instrument model is fit or the stated model is by the data obtained in the field and can be used in a wide range of measurements.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), 2022
This type of research is quasi-experimental research that aims to 1) Determine the influence of problem-based learning (PBL) and Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) learning models on improving students' problem-solving ability. 2) Knowing the difference in the problem-solving ability of students with high creative and low creative thinking abilities. 3) Knowing the interaction of PBL and DLPS models with the ability to think creatively about problem solving. The population used in this study was grade VII students of state junior high schools in Lamongan Regency for the 2021/2022 academic year. The samples in this study consisted of 4 classes. The experimental class uses 1 PBL model for as many as two classes, and the experimental class 2 DLPS models for as many as two classes. Data collection using problem-solving ability test instruments and creative thinking test instruments. Hypothesis testing of the study using a two-way anava test with the study's results 1) There was no influence of the PBL and DLPS learning models on improving students' problem-solving ability. 2) there are differences in the problem-solving ability of students with high and low creative thinking abilities. 3) there is no interaction of the PBL and DLPS models with the ability to think creatively about students' problem-solving abilities.
One of the methods that can be applied to achieve learning goal is the problem solving learning method. Problem solving method is a way or means of presenting lessons by encouraging learners to seek and solve a problem in order to achieve teaching objectives by relating experience and logic. Problem solving methods used to provide learning stimuli to learners to make them think real and analyze, solve problems and then take the conclusions of the problem. This research design using Non-equivalent Control Group Design with Quasi Experimental method (quasi experiment). The sample of this research is 80 students. Based on the results of student ability analysis shows that the implementation of learning using problem solving method is better than conventional learning. The result of the analysis of the average increase of mastery of students’ experimental analysis of the experimental class reached 33,3% while the students' analysis ability in the control class was 19,2%. Keywords: a...
This study aims to build students' creative thinking skills in the context of handling fish bone waste by using a Problem-Based Learning model. The research method applied was Developmental Research with pre-experimental research design one group pretest-posttest. This research was conducted at one of the MANs located in Medan City. The sample in this study were 32 students of class XI IPA in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. Research activities were carried out online with the help of the WhatsApp application and zoom. The research instrument used the form of 12 essay items on the validated student worksheets (LKS) and suitable for measuring students' creative thinking skills. The data obtained from this study were analyzed quantitatively using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software. The results showed that students' creative thinking skills in the context of handling fish bone waste by using a problem-based learning model were included in the "Good" ...
International Journal of Advanced Research
This study aims to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the problembased learning model based on socioscientificissues on critical thinking skills in students.Changes in the global era in the development of knowledge and technology in the 21st century, especially related to the world of education in Indonesia. One of the explanations regarding the development of 21st century learning is critical thinking and problem solving skills, so a teacher must have innovation in learning. One of them is by developing an innovative problembasedlearning model based on socioscientificissues. This research is a development research using a 4D development research model which consists of four research stages, namely the definition stage, the design stage, the development stage, and the deployment stage. This research was conducted at Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 3 Jember, class X MIPA, academic year 2020/2021 with a total of 28 students, based on the results of the study...