Ectoparassitosi da Proctolaelaps pygmaeus (Acarina: Ascidae) (original) (raw)


Haplosplanchnus pachysomus -широко распространенного паразита черноморских кефалей. (Eysenhardt, 1829) -единственный представитель рода Haplosplanchnus, встречающийся у рыб морей Средиземноморского бассейна. Он характерен для кефалевых, которых иногда заражает на 40-75% при очень высокой интенсивности инвазии -более 1000 экз. (Решетникова, 1955). Несмотря на то что вид упоминается фактически в каждой работе по паразитофауне кефалей, его описания, во всяком случае в отечественной литературе, фрагментарны, а иногда и просто ошибочны. Так, Власенко (1931), нашедший 1 экз. трематоды, к тому же не достигший полной зрелости, сообщает, что желточник у Н.pachysomus «непарный, неправильной формы, с неясными очертаниями». Это нашло отражение и на выполненном им рисунке вида, вошедшем в дальнейшем в «Определитель паразитов позвоночных Черного и Азовского морей» (1975). В описании Буцкой (1952), также обнаружившей только 1 экз. паразита, желточник у Н.pachysomus «неправильной формы . . . лежит в передней части тела ... от глотки до заднего конца кишки» (в действительности же речь идет о простатической части). Упомянутыми работами и исчерпывается описание Н.pachysomus в отечественной литературе. Во всех остальных работах -а их более 10 -указана только частота встречаемости паразита у черноморских рыб. Лишь Османов (1940) привел несколько размерных признаков от одной промеренной им особи трематоды. Цифровые данные, комбинированные из работ Османова (1940) и Буцкой (1952), и были включены в описание Н. pachysomus, приведенное в «Определителе» (1975). Вместе с тем Н.pachysomus имеет большое внешнее сходство с H.cauatum (Srivastava, 1939), описанным из Liza (= Mugil) waigiensis Бенгальского залива (Srivastava, 1939; Madhavi, 1979) и Mugil cephalus из вод Натали (Bray, 1984). Брей (Bray, 1984) даже высказал предположение об их возможной идентичности. Сказанное выше и побудило нас выполнить детальное изучение морфологии Н.pachysomus.

Streblonema (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) infection in the kelp Laminaria saccharina (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) in the western Baltic

Hydrobiologia, 1996

The brown alga Laminaria saccharin is the dominant subtidal macroalga in Kiel Bay, western Baltic . It is infected by the microscopic brown alga, Streblonema aecidioides . Infected thalli may show symptoms of Streblonema disease, i .e . alterations of blade and stipe, ranging from dark spots to heavy deformations and completely crippled thalli . Samples taken from a single locality all year round show that (i) the host population is infected at a high rate of 87±13% (SD), but that (ii) a considerable proportion of thalli containing Streblonema does not show disease symptoms, and that (iii) juvenile hosts, which mainly appear in autumn, are infected at almost the same rate . Thus the infection seems to occur early in the host's life . Juveniles in nature show fewer symptoms of the disease than adults . Two months after infection, oxygen production and growth in laboratory-raised experimentally infected juvenile hosts was not different from uninfected controls . Experimental thalli showed more severe morphological alterations than uninfected controls only four months after infection . Both field and laboratory observations indicate that a lag phase exists between infection and outbreak of the disease .


Endemic plants in Georgia (Glaucium corniculatum) were studied for the content of alkaloids. This plant is from the family Papaveraceae. The plants that we studied were collected in the city of Kharagauli (Glaucium corniculatum), In different years and different growing seasons. It is known that the chemical composition of plants is affected by ecological and climatic conditions. A plant species that grows in different conditions contains different substances. The content of the amount of alkaloids in the grass of Glaucium corniculatum is from 3 to 4 %, depending on the phase of vegetation. Identification of alkaloids is performed on liquid chromatography. The herb contains isoquinoline alkaloids: chelidonine, Sanguinarine, Berberine, Chelerythrine, kontizine.


Успехи гуманитарных наук // Modern Humanities Success, 2020

Ex epistolis duorum amantium («Из писем двух влюбленных») – уникальный эго-документ европейского Средневековья. Он включает 116 писем и фрагментов, которыми обменивались неизвестные мужчина и женщина. С большой долей вероятности тексты принадлежали перу философа Абеляра и его возлюбленной Элоизы, знаковых фигур в Ренессансе двенадцатого века. Этот период характеризуется как «эмоциональная революция» – усиление потребности человека в самоопределении. В процессе конструирования своих идентичностей авторы соединяют христианскую (монашескую) и языческую (философскую) ментальность. На стыке идей возникают индивидуализированные трактовки деструктивного (Танатос) и конструктивного (Эрос) начал, в том числе связанные с кризисом церковного брака и дискурсом куртуазной любви. В письмах женщины отчетливо прослеживается влияние «Героид» Овидия, отсюда социальная и/или физическая гибель во имя возлюбленного становится актом, придающим любви завершенность. Мужчина, напротив, подчеркивает витальное значение любви, опираясь на учение Цицерона о дружбе. Авторы писем параллельно деконструируют современные им этические нормы и создают собственные, в соответствии с которыми раскрывают свою личность. Ключевые слова: Ex epistolis duorum amantium, Эрос, Танатос, Овидий, «Героиды», Цицерон, Средневековье, эго- документ, личность. // Ex epistolis duorum amantium (“From the letters of two lovers”) is a unique ego-document of the European Middle Ages. It includes 116 letters and fragments exchanged by some unknown man and a woman. The texts might have been written by the French philosopher Pierre Abelard and his beloved disciple Heloise, iconic figures of the 12th century Renaissance. This period is characterized as an “emotional revolution” with certain increase in personal need for self- determination. In the process of constructing their identities, the authors combine both Christian (monastic) and pagan (philosophical) mentalities. At the junction of ideas, individualized interpretations of destructive (Thanatos) and constructive (Eros) beginnings arise, including those associated with the crisis of church marriage and the discourse of courtly love. In the woman’s letters, the influence of Ovid’s The Heroides is clearly traced, hence social and/or physical death in the name of a lover becomes an act that gives love a kind of completeness. A man, on the contrary, emphasizes the vital meaning of love, relying on Cicero's words about friendship. The correspondents deconstruct simultaneously their ethical standards and create their own ones, in accordance with which they reveal their identity. Keywords: ex epistolis duorum amantium, Eros, Thanatos, Ovid, the Heroides, Cicero, the Middle Ages, ego-document, personality



The issue of Macedoniae acta archaeologica includes scientific results from the archaeological excavations in the Republic of Macedonia that were presented at the XXI Meeting of the Macedonian Archaeological Scientific Association, held in Strumica in 2010.



ABSTRACT: The paper examines the role of Aristotle’s ethics from a Lacanian perspective. Hegel’s assessment of Aristotle’s practical philosophy is partly authoritative for Lacan’s reinterpretation of Aristotle. It ensures a speculative, parapractical approach to Aristotle, i.e. it introduces the dimension of handling the unconscious as the ultimate “rite of passage”. Lacan tries to rescue ethics from the vicious circle of self-restraint and postponement and adopts some of Aristotle’s ideas in the construction of the ethics of psychoanalysis. Whereas it surfaces as a psychoanalytical association, in its internal form ethics exists as a sense of guilt or in the very act of betrayal. What we are talking about is the Aristotelian circle: moral virtue comes with habit, which is why it got its name (ἦϑος), only slightly different from the name for custom (ἔϑος). One of Lacan’s key formulations is unequivocally Aristotelian: desire is always the desire of the Other (transfer). Lacan’s expansion of the jurisdiction of ethics actually undermines its foundations, if it is understood as the skill of leading a good life. With Lacan’s critique of ethics, as well as his adopting of Aristotelian speculative point of view, ethics is moved out of the imaginary register which leads to self-restraint and postponement, but it is also moved to the register of symbolic - thoughtful action and faithfulness to desire. Key words: Jacques Lacan, Aristotle, G. W. F. Hegel, speculation, transference, ethics, desire, betrayal, happiness, pleasure principle.



A BSTRACT . The purpose of this article is to compare the ethics that can be found in Plato’s Socrates with the ethics of Aristotle in the context of Plato’s and Aristotle’s understanding of the good. The first part analyzes Aristotle’s understanding of ethics. He proceeds from the fact that there is no good in itself, there are many of them. The highest good, according to Aristotle, is the good of polis; his ethics is determined by politics. The high- est happiness is to live according to virtue; moral (ethical) virtue (ἀρετὴ ἠθικὴ) can be taught by suggestion and repetition of certain actions; the nature of virtue is connected with the middle, it is necessary to avoid both excess and lack of passions and actions in order to acquire the habit of sticking to the middle. The second part demonstrates the difference between Aristotelian and Platonic concepts of virtue. For Plato, the main thing is the good in itself, which is beyond being (ἐπέκεινα τῆς οὐσίας), but at the same time it is the cause of all things, the cognizable and cognition as such (Rep. 509b6–10). Accordingly, the good of polis for him is by no means the topmost good; in general, polis and politics are only one of the levels of the so-called visible realm of existence, where opinion rules. Since the good itself goes beyond the limits of existence, a person striving for it must go beyond the limits of existence, and his own self: such transcendence is described in the dialogues “Symposium”, “Phaedrus”, “Phaedo”; in the “Symposium”, it is emphasized that only this transcendence allows to give birth to a genuine virtue, and not merely a ghost of it. Thus, virtue according to Plato can in no way be the middle, and it is also impossible to teach it; it is in this sense that the views of Plato’s Socrates may be called anti-ethics (the word “ethics” in Plato does not exist at all).

Occurrence of metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum compactum (Lutz, 1928) (Trematoda, Diplostomidae) in Pimelodus platicirris in the Ilha Solteira Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2020

This study reports the occurrence of metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum compactum in Pimelodus platicirris from a Neotropical reservoir in the Grande River, SP, Brazil. A total of 164 fi sh were collected, of which 12.80% were infected with metacercariae in the eyes. The mean intensity of infection and mean abundance were 1.52±0.14 (1-3) and 0.23±0.05 (0-3), respectively. The presence of this parasite with a high intensity of infection can cause exophthalmos, retinal displacement, opacity of the lens, blindness or even death. This is the fi rst record of ocular metacercariae for P. platicirris, thus increasing the number of hosts for A. compactum.