High capacity and access rate, data storage using laser communications (original) (raw)
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3-D optical data storage technology
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2019
Abstract - 3-D optical data storage technology is one of the modern methods of storing large volumes of data. This paper, discusses in details the fundamentals of 3D optical data storage. This includes the features of the 3D optical data storage and the major components that make up the devices. Nonresonant Multiphoton, Sequential multiphoton absorption, microholography and data recording are some of the writing methods used in the 3D optical data storage. The major challenges that are facing these devices as discussed in the paper are; media sensitivity, Thermodynamic stability and destructive reading. Please feel free to use my research paper in your citations.
High-density optical data storage
Reports on Progress in Physics, 2006
Since the introduction of optical data storage systems in the 1970s, we have observed a stepwise increase in their storage capacity using the same means for resolution improvement as in classical microscopy and optical lithography, namely, a reduction in the source wavelength and an increase in the numerical aperture of the imaging optics. In this paper we briefly address the historical development of optical data storage and some recent developments towards higher density such as non-linear recording methods and systems with a numerical aperture larger than unity. More specifically, we explore the possibility of storing more information bits per storage location so that optical 'multiplexing' becomes feasible. A multiplexing method based on the detection of optical angular momentum of a focused light beam is treated in detail and is illustrated with some examples of preliminary experiments on this subject. Both the existing high-density systems and the proposed new ones require a detailed analysis of the focusing of the scanning spot and the diffraction by the information structure on the disc. We analyse electromagnetic focusing in multilayers and treat the diffraction of light by optical effects using a three-dimensional form of Green's tensor formalism.
Gbps of text, speech(sound), images and video graphic communications through the air as medium, allowing exchange of data without any use of conventional fiber optic cables or securing frequency spectrum licenses. FSO system could carry full duplex (bi-directional) data at giga bits per second rates over Metropolitan distances of a few city blocks, buildings or area of few kms. FSO, also known as wireless optics, which overcomes this last-mile access blockage by sending high -bit rate signals through the air using laser transmission.
Principles and techniques of optical data storage
Proceedings of the IEEE, 1997
We review the field of optical data storage and describe the various technologies that either are in use today or are likely to play a role in the near future. Our emphasis will be on optical-disk and holographic optical storage.
Capacity of a 3-D multi-layer optical data storage system
International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting, 2002
Storage capacity of a 3-D multi-layer optical data storage system is analyzed. Theoretical analysis of recorded bit size and cross-talk are presented and experimentally verified.
Opticdmemo~holds~eatpotentid fortigh-capaci@, tigh-speed dahstorage md access. This is particularly true for DOES nuclear physics laboratones such as the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, where a continuous stream of data at the rate of 20 Mbytes/second or more must be stored, with a total data volume of 100 terabytes per year. However, current data storage systems are limited in terms of both storage capacity and access speed. To address this need as a part of the Phase I effort, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) investigated the development of an optical data storage system built around a current wellengineered high speed optical disk system with an innovative diffraction-free micro-optical element to produce a beam-250 nm wide with-4-5 mm depth of focus, allowing the system to address data at-100 Mbits/second and to store it 100 to 1000 times more densely (-10 Gbit/in.2) than in present systems. In Phase I of this project POC completed a thorough feasibility study by system design and analysis, successfully demonstrated fabrication of the key components, and conducted a proof-ofprinciple experimental demonstration. Specifically, production of a subwavelength (-380 nm) large depth of focus (-4-5 mm) addressing beam was demonstrated by fabricating a special microdiffractive optical element and recording this beam on a standard optical recording disk coated with a photopolymer material. This new super-high-capacity high-speed optical disk memory system will find extensive commercial applications in large scale data storage, computers, optical communications, image archiving, libraries, and medical, university, and research facilities.
An artistic rendition of global internet commu nications, showing fiber optic technology as the backbone for universal connectivity. We are approaching an era in which people will need 1-Gbit/s communica tions ports in their offices, their homes, and even on the road. These high speed tele-ports will enable telecommuting, telemedicine, tele-education, and a variety of multimedia applications for entertainment and computing. These demands for high-speed communications will require new telecommunications and data communications infrastructure with terabit/s data rates. Additionally, these communications networks will require very high-speed computers (Tflops), very high-speed instrumentation (THz), and large information storage (Tbytes). The technologies needed to reach these rates are being worked on at many R&D organizations around the world. In fact, many demonstrations have been completed in 1996-1997 showing 1-Tbii/s communications links over more than 100 kilometers, 1-Tflops co...
IJERT-Light Fidelity: The Future of Data Communication
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020
https://www.ijert.org/light-fidelity-the-future-of-data-communication https://www.ijert.org/research/light-fidelity-the-future-of-data-communication-IJERTV9IS050133.pdf Light Fidelity (Lifi) is a mode of data transmission which is used to transfer data at a speed of more than 100 GB per sec. German Scientist Harald Hass coined the term light fidelity in the year 2011. currently optical fibers are used which can transfer data at speed of around 100mbps to 200mbps, which is quite less than the light fidelity. Lifi makes use of light emitting diodes (LED) to transfer data at a lightning fast speed. with the help of Lifi, large number of files can be transferred parallel at a much higher transfer speed. This simultaneous transfer of data is made possible by electromagnetic spectrum. In place of using the traditional radio frequency it makes use of much advance form ie. light to transfer data successfully. Advancement in light fidelity was made possible by development in the field of wireless communication. With the limitation of transfer speed and number of users increasing, radio waves are not able to fulfill the increasing demands With the development of light fidelity scientist aims to remove most of the flaws while transferring data via radio waves. this new technology promises to transfer data at a lightning fast speed by changing the intensity of light waves. Lifi is the future of data transfer. The main objective of this paper is to give a brief idea about the Lifi and what all can be achieved with this futuristic technology.