The Characteristics of Teaching Speaking at English Village of Pare, Kediri (original) (raw)

Teachers’ Technique in Teaching Speaking in SMAN 1 Kinali Academic Year 2021/2022


The purpose of this study was to find out the teachers’ technique in teaching speaking and how did the teacher apply during the classroom at SMAN 1 Kinali Academic Year 2021/2022. Researcher found problems related to teacher and students. The first problem was that teacher used the same variety technique to teach speaking in class. Second problem was the students become surfeited in the classroom. The third problem was controlling the class with several students’ character. From the phenomenon above, the researcher wanted to analyze what types of teachers’ technique in teaching speaking and how to apply the technique in teaching speaking.This research was qualitative descriptive study. Researcher conducted this research at SMAN 1 Kinali. The informant of this research was the English teacher SMAN 1 Kinali. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and observations checklist. Based on the findings of this study, it was found that there were four types of technique...

Speaking Teaching Strategies by Secondary School English Teacher

JEELL (Journal of English Education, Linguistics and Literature) English Department of STKIP PGRI Jombang

The research aims to find out the strategies used by teachers in teaching speaking to students in secondary school and teachers’ perception about the method. This study involved ten English teachers at several secondary schools in North Sumatra. To collect the data, researchers use qualitative descriptive methods by distributed questionnaires as research instruments using the google form platform. This research was conducted to find and identify the teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking. Research indicates that the strategies used by the English teacher were information gap, communicative language by real life situation, brain storming, picture storming, discussion, story-telling, role-play, daily integration in learning process, speech and games. Whereas the teacher's response to the strategy produces a positive attitude because their perception answers that the strategy they used was satisfying and effective to help students to improve their speaking skills. The results of...

A Study on Teaching Speaking at English Education Department of Universitas Islam Madura

English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning

This study was purposed to describe the difficulties in linguistics faced by the students in studying Speaking and the ways taken by the lecturer in solving the students’ linguistics difficulties in studying Speaking at English Education Department of Universitas Islam Madura.The research design was descriptive and the subject of the study was fourth semester students and Speaking Lecturer of English Education Department. The data were collected by observing the Speaking lecturer and interviewing the six students and speaking lecturer. They were analyzed descriptively. The finding showed that the materials used in teaching speaking are Describing Object, Simple present and Vocabulary. Meanwhile, the strategies which are used by the lecturer are lecturing, individual task, group discussion, students’ performance and role play. The Speaking lecturer had some ways to solve the linguistic difficulties by making the class attractive, giving more detailed explanation and some exercises, g...

Techniques Used by the English Teachers in Teaching Speaking at SMAN 3 Padang


Techniques are a way to assist students to explore and increase their ability, so that the teachers are suggested to use the techniques to reach the goals and objectives of teaching. Thus, in teaching English, speaking is one of four skills that have to be taught. This study aimed to describe what is the technique mostly used by English teachers in teaching speaking at SMAN 3 Padang. This research used descriptive qualitative method. There were two English teachers who were teaching in eleventh-grade students as the sample of this research, those have been selected by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this research was observation. Techniques for analysis the data were collecting the data, data reduction, display the data and conclusion drawing/classification. There were some techniques that mostly used by two English teachers in teaching speaking namely: role-play, brainstorming and picture describing. It can be conclude that, those techniques can increase the s...

Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking


This study was investigated the process of language teaching and learning of speaking in terms of teaching materials, teaching methods and learning assessments to the students’ at MTsN Blangpidie in the Academic years of 2016/2017. This study was a descriptive research. Two English teachers who taught at MTsN Blangpidie were participated in this study. An Interview was used to collect the data. The data were recorded, transcribed and coded based on the the problems. The finding of the study showed that the teachers at MTsN Blangpidie of South West Aceh used various teaching materials, teaching strategies and also learning assessments. Keywords : Speaking, Teaching Materials, Teaching Methods and Learning Assessments

The Implementation of Teaching Strategy in Conducting Speaking Skill for Grade X at Sma Negeri 1 Badar

GENRE Journal of Applied Linguistics of FBS Unimed, 2019

This study aims to find strategies on teaching English Speaking which are suitable to the needs of students of Senior High School. The research was conducted by descriptive qualitative research through three phases; observation, interviewing and documentation. It was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Badar, especially grade X. The data were gathered by administering interview and observation to 20 respondents to get the students’ needs. The interview and observation results prove that the teaching strategy is not implemented well and need to be improved. The average scores are the first from English lecturer and the second from English teacher. It means that the implementation of teaching strategy in conducting speaking skill as suitable or approriate for grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Badar. Key words: Descriptive Qualitative Reseach, Speaking Skill, Curriculum 2013.

Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking (A Case Study of an English Teacher in Sma Negeri 1 Toraja Utara)


Matius Ganna. Teacher’s strategies in teaching speaking (A Case Study of an English Teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Toraja Utara). (Supervised by Haryanto and Kisman Salija) This study is aimed at portraying teacher’s strategies in teaching speaking to students at Senior High School and recognizing the impacts of strategies used by the English teacher by involving an English teacher and also the first grade students of the class CIBI which consist of 30 students. In collecting the data, classroom observation and interview were conducted to identify the strategies of teaching speaking. The result revealed that the strategies used by the teacher were discussion, simulation, and communication games. The impact of speaking strategies used by the teacher are make students more active in learning, creating learner’s be more positive thinking and increasing the learner’s motivation. Among the three of teacher’s strategies, almost all of the students like the communication game as the strategy in t...

The Techniques of Teaching Speaking in Intermediate Class at Kampung Inggris (“English Village”) at Argo Politan Karang Indah, Mandastana, Barito Kuala


The technique of tutoring speaking is the best part of the educational process in speaking class. Many techniques can be implemented in tutoring English at formal school or informal school. This study intended to discover the techniques and techniques implementation in tutoring speaking in intermediate class at English Transmigration Village. The study implemented a descriptive method and a qualitative approach. Two tutors in the intermediate class were taken as the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher implemented observation and interviews. In analyzing the data, the researcher conducted three steps; data reduction (1), data display (2), as well as conclusion drawing (3). The data proved reliable since the researcher implemented two different instruments or referred to as Triangulation. The study findings showed that there were five techniques that tutors implemented and their implementation. In conclusion, the study result indicated that there were five techniques in tut...

The Strategies Applied by Certified English Teacher in Teaching Speaking Skill (A Case Study at Junior High School Janapria in the Academic Years 2020/2021)

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020

The study is aimed at finding out the strategies applied by certified English teacher in teaching speaking skill at junior high school and the responses of students toward the strategies. It is a case study of ethnography which was conducted at Junior High School Janapria in academic year 2020/2021. The research involved certified teacher and students of Junior High School Janapria as the research participants. Collecting the research data, the classroom observation was conducted to find out what teaching strategies employed by the certified teacher to teach speaking skill to the students as well as finding out the students’ responses on teacher’s teaching speaking strategy. The article exemplifies and explains the rationale of the strategies and the responses. The research finding says that the English certified teacher employs four strategies. The four teaching strategies mentioned as role play teaching strategy, think pair share, group investigations, and articulation drill. The ...