REINFORCEMENT SKILL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PAI (Studi Kasus di SMA Bukit Barisan Padang) (original) (raw)
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MAKALAH Mata Kuliah Perencanaan Pembelajaran, 2024
Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam membentuk karakter dan kepribadian peserta didik. Dalam konteks pendidikan yang terus berkembang, perencanaan pembelajaran PAI menjadi aspek yang sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tersebut. Perencanaan pembelajaran merupakan hal yang sangat penting yang harus dipersiapkan oleh guru sebelum melaksanakan pembelajaran.
Mengingat pentingnya merancang pembelajaran sebelum melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar agar materi pembelajaran dapat tersampaikan secara efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang disusun. Maka pendidik harus mengetahui bagaimana langkah-langkah dalam merancang pembelajaran PAI, tujuan, dan komponen-komponen yang ada dalam sistem pembelajaran serta memahami manfaat dair pendekatan sistem pembelajaran.
The harshness in our education is more restless in the society. Some forms and designs caused the harshness action, starting from striking done by a teacher, the sexual despising and also fighting among students. The harshness in our education affects on the responses of society that the school is not a comfortable and safe place any more to educate students to become kind hearted, good attitude and have the character of nation. The disharmony relationship between school committee and teachers can cause a harshness in our education. Even, extremely, it can be stated that the students learn about harshness and disharmony relationship. The disharmony relationship between society who represented in school committee and school (teachers) must stop the embarrassing action to get the better future life. The good cooperation and communication between society and school to become a key of word to quit harshness in our education. Islamic teachers should be able to have a great role as Islamic figures and to become a good model in our education, so that the students become smart, good attitude and nation's character. It is meant with reorientation of Islamic teacher role in this essay.
Learning is a complex activity in education, good teaching needs to be supported by systems and components, some of the learning system are students, teachers, methods (strategies) learning, learning activities and evaluation tool selection, some of these components are interrelated each other and support each other, to achieve the goal of education is needed in schools PAI (Islamic Education) assessment, some of the components of the learning objectives can be achieved as expected. Thus, reconstruction some of components is expected to maximize the learning activities at school, so the PAI learning objectives can be achieved. Keywords: Reconstruction, learning system, PAI,
Strategi pembelajaran PAi merupakan mata kuliah profesi untuk calon guru. Strategi pembelajaran dalam perkuliahan saat ini berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. Mata kuliah ini menyampai beberapa strategi pembelajaran yaitu Brain Base Teaching, Quantum Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Afektif Learning, dan startegi pembelajaran lainya. Di harapakan dengan penyajian strategi pembelajaran, mahasiswa bisa mengimplementasikan strategi di tiap pembelajaran PAI. Sehingga siswa senang belajar PAI.
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Jurnal Mudarrisuna: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2015
Teachers are required to have superior competence in their field, pedagogical competence of teachers is one of the competencies required of every teacher in any field of education and, not least teachers PAI. Increased PAI Teachers Pedagogic Competence in Learning to be more focused and a special concern for Islamic educational institutions in particular and government in general. Teachers who could humanize the character and noble, noble character, and personality superior and dignified exist on teacher PAI, when teachers PAI can not increase the competence of pedagogical, it will affect the students receive knowledge transformation in the learning process, so that learning is considered failed and education became a taboo and is not important in view of the public. Human resource development, especially for teachers of Islamic education is a right answer to straighten out problems in education that has been ensnared education, in order to be repaired morals and manners of generati...
Pembelajaran PAI di SMA: (Tujuan, Materi, Metode, dan Evaluasi)
Jurnal Al-Qiyam
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau tentang perkembangan teknologi dan informasi di era digital yang memberikan pengaruh bahwa pembelajaran jarak jauh sangat penting untuk proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu pemanfaatan sumber perpustakaan, baik cetak maupun daring, untuk mencari makna tentang media dan teknologi pembelajaran. Peneliti mengunjungi perpustakaan wilayah dan juga universitas, dan juga penelusuran menggunakan mesin pencari seperti Google Scholar, Perpusnas, ERIC dan Google dengan menggunakan kata kunci pencarian media dan teknologi pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah ide dalam menciptakan kesempatan bagi orang-orang yang dicegah memasuki sekolah reguler, karena beberapa alasan seperti akses terbatas ke pendidikan formal, lowongan kursi terbatas, dana terbatas, perumahan. di daerah terpencil, pekerjaan dan kebutuhan lainnya.