Vacuum Therapy in Treatment of the Pilonidal Sinus Disease (original) (raw)
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Journal of radiology and nuclear medicine
Hyperpneumatization of the paranasal sinuses is a rare condition. Hypersinus, pneumosinus dilatans, and pneumocele are the three types of excessive pneumatization according to the traditional classification proposed by Urken et al. (1987). If in the first case, no treatment is required, but the latter two may be accompanied by aesthetic and/or functional disorders or may result in pressure effects on adjacent anatomical objects, therefore they require surgical correction. Maxillary sinus pneumocele is described in few publications. The presented case demonstrates typical clinical and radiographic signs of the maxillary sinus pneumocele, as well as hypersinus on the contralateral side. Cone beam computed tomography scans in combination with anamnestic and clinical data provide key information for the diagnosis of maxillary sinus pneumocele, as well as for differential diagnosis with other variants of their excessive pneumatization.
The role of cardiac pacing therapy in the management of carotid sinus syndrome
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2015
Introduction. Carotid sinus syndrome is characterized by a hypersensitive carotid sinus and syncope. Although we have clear guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of carotid sinus syndrome, the efficacy of pacing therapy with this indication has not been the subject of many studies. Objective. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of pacing therapy in the treatment of patients with carotid sinus syndrome and to determine the factors contributing to symptoms recurrence after pacemaker implantation. Methods. This study was retrospective and included 32 patients in whom a pacemaker was implanted due to carotid sinus syndrome at the Pacemaker Center, Clinical Center of Serbia, between April 2005 and April 2012. Carotid sinus massage and head-up tilt test (HUTT) were performed to select patients with cardioinhibitory and mixed type carotid sinus syndrome, who were enrolled to the study. Results. The mean age of patients was 65.6?11.5 years and 20 (62.5%) were men. The me...
Coronavirus infection is a dangerous airborne disease that can cause serious lung damage. The vibroacoustic device is a component of physiotherapy that improves perfusion and drainage of the lungs without requiring the participation of the patient, including those on a ventilator. Purpose: to determine the effect of two modes of the vibroacoustic pulmonary apparatus on the course of coronavirus infection complicated by respiratory failure. Methods. A randomized simple blind study of 64 patients was conducted. Patients were divided into 2 equal groups, where they received sessions of vibroacoustic pulmonary therapy in two modes "ARDS" and "Pneumonia". The patients were over 18 years old with identifiable coronavirus infection with CT-2, CT-3 lung patterns. For 3 days, intensive complex therapy of patients with vibroacoustic pulmonary therapy was carried out for 5 minutes. Results. Аs a result of the conducted research, statistically significant results were obtained. In the group with the use of the "ARDS" mode on the first day, the average value of РaO2 increased by 11.6 mmHg after the procedure, while the median increased by 7.2 mmHg, 95% CI before was [57.1-72.5], after it became [68.7-84.3], and SD after that, it was 19.9 mmHg. As for the group with the application of the mode "Pneumonia" then significant results were shown here in the change in the level of PaCO2 on the third day and amounted to an average of 42.7, median 36.9, CI 95% [38.1-49], SD 17 and mean 47.4, median 38.6, CI 95% [41-55,7] SD 21.8 "Before" and "After" application vibroacoustic pulmonary apparatus with this mode. Conclusion. Thus, the data obtained had statistically significant results, which demonstrates the effectiveness of patients treatment with coronavirus infection and the importance of an integrated approach.
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, 2019
The objective of the study: to analyze the efficacy of extrapleural plombage with silicone plug (EPSP) in those suffering from destructive pulmonary tuberculosis with multiple/extensive drug resistance (M/XDR) and to assess EPSP impact on pulmonary functions and blood gases. Subjects and methods. 34 patients with chronic persistent destructive pulmonary tuberculosis who underwent EPSP were enrolled in the study. 23 were men and 11 were women at the age from 18 to 54 years old (the median age made 36.29± 10.2 years). MDR was diagnosed in 31/34 (91.2%) patients, and of them, 22/31 (70.0%) had XDR. A high profile life long breast implants with texturized coating causing no rejection by the host were used for extrapleural plombage. Results. 18 patients who underwent EPSP as a single surgery had their cavities healed in the operated lung in 100% of cases (95% CI 96.3-100%). There were no lethal outcomes. 1/18 (5.6%) patient suffered from a late complication (empyema) related to EPSP. Pos...
Obŝaâ reanimatologiâ, 2008
Цель исследования-сравнение эффективности режимов вентиляции с постоянным положительным давлением (CPAP) и высокочастотной струйной вентиляции с помощью маски (HFJV M) в лечении кардиогенного отека легких. Тип иссле дования-ретроспективное. Имя и адрес места исследования: Отделение анестезиологии и интенсивной помощи (АРО), госпиталь NsP Vranov, Словакия. Материал и методы. 196 больных с различной формой кардиогенного отека легких (ОЛ) были разделены на 3 группы, согласно тяжести ОЛ. При сопоставимой фармакотерапии, среднем давлении в дыхательных путях и FiO 2 , авторы сравнили эффективность CPAP (у 64 пациентов) и HFJV M (у 101 пациента) по ско рости изменений частоты дыхания, оксигенации крови, КОС, а также продолжительности вентиляционной поддержки и госпитализации в АРО. Результаты оценивали с помощью непарного теста Стьюдента. Методика ИВЛ (искусственной вентиляции легких) посредством HFJV M была одобрена для клинического использования профессиональным и этичес ким комитетом министерства здоровья в республике Словакия в 1989 году. Результаты. Сравнение использования CPAP или HFJV M при легкой форме ОЛ, которая названа 1 й фазой ОЛ, не выявило статистически значимых различий оцени ваемых параметров. При более тяжелых формах ОЛ, охарактеризованных как 2 я и 3 я фазы ОЛ, применение HFJV M в первые 3 часа вентиляционной поддержки привело к более быстрому снижению частоты самостоятельного дыхания с 25-33 в минуту до 18-22 в минуту (р>0,01). При использовании HFJV M обнаружили также статистически значимую разницу в скорости коррекции PaO 2 , pH и индекса оксигенации (PaO 2 /FIO 2) (р>0,01), преимущественно в первые 2 ча са терапии. При сравнении средней длительности необходимой вентиляционной поддержки (CPAP против HFJV M: 10,9 против 6,8 часов) и средней длительности госпитализации (CPAP против HFJV M: 2,7 против 2 дней) выявили статисти чески значимую разницу (р>0,01 и р>0,05, соответственно). Необходимость в интубации и использовании обычных ме тодов вентиляции возникла только у 6,6% больных, включенных в исследование эффективности HFJV M. Заключение. После статистического анализа контролируемых параметров (оксигенация, КОС, длительность вентиляционной под держки, длительность госпитализации, необходимость интубации) было установлено, что вентиляционная поддержка с помощью HFJV M в сопоставлении с CPAP более эффективна уже в первые 2-5 часов терапии. При применении HFJV M продолжительность необходимой вентиляционной поддержки и госпитализации в ОРИТ меньше, поскольку необходи мость интубации снизилась до 6,6%. Ключевые слова: неинвазивная вентиляция, вентиляция с постоянным положитель ным давлением (CPAP), высокочастотный струйный режим вентиляции с помощью маски (HFJV M), отек легких. Objective: to compare the efficiency of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and high frequency jet ventilation by means of a mask (HFJV M) in the treatment of cardiogenic edema of the lung. Design: a retrospective study.
Evaluation of mucociliary clearance in the postoperative period after a maxillary sinus surgery
Science and Innovations in Medicine, 2020
Objectives - evaluation of the local function of the mucociliary clearance (MCC) in the postoperative period in patients with foreign bodies in the maxillary sinuses, who have undergone various surgical treatment. Material and methods. Using an original analysis technique for highspeed digital video recording of a microscopic picture of a specimen, obtained by brush biopsy from specific regions of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus under endoscopic control, the MCC of the nasal mucosa was evaluated in the control group (n=60) and in the group of patients, who received various surgery (n=60) of maxillary sinuses. Results. We obtained the data on persistent and apparent local MCC disorders in the field of the surgical intervention in the postoperative period. Conclusion. Surgical interventions with access not in the area of the natural ostium of the maxillary sinus are more gentle, since they do not injure the mucociliary clearance in the key region - the ostium.
HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders, 2019
Early diagnosis and effective treatment, including operative, in patients with comorbide conditions of pulmonary involvement affected by HIV infection with various infection ways is relevant. Materials and methods. Two clinical cases with pulmonary involvement in comorbidity conditions with the late detection of HIV infection and without antiretroviral therapy are presented. Results. It has been shown that a reduction in the high incidence of adverse outcomes of severe comorbid forms of the disease (in particular, a combination of HIV infection and tuberculosis) can be achieved by conducting an adequate monitoring of these patients, including secondary chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis as well as, detection, treatment and prevention of co-infections and timely elimination of other possible risk factors (both social and medical). Conclusion. It is necessary to develop optimal algorithms and approaches of medical and psychosocial impact, focused on the initial period of treatment of pa...
General Reanimatology, 2018
The purpose of the study was to compare the relationship between the dead space volume and tidal volume (VD/VT) using volumetric capnography (VCap) during pressure controlled (PCV) and pressure supported (PSV) ventilation mode in the postoperative period.Materials and methods. 30 randomly assigned cardiac surgical patients undergoing CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) using ECC (extracorporeal circuit) were included in an observational, prospective study. Patients were connected to the ventilator immediately after ICU admission. After that, monitoring VD/VT, CO2 production (VECO2) as well as ventilation parameters was carried out. The parameters during PCV and PSV mode were statistically evaluated using t-test.Results. Expiratory CO2 (ETCO2) concentration were not significantly different in both PCV or PSV (p=NS), although both VECO2 and minute ventilation (MV) increased during PSV mode (p<0.01). VD/VT in PSV mode was lower than in PCV. Gas exchange represented by alveolar ve...
Infusion therapy for pneumonia: what’s new?
Medicina neotložnyh sostoânij, 2021
Інфузійна терапія при пневмонії: що нового? Резюме. У зв'язку зі збільшенням захворюваності на пневмонію, її тяжким перебігом і розвитком ускладнень, змішаною вірусно-бактеріальну етіологією, а також оголошенням Всесвітньою організацією охорони здоров'я COVID-19 пандемією були розроблені сучасні гайдлайни щодо клініки, перебігу, лікування, застосування респіраторної підтримки й реабілітації хворих на COVID-19. Особливістю перебігу тяжких пневмоній є швидкий розвиток гострого респіраторного дистрес-синдрому на фоні імунодефіциту. Наведено дані огляду літератури щодо лікування хворих на пневмонію: погляди на потребу в інфузійній терапії та її ускладнення, застосування вазопресорів. Подані відомості щодо лікування хворих із синдромом ендогенної інтоксикації та чіткі показання до застосування симпатоміметиків при септичному шоку. Подані дослідження, які показали, що застосування Реосорбілакту в комплексній терапії дозволяє зменшити частоту розвитку гострого респіраторного дистрес-синдрому, об'єм інфузії, необхідний для стабілізації гемодинаміки, сприяє переміщенню рідини з інтерстицію до кров'яного русла, сприяє виведенню надлишку рідини, дозволяє зменшити рівень основних маркерів інтоксикації. Такі властивості Реосорбілакту свідчать про позитивний ефект його використання в комплексній терапії пневмоній і при септичному шоку.