Urgensi Whistle Blower Dan Justice Collaboratordalam Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi DI Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Andrean Fyko Khadafy, Dr. Sukarmi, S.H., M.Hum., dan Moch. Zairul Alam, S.H.,MH. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Email : Andreanfk@gmail.com ABSTRAK Pada penelitian ini penulis mengangkat permasalahan mengenai urgensi whistleblower dalam pengungkapan kasus anti persaingan usaha di Indonesia. KPPU sebagai lembga pengawas jalannya persaingan usaha di Indonesia memiliki kekurangan dalam hal terbatasnya wewenang, kekurangan tersebut bisa ditutupi dengan instrumen bernama whistleblower. Di Indonesia sendiri pengaturan mengenai whistleblower dalam ranah persaingan usaha belum diatur. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka permasalahan hukum yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah urgensi whistleblower dalam pengungkapan kasus anti persaingan usaha di Indonesia dan bagaimana pengaturan terhadap whistleblower dalam pengungkapan kasus anti persaingan usaha di Indonesia dengan menggunakan peraturan yang dimiliki Britania Raya dan Instrumen pelaporan milik Eropa sebagai acu...
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PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law), 2014
Tulisan ini mengkaji lebih detail model ideal perlindungan hukum Whistleblower dan Jus ce Collaborator dalam upaya penanggulangan organized crime di Indonesia untuk masa yang akan datang (ius cons tuendum). Model ideal perlindungan hukum bagi Whistleblower dan Jus ce Collaborator ini harus berorientasi kepada model hak-hak prosedural, par sipasi langsung, atau ak f. Model ideal ini juga berbentuk model pelayanan atau model par sipasi dak langsung atau model pasif (the service model), model persuasif atau par sipasi, model perlindungan komprehensif, model penjatuhan pidana bersyarat dan model perlindungan melalui teleconference.
Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Yang Menjadi Justice Collaborator
Paulus Law Journal
Justice Collaborator is an actor who is willing to be a witness to open a clarity of an organized criminal act. Normative juridical sourced primary and secondary and tertiary materials, as well as the type of empirical juridical research which was analyzed qualitatively by describing descriptively the results of the existing data. To cooperate with law enforcement in finding evidence from other significant suspects so that investigations and examinations can run smoothly. Therefore, legal protection for justice collaborators is very important because it is feared that there will be potential threats from other actors, also so that all regulations related to justice collaborators do not overlap with each other and can unite perceptions among law enforcers related to corruption crimes organized.
Model Pelindungan Hukum Terhadap Justice Collaborator Tindak Pidana Korupsi Di Indonesia
Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum, 2020
The issue in this research is the regulation of legal protection against justice collaborators of corruption in Indonesia which is not optimal, and the absence of an appropriate protection model for optimum efforts of protection for justice collaborators in handling corruption in Indonesia. This needs to be studied because the role of justice collaborator is very much needed to disclose major cases such as corruption, whereas his testimony can pose a large risk that must be borne by the justice collaborator, hence legal protection for justice collaborators is crucial. The method in this study uses a type of juridical normative research that is focused on studying the norms of positive law. This research concludes, first, the regulations regarding the protection of justice collaborators are listed in various regulations, but there are no specific, clear and firm regulations regarding protection and procedural arrangements for determining a justice collaborator. Thus an appropriate legal protection model is needed to optimize protection for justice collaborators in criminal acts of corruption in order to fill the legal vacuum. Second, the legal protection model for justice collaborators in handling corruption in Indonesia can utilise a persuasive protection model.
Kelompok III) Peran Justice Collaborator dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui apakah peran dari pelaku tindak pidana yang bekerjasama ( justice collaborator ) dan bagaimana seseorang dapat berperan sebagai justice collaborator dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Proses pelaku tindak pidana korupsi mendapatkan status sebagai justice collaborator diatur dalam Angka 9 SEMA No.4 Tahun 2011 dimana seorang justice collaborator sebelumnya bukanlah pelaku utama dalam suatu tindak pidana dan jaksa penuntut umum telah mengakui bahwa yang bersangkutan telah berkata jujur dalam keterangannya. 2. Peran justice collaborator sendiri adalah membantu aparat hukum dalam mengungkapkan kasus tindak pidana korupsi yang juga melibatkan dirinya dengan memberikan keterangan-keterangan yang asli dan jujur menyangkut perbuatan yang telah dilakukannya dan juga pelaku-pelaku lain yang ikut membantu menjalankan misi tindak pidana korupsi ini. Dimana seorang yang menjadi justice collaborator ini dapat deberikan perlakuan khusus berupa diberikan konpensasi berupa pidana percobaan atau pidana penjara paling ringan dibandingkan terdakwa yang lain oleh hakim.
Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal), 2015
The discussion in this thesis raised regarding Legal Protection against Justice Collaborator in the handling of corruption in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to be analyzed with both forms of regulation and identify the type of protection provided by the laws of the State of Indonesia justice collaborator and determine the accuracy of the strength of the evidential value of the testimony in the trial of a justice collaborator, by analyzing the legal provisions in the legislation other law relating to witnesses. This type of research is used in a scientific journal this is the kind of normative legal research, because there is disharmony norm based research in the form of a legal vacuum regarding the setting justice collaborator in formal laws and regulations in Indonesia, as well as the legal ambiguities in the text of the legislation on Article 10 paragraph (2) Law No.. 13 of 2006 on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims of the justice collaborator testimony that can ...
Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
Practice of whistleblower and justice collaborator law protection especially in the effort to destroy the organized crime in Holland, germany and Australia to institution and the protect orientation is variatif and partial. Protection practice in Holland uses witness agreements, it is the agreement between the public prosecutor and witness to give the testimony with reward especially to organized crime. In Germany, trough Witness Protection Law In Process Criminal Investigation and Protection Against Victims (Zeugenschutzgesetz/ZschG). Essentially, Zeugenschutzgesetz/ZschG rules the dimention for the witnesses, both witnesses and not the victims. Besides, it is also ruled about rights issues witnesses before the trial and during the trial process. On the aspect of witness rights before the trial include the examination of witnesses in the policemen and prosecution, the secret of witness identity and the changes of witness identity. Then, the witness right in the trial are separated ...
Analisisyuridis Upaya Harmonisasi Antar Lembaga Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia
Efforts to the eradication of corruption in Indonesia is carried out for a long time, since the era of the Old Order to the Order Reforms. Significant changes in the understanding and eradication of corruption occurs when the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was formed in 2002 by Act No. 30 of 2002. The establishment of the KPK as an institution are authorized to investigate corruption as the competencies of Police and Attorney. It should be a driving force in the eradication of corruption. Ideally this momentum can be used by other agencies for the investigation of criminal corruption to go hand in hand and give each other encouragement and support so that the corruption in Indonesia can be reduced in number. Apparently, some of the facts shows that the opposite occurs alleged feud "Lizard vs Crocodile" is the momentum for mutual criminalize of the corruption investigation agencies. Disharmony in the investigation of criminal corruption agencies do not supposed to ...