Types and Forms of Work when Training the Speech of Students Foreigners of Medical School on the Example of Use of the Electronic Manual (original) (raw)

Types of Work on Teaching Phonetics to Students-Foreigners (On the Example of Electronic Textbook “Russian as a Foreign Language for Medical Students”)

Vektor nauki Tol'yattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya Pedagogika i psihologiya, 2017

ВИДЫ РАБОТ ПО ОБУЧЕНИЮ ФОНЕТИКЕ СТУДЕНТОВ-ИНОСТРАНЦЕВ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО УЧЕБНИКА «РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК КАК ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ МЕДИЦИНСКОГО ВУЗА») © 2017 А.Т. Бактыбаева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Русский язык и профессиональный русский язык с курсом латинского языка» Казахский национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова, (Казахстан) Ключевые слова: студенты из Индии; русский язык как иностранный; электронный учебник; студенты-иностранцы; фонетические навыки русского языка. Аннотация: Актуальность использования новых технологий в обучении русскому языку иностранных студентов обусловлена изменениями рынка труда и процессами модернизации в медицинском образовании. В настоящее время растут потребности в высококвалифицированных специалистах-медиках, способных ориентироваться в стремительно изменяющихся социально-экономических процессах. Этим обусловлена необходимость активного применения информационных технологий, позволяющих в ускоренном режиме разрабатывать, изменять и соотносить различные учебные и научно-методические материалы. Автор описал возможности применения электронного учебника при обучении русскому языку студентов-иностранцев медицинского вуза. Благодаря инновационным технологиям иностранные студенты медицинского вуза получили возможность не только изучать русский язык с точки зрения орфографии, грамматики, лексики и стилистики, но и знать и применять медицинскую терминологию русского языка в ситуациях общения. Подобный синтез позволяет иностранным студентам, с одной стороны, усваивать специальные знания, с другой-успешно овладевать языком специальности. На основе дефиниции понятия «электронный учебник» и на примере созданного преподавателями КазНМУ электронного пособия автор рассматривает некоторые виды работ для закрепления фонетических умений у студентов-иностранцев медицинского вуза. Для закрепления фонетических навыков на страницах учебника его авторы предлагают традиционные формы обучения типа «Слушайте и повторяйте за диктором», «Читайте», «Следите за интонацией. Повторяйте за диктором. Читайте». Наряду с такими заданиями используются решение кроссвордов, задание-игра «Собери слово», фонетический диктант. Проведенный сравнительный анализ данных между экспериментальной и контрольной группами свидетельствует о положительном результате при закреплении фонетических навыков у тех студентов, которые имели возможность пользоваться электронным учебником. Описанный эксперимент подтверждает важность развития электронных технологий и использования их в обучении как необходимого средства для повышения уровня знаний русского языка у студентов-иностранцев.

Discourse Approach in the System of Traning of the Ukrainian Language of Foreign Students of Medical Specialties

Educological discourse, 2020

The article describes the main characteristics of the discourse approach in the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and the main components of the Ukrainian-language medical scientific-academic discourse as a basis for selecting the content of language education of foreign medical students of Ukrainian universities. By participating in the Ukrainian-language medical discourse, foreign medical students gain professional knowledge and the opportunity to become subjects of communicative practices of professional communication with equal professionals and various members of Ukrainian society (patients), to whom the future doctor's professional activity is directed. The author cites the following content components of the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language: communicative roles of the subjects of medical discourse that regulate the communicative needs of foreign students; appropriate communicative intentions and strategies, tactics of realization of thes...

Principles of Selection and Organization of the Educational Material for the Formation of English Professionally Oriented Competence in Speech of Future Doctors in Polycultural Environment

Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: «Pedagogy. Social Work», 2020

інтеграція України у міжнародний освітній простір зумовила формування полікультурного середовища (а саме-полінаціональних груп студентів) на базі вітчизняних ЗВО. Нові реалії вищої освіти вимагають внесення якісно нових змін до методик і підходів навчання, відмінних від тих, що традиційно застосовуються під час роботи з мононаціональними академічними групами. Одним з початкових етапів розробки новітніх методик є відбір та організація навчального матеріалу для формування англомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності, позаяк англійська мова є провідною мовою фахового міжнаціонального спілкування. Увага до спеціальності «Медицина» опосередкована найбільшою популярністю лікарського фаху серед зарубіжних студентів. Метою дослідження є визначити, охарактеризувати та класифікувати принципи відбору та організації навчального матеріалу, важливі для ефективного формування англомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності у говорінні майбутніх лікарів з урахуванням специфіки полікультурного академічного середовища. Указана мета зумовила вибір взаємопов'язаних методів дослідження, а саме структурно-логічний та функціональний аналіз, а також системно-структурний та компаративний аналіз. У статті виокремлені та описані три категорії принципів, зокрема принципи відбору навчального матеріалу, принципи організації навчального матеріалу, а також сукупні принципи відбору та організації навчального матеріалу. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання зазначених принципів для формування англомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності в говорінні майбутніх лікарів у полікультурному середовищі. Ключові слова: англомовна професійно орієнтована компетентність; англомовне професійно орієнтоване говоріння; полікультурне середовище; полінаціональна група; принципи відбору навчального матеріалу; принципи організації навчального матеріалу.

Development of a method of teaching trainee doctors foreign language professional communication based on an integrated approach

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2024

Introduction. The integrated approach, being one of the innovative approaches in teaching a foreign language for professional communication, contributes to the parallel development of both students’ foreign language communication skills and their professional competencies within a single academic course. To attain effective outcomes in the dual objective of training, it is crucial not only to meticulously choose the integrated course content, considering its subject-thematic focus, but also to devise a practical training method that mirrors the specifics of future medical specialists' professional activities. The aim of this research is to develop a method of teaching trainee doctors foreign language professional communication based on an integrated approach. Materials and methods. First year trainee doctors of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics specialty of Derzhavin Tambov State University (Russian Federation) were the participants of the experimental study. In the control group (N = 20), students studied the language for special purposes, and in the experimental group (N = 20) students studied using an integrated approach. Evaluation of students’ progress was based on seven criteria. The Student's statistical t-test method was used for the results process. Results. The integrated approach effectiveness was confirmed during experimental study, which reflected the mastery of the professional thesaurus by trainee doctors (t=3.19 at p≤0.05), in the development of writing (t=4.8 at p≤0.05), speaking skills (t=4.8 at p≤0.05) and solving professional cases on the studied language (t=2.17 at p≤0.05). However, the study did not confirm the integrated approach advantages in the grammatical speech skills formation of trainee doctors (t=1.45 at p>0.05), in the development of listening skills (t=1 at p>0.05) and reading skills (t=1.45 at p>0.05). The results obtained can be explained by the fact that by the beginning of experimental work, students had already developed the following language and speech skills at a high level (B1-B2). Conclusion. The novelty of the study is in the development of a method for teaching trainee doctors professional foreign language during an integrated course. The prospects for the work are to further study the potential of the integrated approach in teaching students who speak the language at level A2-B1. It is anticipated that the effectiveness of the integrated learning method will be evaluated on a group of students with a foreign language communicative competence level of A2-B1. Additionally, the methodology is of research interest as it aims to identify the speech skills of foreign language interaction, categorized by types of speech activity, in a specific professional field of communication.

Patient-oriented linguo-professional training of medical students

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. Patient-oriented communicative interaction in medicine is studied in various sciences, however, teaching appropriate communication in a medical university is impossible without taking into account its verbal specifics due to the high linguistic activity of the medical profession. Patient-oriented communication skills should be systematically formed in linguo-professional training, which disciplines and topics require clarification. The purpose of the study: to determine a set of disciplines and topics for patient-oriented linguo-professional training of medical students and to identify their demand among students and teachers of higher medical education (HME). Research methods: study of scientific and educational literature, reflecting the communicative aspects of the professional activities of physicians; questionnaire survey (174 teachers and 766 students of the Siberian State Medical University (Russia, Tomsk), ranking the subjects of patient-oriented linguoprofessional training according to their demand among students and teachers of the HME, summarizing the results of the study Research results. It is substantiated that the patient-oriented linguo-professional training of physicians should: 1) act as a significant component of their university training; 2) promote the development of professional and communicative (linguo-professional) competence for the implementation of effective verbal communication in professional activities in the dyad “doctor – patient”; 3) be based on the principles of the anthropological approach, the ideology of patient-orientation in medicine. The 16 most relevant topics for this training were identified, among which the topics related to speech etiquette in the communication of a doctor, his communication tasks, rules and techniques of conflict-free communication are especially in demand among students and teachers of the HME. Priority methods and technologies for teaching communication with patients have been identified: conversations, situational tasks, active listening, dialogue communication, giving examples, simulation technologies. Conclusion. The achievements of linguistic research in medical communication and the principles of a patient-oriented approach should be taken into account in the linguo-professional training of physicians. Its implementation is possible through the complementarity of the content of linguistic and non-linguistic disciplines or a single discipline for teaching patient-oriented communication.

Interactive methods in the foreign language teaching of future IT specialists at medical college

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. Interactive teaching of a foreign language to IT students in a higher medical school is an important component of the educational environment of a medical university, as it contributes to the formation of not only professional communicative competence in a foreign language, but also key competencies for conducting future professional activities in general. The authors determined that the purpose of the scientific work is to provide promising solutions for eliminating downsides, neutralizing risks and introducing interactive technologies in linguodidactic process. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russian Federation). The students of the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" (72 students) took part in the experiment. One of the groups was designated experimental, the remaining 3 were control. Scientific and experimental information was obtained, using such methods as theoretical analysis of sources on the problem, assessment of the experience of using interactive methods in the experimental part of the study based on SWOT analysis, observation, survey, online testing. Method of mathematical statistics: Pearson's chi-squared test. Results. The survey showed a high degree of students interest (95% of students) in learning a foreign language at a high professional level in the process of collaboration using communicative, active, interactive methods, information technology, etc. Online testing, which demonstrates the results of learning lexical and grammatical material on the educational topic of the discipline foreign language by students of the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" in an interactive way at a medical university, showed that the students of the experimental group coped with the test tasks much better than students from the control groups (χ2 = 6.383; p=0.042 < 0,05). Conclusion. The authors have developed a number of promising solutions, based on the obtained results that optimize the process of using interactive learning in IT students training at the medical university. Due to this work, it is possible to determine the universal principles of the use of interactive methods in teaching a foreign language to students of the information technology specialties in the field of medicine and other specialties, it is possible to expand the range and conditions for the adaptability of these methods for a specific group, the purpose of training, the tasks and expected results, and also to develop a model of interactive learning for students of these specialties at medical school and subsequently create an educational program and materials.

Text-Based Activities at Ukrainian as a Second Language Classes: Tasks for the Development of Communication Skills (Special Aspects of Their Use for English-Speaking Medical Students)

Humanities science current issues

У статті порушена важлива та актуальна тема, тому що дотепер поза увагою залишається чимало практичних аспектів використання текстів для читання на заняттях української мови як іноземної, немає достатньої кількості текстів із ґрунтовно розробленою системою завдань для студентів медичних спеціальностей. Автор ставить перед собою мету проаналізувати найзагальніші теоретичні аспекти, що стосуються роботи з українськомовним текстом, а відтак розробити систему вправ до одного із текстів, виконання яких підвищить ефективність процесу читання і допоможе розвинути комунікативні навички англомовних студентів-медиків. Результати досліджень підтверджують, що читання супроводжує студентів на всіх етапах вивчення мови. Читання текстів може відбуватися в різних режимах, з різною метою та виконувати різні функції. Звертаємо увагу на три режими читання, кожен із яких використовуємо на заняттях української мови як іноземної. Пристаємо до думки, що найефективнішим є ознайомлювальне читання, оскільки такий режим сприяє розвитку комунікативної компетенції. Обґрунтували доцільність використання текстів для читання для студентів-медиків та запропонували текст «Кілька порад для зміцнення імунітету» із детально розробленою системою комунікативних вправ. Усі завдання, що сприяють формуванню вмінь осмислення інформації тексту, як рекомендується у більшості методичних джерел, поділили на дотекстові, текстові та післятекстові. Перші мотивують прочитати текст або готують до читання і сприйняття інформації; наступні (текстові) мають на меті перевірити розуміння прочитаного, закріпити висловлення з тексту, відпрацювати граматичний матеріал; післятекстові завдання дають можливість відпрацювати навички усного мовлення, вчать висловлювати свої думки з приводу прочитаного. У статті дійшли висновку, що подібні дослідження є корисними, оскільки це готовий матеріал для проведення занять; можливість урізноманітнити заняття; нові ідеї для розроблення системи комунікативних завдань до наступних текстів, які можуть бути використані під час опрацювання інших розмовних тем. Ключові слова: українська мова як іноземна, тексти для читання, режими читання, дотекстові завдання, текстові завдання, післятекстові завдання, комунікативні навички.

Selection and organization of speech material for teaching students of Linguistics foreign-language speaking. Part II

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2022

The problem for the research. Modern social contract requires linguistic departments and universities to create the most favourable conditions for teaching students oral productive foreign-language speech in order to develop their universal, general professional and professional competencies. The problem of the research is connected with the solution of the issues of selection and organization of speech material, adequate to the tasks of teaching speaking at the Linguistics Department to ensure interpersonal, intercultural and professional interaction of students. Methods of investigation. Experimental teaching students foreign-language speaking on the basis of the principles of selection and organization of speech material, proposed in the article, was carried out at the Linguistics Department of Vyatka State University (32 first-year students, speciality 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles), the training focus “English, German”). Quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating students’ monologic and dialogical speech were developed and reflected in the subsystem of informative and analytical training exercises, as well as speech ones on the controlled use of materials of educational conversational texts, on working with model dialogues, for teaching prepared and spontaneous oral speech. The findings of the study. A system of particular methodological principles is presented: for the selection of speech material: compliance with the type of foreign-language speech activity (speaking), accessibility and feasibility, compliance with students’ interests and needs, authenticity, novelty, cultural orientation; for the organization of speech material: comparative, personal, subjective and individual individualization, problem-informational adequacy and sufficiency of content. The results of the experimental work indicate that the proficiency in foreign-language monologic speech (cycle 1) increased in 56% of students; dialogical speech (cycle 2) – in 66 %. The calculation of G-criterion of signs revealed that at the end of the 1st cycle Gemp. ≤ Gcr. (0 ≤ 5); at the end of the 2nd one Gemp. ≤ Gcr. (0 ≤ 6). This indicates that the shift in the typical direction in our case is not accidental, and with 95 % of confidence it can be stated that it is due to the conduct of experimental work. Conclusion. It is proved that taking into account the proposed principles improves the quality of teaching an oral productive type of foreign-language speech activity and contributes to the development of universal, general professional and professional competencies of students.

From GE to ESP: technology of educational work with professional authentic foreign language materials for junior medical students

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. Research competencies, including the skills of working with professional foreign language literature, various authentic sources, the ability to work with specialized scientific databases forms the basis of modern professional training of medical students. Aim. Description of the author's model of working with authentic foreign language materials for junior medical students and justification of the technology of organizing educational activities using specially selected authentic materials at the stage of the transition from general foreign language disciplines to professional communication. The subject of the study was the stage of transition from the general course of a foreign (English) language (GE) to a professional one (ESP). Materials and methods. The research is based on the cascade principle of the formation of foreign language competencies of medical students. This principle presupposes the systematization and practical application of general language knowledge, on the basis of which professionally significant communication skills are formed. The methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative studies were used, which made it possible to assess the relationship between the system of professional medical education and the use of authentic foreign language materials in this process. The empirical study was implemented by integrating professional questionnaires (needs analysis) [24] into D. Kirkpatrick's four-type model for evaluating the effectiveness of training during the transition from GE to ESP at the beginning and at the end of training. The study was conducted during one academic year (September 2022 – June 2023) in classes in the disciplines "Foreign language (General English)" and "English for professional communication (ESP/EAP)" at the Faculty of Medical Science (N. V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Clinical Medicine, Sechenov University). The respondents of the study were 80 medical students of junior courses (1st and 2nd year students) of the level of English proficiency "Intermediate" (B1+) and "Upper-Intermediate" (B2+). Results. The results of the study showed that medical students from the study group reacted positively to the introduction of professional authentic foreign language materials into the educational process. The developed model of designing educational work allowed to form and put into practice the technologies of the educational process relevant to the professional field of medicine, which increases not only the foreign language communication of students, but also their professional competencies. Conclusion. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the parameters of the developed model of the application of actual authentic materials into the educational process of professional training of medical specialists. The obtained results can be used in professional medical education, improving and improving the process of training professional personnel at the level of development of research and socially significant foreign language competencies.

Selection and organization of speech material for teaching students of Linguistics foreign-language speaking. Part I

Perspectives of Science and Education, 2021

The problem for the research. Modern social contract requires linguistic departments and universities to create the most favourable conditions for teaching students oral productive foreign-language speech in order to develop their universal, general professional and professional competencies. The problem of the research is connected with the solution of the issues of selection and organization of speech material, adequate to the tasks of teaching speaking at the Linguistics Department to ensure interpersonal, intercultural and professional interaction of students. Methods of investigation. Experimental teaching students foreign-language speaking on the basis of the principles of selection and organization of speech material, proposed in the article, was carried out at the Linguistics Department of Vyatka State University (32 first-year students, speciality 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles), the training focus “English, German”). Quantitative and qualitative criteria...