Lokalisasi dan Adaptasi: Membedah Rencana Ratifikasi Konvensi ILO 188 untuk Tata Kelola Pelindungan yang baik (Good Governance) dan HAM pada Pekerja Migran Perikanan Indonesia (original) (raw)

Formulasi Dewan Tripartit Industri Maritim dan Ratifikasi Konvensi International Labour Organization Nomor 188 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pekerjaan Dalam Penangkapan Ikan

Media Iuris

Protecting the Indonesian Fisheries Crews (ABK) is an urgent matter considering that the government has not been optimal in providing protection so far. This situation can be momentum to clarify the rights of the Indonesian Fisheries Crews (ABK). This study aimed to determine the extent of the government’s efforts in protecting Indonesian Fisheries Crews (ABK). The research method used in this study was normative juridical with the types of statutory, conceptual, and comparative approaches. The results of the study indicated that the Law on Protection and Placement of Indonesian Workers, the Law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, and Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 35/PERMEN-KP/2015 have not explicitly regulated the special protection for Indonesian Fisheries Crews. On the other hand, the weak supervision of the manning agency as a recruitment agency that initiated the occurrence of human rights violations in Indonesian Fisheries Crews...

Implementasi Sertifikasi Hak Asasi Manusia pada Usaha Perikanan sebagai Kewajiban Internasional Indonesia

Tesis Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (Magister Hukum Transnasional), 2019

Bahasa: Tesis ini membahas mengenai bagaimana implementasi Sertifikasi HAM Perikanan guna melindungi hak-hak pekerja pada usaha perikanan di Indonesia. Adapun beberapa lokasi penelitian yang dipilih untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis sejauh mana Sertifikasi HAM Perikanan telah diimplementasikan yakni di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Belawan Medan, Pelabuhan Perikanan Nizam Zachman Jakarta, Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tegalsari Tegal, dan Pelabuhan Benoa Bali. Oleh karena itu, metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan hukum tesis ini adalah normatif-empiris/normatif terapan (applied law research), yakni mengkaji pelaksanaan atau implementasi ketentuan hukum positif secara faktual pada peristiwa hukum tertentu yang terjadi dalam masyarakat guna mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa Sistem dan Sertifikasi HAM Perikanan belum diimplementasikan. Banyak hak-hak dasar pekerja/buruh maupun awak kapal perikanan/nelayan pada usaha perikanan yang belum dipenuhi. Berdasarkan kesimpulan, penulisan hukum tesis ini merekomendasikan beberapa hal terhadap para pemangku kepentingan maupun pihak-pihak terkait yakni segera dibentuknya tata kerja dari Tim HAM Perikanan, pemerintah perlu meratifikasi Konvensi ILO 188 tentang Pekerjaan dalam Penangkapan Ikan, perlu adanya koordinasi lintas kementerian untuk mengimplementasikan Sistem dan Sertifikasi HAM Perikanan, serta perlu adanya kerja sama baik secara bilateral maupun regional antara Pemerintah RI dengan negara bersahabat lainnya guna memberantas isu slavery at sea mengingat isu ini merupakan isu lintas batas negara. Eng: This thesis focuses on how to implement Fisheries Human Rights Certification to protect workers’ rights in fisheries industries in Indonesia. The research locations selected to study and analyze the extent to which the Fisheries Human Rights Certification has been implemented are, among others, Belawan Oceanic Fishing Port (Medan), Nizam Zachman Fishing Port (Jakarta), Tegalsari Coastal Fishing Port (Tegal), and Benoa Port (Bali). Therefore, the research method used in thesis is normative-empirical/applied law research, which is to review the application or implementation of factually positive legal provisions on certain legal events occurring in the community in order to achieve predetermined goals. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the Fisheries Human Rights System and Certification have not been implemented. There are many basic rights of workers/laborers and crews of fishing boats/fishermen in fisheries sector which have not been fulfilled. Based on the conclusions, the thesis recommends a number of things to stakeholders and related parties such as immediate establishment of the Fisheries Human Rights Team’s work procedures, government’s ratification of ILO Convention 188 on Work in Fishing, the need for inter-ministerial coordination to implement the Fisheries Human Rights System and Certification and the need for bilateral and regional cooperation between Indonesian Government and other friendly States to eradicate the issue of slavery at sea considering that this is a cross-border issue.

Implementasi Konvensi Hukum Laut Internasional 1982 (UNCLOS III) di Kelautan Indonesia (studi Kasus Illegal Fishing) ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT

The International law of the sea or treaty law of the sea has produced from United Nation that is United Nation Convention in the Law of the Sea. UNCLOS has three phase, UNCLOS 1982 it definition about the right and responsibility of the country in employing the sea. UNCLOS 1982 also has figuration about archipelago of state concept. The strenght of UNCLOS 1982 is Indonesia one of archipelago of state concept. Based on UNCLOS 1982 Indonesia is an archipelago the has a vast sea and longest coastline with many potential natural resources, espcially in fishery. The purpose of research is to find out the implementation of UNCLOS III 1982 in Indonesian maritime affairs with an illegal fishing case study. Teh method use qualitative method. Teh result from the resaerch is demonstrative that UNCLOS III 1982 has implentationed by well in the sea of Indonesia. Sea constraint and ship sinking as goverment policy is the evidence of implentations of UNCLOS III 1982. Abstrak Hukum laut internasional atau hukum perjanjian laut merupakan perjanjian internasional yang dihasilkan dari konferensi perserikatan bangsa-bangsa (PBB), konvensi hukum laut internasional atau (UNCLOS) terjadi pada tiga tahap konvensi, adapun pada UNCLOS III mendefinisikan hak dan tanggung jawab negara dalam penggunaan kelautan, serta dalam UNCLOS III tahun 1982 terbentuknya suatu konsep negara kepulaan. Berdasarkan UNCLOS III 1982 Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki laut yang luas dan garis pantai yang panjang dengan berbagai potensi sumber daya alam yang memupuni terutama perikanan. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui impelentasi dari konvensi hukum laut internasional 1982 (UNCLOS III) di kelautan Indonesia dengan studi kasus illegal fishing. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penulisan makalah menunjukan bahawa konvensi hukum laut internasional dapat terimpelementasikan di keluatan Indonesia dengan adanya batasan-batasan kelautan di Indonesia serta di berlakukannya penenggelamana kapal sebagai kebijkan pemerintaha Indonesia untuk menangai masalah illegal fishing yang sering terjadi di Indonesi.

Perlindungan Ham Pekerja Migran: Kajian Normatif Kewajiban Indonesia Berdasar Prinsip-Prinsip Dan Norma-Norma Hukum Internasional

Yustisia Jurnal Hukum, 2013

This research is conducted to get a legal argumentation related to responsibility of Indonesia on protection of its citizen, especially migrant workers. The question will be answered by determining the norms and principles that underlie Indonesia in protecting the human rights of its citizens. The sources of this research are international conventions, customary international law, doctrine, legal instruments in Indonesia and some of publications concerning the state responsibility to protect migrant workers. The legal sources collected by study documentation are analyzed by interpretation and content analysis. The results show that the general legal principles in which become basic of Indonesia associated with its obligation to provide protection of human rights of women migrant workers are based on the principle of nationality/citizenship of Indonesia, the principle of pacta sunt servanda, the principle of exhaustion of local remedies, the shift in meaning of the sovereignty principle and recognition principles theory of natural rights which inherent in every human being.

Perlindungan Bagi Tenaga Kerja Migran Indonesia Terhadap Tindakan Human Trafficking DI Wilayah Timur Tengah Ditinjau Dari Hukum Internasional

Ius Civile: Refleksi Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan

Indonesia still has a very crucial problem, the problem is human trafficking. This study is aimed at identifying and analyzing legal protection for Indonesian workers who work in the Middle East against crimes of trafficking in persons based on national law and international law as well as the application of sanctions given to perpetrators. The research method in this article is juridical normative using a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study are a form of protection for migrant workers, there are several international regulations, one of which is CEDAW. Meanwhile, the government's efforts in legal protection for TKI victims of human trafficking are by issuing various legal instruments, one of which is the UU PTPPO (Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang). From this research, it can be concluded that the government needs to collaborate bilaterally, as well as multilaterally, especially the destination countries for placing Indonesian migra...

Quo Vadis Perbaikan Tata Kelola Buruh Migran Indonesia di Tahun Politik

Agenda pemilu merupakan momentum pesta demokrasi yang selalu mewarnai iklim dan nuansa setiap segi kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Terhitung sejak reformasi 1998 Indonesia telah menyelenggakan momen pemilu sebanyak empat kali, yakni tahun 1999, 2004, 2009, dan 2014 ini. Diantara momen tersebut pemilihan langsung presiden telah dimulai sejak tahun 2004. Artinya, masyarakat Indonesia telah dibiasakan dengan rutinitas iklim persaingan dan kompetisi politik setiap lima tahun sekali. Iklim politik tersebut pasti juga berimplikasi pada isu buruh migran. Siapapun anggota legislatif maupun presiden yang terpilih akan dihadapkan pada realitas persoalan yang menimpa buruh migran selama ini.

Harmonisasi Konvensi Internasional Perlindungan Hak Pekerja Migran dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2004

Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menggambarkan dan menganalisis proses harmonisasi konvensi internasional perlindungan hak pekerja migran dengan Undang-Undang No. 39 Tahun 2004; dan (2) menggambarkan dan menganalisis proses adopsi substansi konvensi internasional perlindungan hak pekerja migran ke dalam Undang-Undang No. 39 Tahun 2004. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni penelitian hukum normatif dengan jenis penelitian terhadap taraf sinkronisasi vertikal dan horizontal. Jenis bahan dan sumber hukum dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan penguatan melalui wawancara (interview). Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan tiga alur kegiatan yakni reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa: (1) harmonisasi konvensi internasional perlindungan hak pekerja migran dengan UU No. 39 Tahun 2004 di...

Tata Kelola Remitansi Buruh Migran Indonesia oleh Pemangku Kepentingan di Tingkat Nasional dan Akar Rumput: Praktik Baik, Peluang dan Tantangan

Jurnal Hubungan Internasional

This study is intended to provide general descriptions of the actors involved in the management of remittance sent by Indonesian migrant workers from their working abroad. Data was collected through interviewing 2 actors at the national level, a national NGO and a government institution, and 3 actors at the grassroot level, a local NGO, academic, and a community of women migrant workers. The interview is intended to identify the actors involved, their relative position and function within the remittance flow, bad practices that need to be avoided and best practices that need to be replicated. This study found that there are still needs for: safe and cheap remittance sending mechanism, remittance is still mainly used for consumption, there is a need for capacity building to assist Indonesian migrant workers to start their own business, and the strong influence of patriarchy culture in the management of remittance sent by women migrant workers.