Absolute mass of photons based upon the Hamiltonian of energy content (original) (raw)

A New Theory of the Essence and Mass of Photon

Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology

Many properties of a single photon, such as density, rest mass, and orbital angular momentum, are still unknown. In a previous study, the photon was presented as a superfluid prolate spheroid structure, with a long-axis radius, short-axis radius, and volume, embodied with two spins-transversal and longitudinal-which are responsible for the three-dimensional helical trajectory of the electromagnetic wave. In this study, the rest mass, density, and energy of photon are mathematically derived, and the relationship between the radius of photon and its frequency is demonstrated. In addition, the difference between the Compton and de Broglie wavelengths is clarified. The calculated density, volume, and rest mass of photon agree with previous experimental results. The photon's simultaneous longitudinal and transversal spins are moving forces of longitudinal and transversal trajectories, which are the origin of the three-dimensional helix shape of the electromagnetic field. A new mechanism for the photon movement is proposed, and the reason for the zero mass moving photon is revealed; a traveling photon in space exhibits zero mass because its boundaries demonstrate zero relative velocity with the surrounding vacuum. The orbital angular momentum of photon is described using similar macroscopic rotation concepts and applying hydrodynamics laws. A rotating photon is endowed with an angular velocity vector whose magnitude measures the speed with which the radius of the principal axis sweeps an angle, and whose direction indicates the principal axis of rotation and is given by the right-hand rule. The deviation angle is calculated using trigonometric functions, and the origin of the Lorenz factor is revealed.


TJPRC, 2014

The following approach is concerned with the development of an intuition regarding the massive nature of photon, From Einstein’s SRT we know that every particle that travels at the speed of light must accordingly be massless. We have assumed that the frequency () of the radiation is a function of the wavelength ( ), i.e.  =( . At first, we expand  ( as a Laurent series and strive to search for an expression for the mass of a photon. Our non-conventional approach may succour to the understanding of the nature of the universe, during the hot epoch or Planck epoch and its infancy. And in the second fold we consider the three massive photon states to consistent with the frequency dependence dispersive relation.


For first time ever I announce new thesis that decript a deep construction of photon, electron , proton and nutron . In this hypothesis I found photon is not massless anymore and I putted the model that lead me to comply with footprint that used as description of electromagnetic waves and thus I able to write the formulas that can calculate the mass , diameter and number of photon in each quanta . Here I attached a link for videos that will easy understand the new proposal https://youtu.be/-V8Zd3AOEFA https://youtu.be/TAgLVEQ5Wa0

Photon Mass

The atomic structure is presented on the basis of the theory of vortex gravitation. The feasibility and calculation of the values of the density and mass of electromagnetic particles are proposed. A calculation is made, which proves that the photon must have mass. In the calculations, some physical characteristics of electromagnetic particles that are accepted by modern physics are refuted.

On a Heuristic Viewpoints Concerning the Mass, Energy and Light Concepts in Quantum Physics

The concept of conversion of mass to energy is discussed in chemical and nuclear reactions to show it is incorrect. The annihilation reactions of electron-positron are discussed to be disintegration processes. A primitive nuclear model is suggested to focus on three main points, the outer shells of the nucleus called electromagnetic belt, the inner nuclear shells called sphere nuclear shell model, and the magnetons. The magnetons and conservons are the main components of the protons and neutrons. The nuclear fusion reactions are discussed and showed they have to pass the fifth state of matter called nuclear transparency then finally reach the sixth state of matter called nuclear magma (finally collected as black hole). The quantization of light by Planck is argued to be of wave-form and not particle-form represented by photons. These discrete packets of energy are called frequentons. A novel non-relativistic mass-energy equivalence is derived as E=mbc, where b is a new universal particle speed constant equal to 0.603797 x 10 8 m/s which gives E/m= 1.8101351214 x 10 16 J/kg or 1u= 187.607 MeV. The ratio of mbc/mc 2 (187.607)/(931.49) is equal to 0.2014. The Total Kinetic Energy (TKE) of fission fragments of 235 U is found to be 37.21 MeV/bc rather than 184.7 MeV/c 2 based on the speculative E=mc 2. Other non-relativistic quantum equations are deduced for high speed charged particles such as p=mb, b=λυ, λ=h/mb, E=mvb and E=mb 2 .

Relativistic energy and mass originate from homogeneity of space and time and from quantum vacuum energy density

In a previous paper we have shown it is possible to build alternative versions of Special Theory of Relativity only considering homogeneity of space, of time and Relative Principle without invoking the postulate of invariance of light velocity in all the inertial frames. Within these alternatives, space and time transformations different than the Lorentz ones like, in particular, the Selleri inertial transformations, are possible. This has many important consequences as, for example, the need for the distinction between physical time as duration of change in space and mathematical time as a parameter quantifying this change as well as the anisotropy of one-way velocity of light. These results require a reformulation and a new understanding of relativistic energy and mass. In this paper we'll firstly show that, using only classical laws of Newtonian mechanics, classical electrodynamics and fundamental physical principles of homogeneity of space and time without referring to Theory of Relativity at all, it is possible to derive the correct form of fundamental equation 2 0 E mc = , the relativistic energy and momentum of a free particle in a preferred inertial frame. This makes relativistic energy and mass to assume a realistic physical meaning and an unambiguous definition only when referred to this preferred inertial frame identified by inertial transformations. This special universal meaning of energy, not recognized by standard Theory of Relativity, in which relativistic energy can assume different and independent values in all the possible infinite inertial frames, appears to be related to the fundamental invariance properties of space itself on which inertial transformations are based. In order to explain the origin of relativistic energy and mass, a novel physical model, also coherent with experimental results, has been then proposed. According to our model, mass could be considered as a conventional view of more fundamental properties of space emerging from a quantum vacuum, ruled by the Planck metric, in which the most fundamental physical entity is represented by energy density. In this picture relativistic mass and energy are coherently expressed as a measure of the diminished energy density of quantum vacuum.

The Photons, Contrary to What is Believed, Have a Mass and Density and They Obey the Law of Stefan-boltzmann

In this work we demonstrate that photons, contrary to what is believed, have a mass directly proportional to their frequency. This mass is justified by the combination of 32 constants of physics that I have managed to achieve. The attribution of a mass to the photon is descended from equations, which validates and also demonstrates that it is necessary to define physical concepts such as force and momentum and can justify the increase in mass which is suffered by the particles that are accelerated. However, a photon possesses not only a mass but also has a wavelength that corresponds to length of its radius. If a photon has a mass and radius, it also possesses a density which gives it a spatial dimension. This spatial dimension is a factor that affects the passage of a photon through a narrow and that may explain the behavior of laser beans and future photonic circuits. From what previously reported, we understand that the most energetic photons, having a mass greater than that possessed by the less energetic photons, are denser than the latter and then take up less space. We observe, in the end, that each photon which is formed by energy and matter, also has an energy density. This density corresponds to what Stefan and Boltzmann have attributed to the bodies blacks. This result is extremely important because it shows that the black body radiation is composed of photons that have a spatial dimension.

A reexamination of the role of rest mass in special relativity

Spacetime & Substance, Vol. 5, No. 4 (24), pp. 163-171, 2004

The standard argument that a photon must have zero rest mass is usually accepted on faith. In this paper, a thought experiment is performed to reexamine the question of whether the rest mass of a photon is really zero. This experiment leads to the conclusion that the photon has zero rest mass. This is consistent with conventional expectations. However , the experiment also leads to the conclusion that the rest mass of an arbitrary object is also identically equal to zero. Clearly, this violates common sense, and requires further explanation. An outline of this explanation, based on the fact that mass is an apparent quantity (one which is expressed by an indeterminate mathematical expression) has already been presented, using the mathematics of indeterminacy. It is suggested here that the parameter β in the relativistic transformation equations defines a spacetime gauge of the type originally proposed by Weyl in 1918 that makes possible the constancy of the velocity of light. β is characteristic of a particular spacetime manifold, and its value for our spacetime is calculated. We use the value of β to extend the earlier explanation for observed nonzero rest mass of an arbitrary object by presenting the results of a calculation of the value of the experimentaly measurable rest mass and the inertial mass as a function of the de Broglie frequency. The electron is used as an example, and it becomes evident how an understanding of wave-particle duality can emerge from the symmetry between wave and particle properties which characterizes Nature when viewed through a model based on matter waves.

Using Mathematical Foundations To Study The Equivalence Between Mass And Energy In Special Relativity

This paper study the equivalence between mass and energy in special relativity, using mathematical methods to connect this work by de-Broglie equation, in this work found the relation between the momentum and energy, It has also been connect the mass and momentum and the speed of light in the energy equation, moreover it has been found that the relative served as an answer to a logical relationship de-Broglie through equivalence relationship between mass and energy.

A Novel Concept for Mass as Complex-Mass towards Wave-particle Duality


In the present paper a new concept is introduced that: `mass is a complex quantity'. The concept of complex-mass suggests that the total mass M of a moving body is complex sum of: (i) the real-part (grain or rest) mass m_gm_{g}m_g establishing its particle behaviour and (ii) the imaginary-part mass m_pm_{p}m_p governing its wave properties. Mathematically, the complex mass M=m_g+im_pM = m_{g} + im_{p}M=m_g+im_p; the magnitude $\mid M \mid = (m_{g}^{2} + m_{p}^{2})^{{1/2}}. The theory proposed here explains successfully several effects such as `Compton effect' and `refraction of light' which could not be explained otherwise by a single theory of wave or particle. Also explained are `Doppler effect for light', `photo-electric effect', `Uncertainty principle', `Relativity' and `supersymmetry'