The President as the Subject of Constitutional Responsibility in the Albanian Regulations (original) (raw)
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Jus, International Law & Economics, History & Society, 2017
The reform of the judicial system, which has recently been implemented in Albania, has included many elements about the organization and functioning of the courts and the public prosecutor's office. The main objective was to fight corruption and regain the public confidence in the judiciary. But in the framework of this reform, many important changes have been made, which affacted and changed some parts of the constitutional justice system, thus increasing the individual's access to the Constitutional Court. Regardless of the negative public opinion about the judicial system in general, public opinion is different as regard the Constitutional Court. Although we can not confirm that this opinion is totally positive, in general, the opinion about the Court is more positive from Albanian public. The main activity of this Court is linked to the defense of fundamental rights and freedoms, even though its jurisdiction so far has been limited. So individuals could claim to the Constitutional Court, only when their rights for a fair trial were violated. This restriction, which was also evident in the interpretation of the same Constitutional Court, which applied the fair process solely from the procedural point of view, and not the substantive one, resulted in limiting the access of the individual. However, individual requests to this Court increased year after year. For this reason, the legislator has, in the context of the new constitutional amendments, envisioned an extension of the circle of subjects who may appeal to the Constitutional Court and have as their mission the defense of the fundamental human rights and freedoms. An important change has also been made to the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court, which can now accept and analyze individual claims about the violation of all rights under the Albanian constitution. This way of acting, extending the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court, but also extending the circle of people who can appeal to this court, leads to the creation of two mechanisms, according to which individuals can access the constitutional justice system. The first possibility is the direct one. According to this possibility, the individual can directly access the Constitutional Court, but as a mechanism takes longer and is much longer, because it requires as a prerequisite the exhaustion of all legal means available. The purpose of this presentation is precisely the analysis of the second possibility, given that it is the only direct means with which the individual can personally dialogue with the Constitutional Court. The second is the indirect one. On the basis of this possibility, the individual may submit a complaint to the institutions which, according to the Constitution, may appeal to the Constitutional Court. In this way, these institutions, if they note that violations of the constitutional rights of the individual are due to legal action, have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court. This possibility, even if it leaves the possibility of appeal in the judgment of another body, has the advantage of being a shorter road to addressing the constitutional system for the defense of civil rights.
Vision International Scientific Journal, 2020
It is very important to determine the level of authority of the head of state, who is directly elected by the people, in the classification of the government systems of the countries. In this sense, although the traditional theory is insufficient, it will be useful to benefit from the modern theory. Therefore, it is important to determine the level of authority by using the measurement table of Shugart and Carey developed by Metcalf for the determination of the level of authority of the president elected by the people in the 1991 Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and to determine the government system applied in this context. Compared to the semipresidential government system (prototype of the French Republic V) or the mixed dualist government systems, unlike the traditional parliamentary government system, the President of the Republic of Macedonia is considered as a factor that increases the democratic legitimacy of the election of the President directly by the people, not by the parliament. However, if the powers of the head of state are not symbolic, election by the people will increase the possibilities that may cause a shift in the axis, and especially if the head of the political party with the parliamentary majority comes to the presidency advocates the idea that systemic problems may arise and therefore it would be more beneficial to return to the method of electing the head of state by the parliament in order to avoid such drawbacks. In addition, it should be emphasized that the counter-signature rule must be foreseen within the constitutional order. From this point of view, the subject of this study will examine the constitutional powers of the President of the Republic of Macedonia according to the 1991 Constitution and the level of these powers.