Das Gleichnis von den klugen und törichten Jungfrauen (Mt 25,1-13) (original) (raw)

Junge Witwen und alte Jungfrauen ... Kleine Religionsgeschichte weiblicher Ehelosigkeit

Junge "Witwen" als Bräute Christi (1 Tim 5,11f.), 2011

Die patriarchale Ehe ist für Frauen, die ihre Leben selbst bestimmen wollen, nicht unbedingt attraktiv. Deshalb gibt es in der Kulturgeschichte Frauen, die auf die Ehe verzichten. Da weibliche Ehelosigkeit in patriarchalen Strukturen als Herrenlosigkeit der Frau einen schweren Mangel darstellt, können göttliche Ehemänner virtuell an die Stelle eines irdischen Herren treten. Von der Gottesgemahlin des Amun im alten Ägypten bis zur Braut Christi reichen die Beispiele, die allerdings auch deutlich machen, dass nicht jede Ehelosigkeit für die betreffenden Frauen eine emanzipatorische Wirkung hat.

Tamar, Rut und Dtn 25,5-10. Drei biblische Wendepunkte

Antonianum, 2009

The Old Testament institution of the Levirate (from the Latin for brother-in-law) is linked above all to these three texts:: the narrative of Tamar in Gn 38, the law found in Dt 25, 5-10, the Book of Ruth (especially chapter 4). Even though these three refer to this institution in different ways, this study sets out to accentuate the common characteristics of the three texts. Thus it is shown that at the origin of each one is the death of an Israelite, a physical death that threatens to become total extinction in the absence of a descendant able to keep up worthily in Israel the memory of the dead man. This study thus interprets the texts of Gn 38, Dt 25, 5-10 and Ruth 4, in this order, demonstrating thereby how the disaster that is death is being limited, and life regains the place due to it in Israel.

Die ,Alte Weise‘ und die ,weise Frau‘ im alten Mesopotamien

Fabula , 2019

Abstract: As in the fairy tales of various cultures, wise women and old wise women are found also in ancient Mesopotamian literature. Several goddesses are labelled as ‘old wise woman’. This designation is not just an indication of their age but implies the life experiences and wisdom that come with age. As ‘old wise woman’ a Goddess can help a ruler solve a riddle (Nisaba), explain the sexual act (Nunbaršegunu/Nisaba) and spinn a magic thread (Innana and Uttu). The aim of this article is to discuss the ancient Mesopotamian attestations of wise women and old wise women in a comparative perspective taking into account the central European fairy tales.


Rebeka Tamási, 2020

I am the Women of Valor…or not? A contextual theological research of the identity of Hungarian Christian woman The main topic of my paper is the identity of religious women. They have to face various expectations from the society, from their religious community, from God and from themselves. While searching for answers they find the figure of the Woman of Valor (Prov.31:10-31). She is an ideal for a lot of religious women – independently of their confession. They consider following her example as the will of God and that’s why they try to do their best although it seems quite impossible to reach that standard she represents. In my opinion they need to have a better picture of the Woman of Valor in order to know what kind of ideal they want to follow. The Woman of Valor could be a good axis of the identical problems because reading about her, Christian women have to consider their family and social roles in the light of their faith. I would like to approach the topic from different point of views like the history of religion, contextual theology, feminism and the actual feelings and experiences of religious women. I would like to see the interrelationship between the text and the identity of Hungarian Christian women. Although the historical understanding is an important part of my work I would like to concentrate of the impact on the text. That’s why I read the opinion of Christian women who share their (mis)intepretations, opinions and advices about the Woman of Valor or ‘biblical womanhood’ which could cause more stress for the reader. They confront with feminism as well. While feminism questions the roles of women in family, church and society, many Christian women don’t dare to ask or criticize as it could show that they have not achieved spiritual maturity. As in Hungary feminism is a very controversial topic in the society and in the churches as well, the anti-feministic literature reaches us faster, than the current scientific one. This makes almost impossible to resolve the contradiction between feminism and religious women. My intention is to show how today in Hungary Christian women interpret the text of Women of Valor and what are the consequences of that in their life. I hope that my paper can show how Hungarian Christian woman feel and think, and how deep and diverse a text and female identity can be researched.