Effect of Sport Aggression on the Psychosocial Realm of Athletes (original) (raw)

Unveiling anger and aggression in sports: The effects of type of sport, competitive category and success level 1

Few studies have explored anger, aggression and antisocial behaviour in sport competition. Therefore, this study intends to analyse the patterns of association between aggression-related variables, and the effect of type of sport, competitive categories and success levels. Two hundred and thirty one athletes from different types of sport completed measures of anger, aggression, antisocial behaviour, anger rumination and provocation. Results provided support for the link between anger, aggression and antisocial behaviour, as well as the importance of provocation and anger rumination in aggressive behaviours. Additionally, athletes from sports with higher levels of physical contact and from lower or younger competitive categories tended to be more aggressive than those from sports with lower levels of contact and from higher competitive levels. However, results failed to demonstrate any significant differences considering the achievement level. These findings provide an important basis to understand individual differences in aggressive-related variables.. Phone: (+351) 253 604 258. Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful for the help of Sonia Olivares on an earlier draft and to the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and commentaries that significantly improved the quality of the present article. We also would like to thank all the athletes that participated in this study, as well as coaches and members of the staff that helped and are still helping us along all the process of this research project. A special thank to the CRAV team for their collaboration in this research. This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre, University of Minho, and was supported in part by a grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portugue-se Ministry of Education and Science through national funds (SFRH / BD / 46206 / 2008) and co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (UID/ PSI/01662/2013). A non-published version of the current research study was awarded by the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP) with an Honour Award (2014 " COP / Millenium BCP " Annual Awards for Research in Sport Sciences). 1 The present study was part of a broader and continuous research project around the construct of aggression and aggressiveness in sport, with several different and very specific purposes and aims. Additional data was collected but was unrelated to the specific questions examined in this study. A portion of the data from the sub-sample of this study was also included in a paper by Sofia & Cruz (2015) and another paper submitted to other journal, with other unique theoretical and empirical research. Nevertheless, none of the analysis presented here were presented in such papers, neither previously reported nor submitted. As such, the current article, in its aims and results, make an unique contribution to aggressive behaviour in sport, with no overlapping in terms of data or research aims. As such this study satisfies the APA guidelines regarding duplicate publication.

Sport and Aggression; A Review of Field Studies

Uluslararası Anadolu spor bilimleri dergisi, 2021

Aggress on s a cond t on that ncludes the att tude and behav or of ntent onally harm ng another lv ng th ng phys cally or emot onally (Ballard et al. 2004). Accord ng to emot onal def n t ons, aggress on s a behav or caused by anger. Accord ng to mot vat onal def n t ons, ntent on determ nes whether a behav or s off ens ve or not. Accord ng to behav oral def n t ons, the underly ng ntent on of the behav or s not mportant; Any behav or that causes phys cal or psycholog cal harm to another s aggress on (Erkuş, 1994). But, to a certa n extent, aggress on s the source and mpetus for the behav ors necessary to susta n l fe (Köknel, 1996). For th s reason, the present study was conducted to reveal whether the subject of aggress on and sports s mportant for athletes, tra ners and spectators, and whether they aff ect the performance of athletes n a pos t ve way. S nce the a m of the study was to evaluate the researches on a spec f c subject, the comp lat on method was used. Dur ng the research, a w de f eld survey was made, the relat onsh p between sports and aggress on was exam ned, and the stud es conducted n Turkey and abroad n recent years were rev ewed. In the research, t was stated how mportant the ssue of aggress on n sports s. Lenz et al. (1997) suggested n the r study that there s a pos t ve relat onsh p between aggress on and sports, and hypothes zed that sports act v t es serve as a means of controll ng women's aggress on and help men's nd v dual psychosoc al development. In add t on, t s understood that nd v duals who do sports are more controlled dur ng anger and aggress on, and they emerge from the bad s tuat ons encountered dur ng the compet t on w th the least damage.

Aggression in Athletics: A Comparative Study


By nature human beings are competitive and ambitious for the excellence in all athletic performances. Not only every man but every nation wants to show their supremacy by challenging the other nation. Thus these challenges stimulates, inspires and motivates all the nations to sweat and strive to run faster, jump higher, throw further in present competitive sports world. Aggression has long been a part of the sports domain. Outside of wartime, sport is perhaps the only setting in which acts of interpersonal aggression are not only tolerated but enthusiastically applauded by large segment of society. In fact Lorenz advocates that sport ought to be substitute for war. In other words, because all competitive sports situations hold some degree of hostility between opponents, participants in them allows aggression to be dissipated in an acceptable manner. Objectives. The purpose of the study was to compare the level of aggression between Jumpers and Throwers of all India Inter University....

Unveiling anger and aggression in sports : the effects of type of sport, competitive category and success level


Few studies have explored anger, aggression and antisocial behaviour in sport competition. Therefore, this study intends to analyse the patterns of association between aggression-related variables, and the effect of type of sport, competitive categories and success levels. Two hundred and thirty one athletes from different types of sport completed measures of anger, aggression, anti-social behaviour, anger rumination and provocation. Results provided support for the link between anger, aggression and anti-social behaviour, as well as the importance of provocation and anger rumination in aggressive behaviours. Additionally, athletes from sports with higher levels of physical contact and from lower or younger competitive categories tended to be more aggressive than those from sports with lower levels of contact and from higher competitive levels. However, results failed to demonstrate any significant differences considering the achievement level. These findings provide an important ba...

Level of Aggression among Athletes and Non Athletes


The present research examines the level of aggression among athletes and non- athletes males and females. Sample consists of 100 athletes and 100 non- athletes, among these 100 athletes, 50 are male and 50 are female and among 100 non-athletes 50 are male and 50 are female, taken from National University of Computers and Emerging Sciences (FASTNUCES) (25 athletes, 25 non-athletes), International Islamic University Islamabad, IIUI (25 athletes, 25 non-athletes), National University of Science and Technology, NUST (25 athletes, 25 non-athletes) and Bahria University (25 athletes, 25 non-athletes). Buss and Perry's Aggression scale (1992) was used to measure the level of aggression and its different types like physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility. It was hypothesized that male athletes have more aggression including physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility as compared to female athletes, male non-athletes have more aggression including phys...

Contact sports as a sport of more aggressive athletes?: Aggressiveness and other psychological characteristics of youth athletes involved in contact and non-contact sports

TIMS. Acta, 2020

On-field aggressive behaviour is often seen on sports fields and numerous theories tried to identify its origins. This study tackled the question of whether the youth athletes in contact and non-contact sports could be differentiated on the basis of the hostile and competitive aggression, and some other characteristics that showed to be related to the aggressive onfield behaviour. The study sample comprised 154 of (51% girls) young athletes aged between 10 and 15 years from various contact and non-contact disciplines (wrestling, boxing, taekwondo, football, swimming, athletics, and dance). Participants completed several questionnaires regarding their aggressive behaviour, motivation, anxiety, self-esteem and emotional regulation. Only the competitive, but not hostile, aggression was more present among the youth athletes in contact sports. From all other characteristics, self-esteem, although in a lower extent, predicted affiliation of the non-contact sports group.

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science EVALUATING AGGRESSION LEVELS OF SPORT SPECTATORS


The aim of this study was to examine the aggressiveness levels of the individuals who are in different sports branches and who define themselves as spectators of those sports according to different parameters. Research group of the study is composed of 696 people who live in Ankara and define themselves as spectators of a sports branch. The aggression scale developed by Buss and Perry (1992) was used in the research. The scale is a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 29 items. The normal distribution of the data was examined by Skewness (.417) and Kurtosis (.576) tests and normal distribution of the data was determined. In this context, in the analysis of the data, the independent t-test and One Way Anova test were used as parametric tests. Also, the reliability of the data was determined by Cronbach Alpha internal consistency .822. As a result, a rate of aggression of sports spectators has been found in the middle and higher levels. The highest level of aggression sports spectators were found in combat sports and football branches. In addition, the aggressiveness levels of male spectators are higher than those of female spectators. Also, the highest level Sub-Dimension of sports spectators were found in physical aggression Sub-Dimension.

Aggression in the Polish elitecombat sports’ athletes

Studies in Sport Humanities, 2020

Sport’s aggression is widely discussed, but combat arts are traditionally considered as sports promoting emotional control. The aims of this research were to determine the diff erences in competitive and general aggression between martial arts’ athletes and controls and the relationships between aggression and athletes’ age, sports experience, level of sportsachievement and the type of combat sports (predictable attacking and unpredictable attacking). Obtained results revealed signifi cant higher levels only in the total aggression in athletes, with physical aggression (PA)in particular. The combat sports training was an independent predictor of a higher level of PA and the more titled athletes, the less aggressive they were. A high level of competitive aggression was determined by the unpredictable attacking combat sport.


Introduction Aggression is a crucial problem for us with which we come across at all stages of the social life, in street, in school, within family and sports environment. And depending on this issue, factors affecting aggression must be considered. Level of anxiety of is considered as the most recognizable one among these factors. For this reason, investigation for the anxiety and aggression level of sportsmen doing individual and team exercises is aimed in this study. Method The groups included in this study are consisted of 82 team sportsmen and 65 individual sportsmen and totally 147 sportsmen actively in physical training and sports academy from Karamanoğlu Mehmetney University, Selçuk University, Gazi University and Akdeniz University. To reach the aim of the research; State-trait Anxiety Inventory developed by C. Spielberger (1970) and Aggression Inventory developed by Kiper (1984) are used. In the solution and the interpretation of the data; Kolmogorov- Smirnov test and t test are used and significance is determined as P<0.05. Results It is found that level of continuous anxiety is higher in team sportsmen than individual ones (P<0.05). Level of destructive aggression, recklessness and aggression in general of team sportsmen is higher than individual ones (P<0.05). Level of passive aggression in individual sportsmen is found higher (P<0.05). Discussion As the result of this study; it is found that level of continuous anxiety is higher in team sportsmen than individual ones (Adam et al 2009). The findings in this study were parallel with the current study. Level of destructive aggression, recklessness and aggression in general of team sportsmen is higher than individual ones. It is thought that there may be some aggressive behaviour depending on the qualities of the sportsman, trainer’s tactics, and sports fan and media pressure. Level of passive aggression in individual sportsmen is found higher. Many reasons, such as individual sportsmen’ taking decisions on their own, the intensity of their social or psychological problems, not achieving their expectations from sport and how are they affected from this failure, their tendency towards these kind of behaviours, partially. References Adam RN, Remco P, Andrew RL (2010). Coping Self-Efficacy, Pre-Competitive Anxiety, And Subjective Performance Among Athletes. European Journal Of Sport Science, March 2010; 10(2): 97-102 Kiper, İ(1984). Several Species of Aggression on Economic, Social and Academic Variables Relationship Unpublished Master Thesis, Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara Spielberger C.D (1974). Anxiety As Emototional State, Hn, C.D Spielberger C.D. Anxiety Currents Trend İn Theory On Research Academic Press New York P:23-43 1970