Mapping Commodities Production Level of Vegetables and Fruits in Kolaka District (original) (raw)

Distribution Analysis and Agricultural Productivity Determinants in Indonesia

Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES 2018), 2019

Agricultural productivity is a major issue in agricultural development in Indonesia. Therefore research on agricultural productivity is still very much needed. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to evaluate agricultural productivity and its distribution in Indonesia. The method used to clicking distribution of agricultural productivity is the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and the ratio of output/input (agricultural production / agricultural production factor) using data from the 32 provinces of 2007-2015. The results of the analysis on Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) indicates that Lampung Province, Jawa Timur Province, Central Java Province and West Java Province recorded as provinces with the most efficient level of agricultural productivity. Output / Input Ratio shows the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Lampung Province and Jawa Timur Province as a highly efficient province. So that development efforts need to be carried out efficiently in provinces with high agricultural productivity to reduce overall economic disparities.

Vegetables Mapping using Production and Socio-economic Indicators Approach


Founded in 2007, Serang was considered as one of new cities in Indonesia. That was why, vegetables commodity mapping was not available yet. This mapping was essential for a new city to create an accurate policy in order to develop and maintain sustainable agriculture practices. Many agriculture commodities mapping were constructed by using Location Quotient (LQ) method. Unfortunately, they were based on productivity only. In this paper, we presented a vegetables commodity mapping by not only using production factor, but also farmer's socioeconomic indicators, namely: (1) land width (preservation), (2) future land width (enhancement), and (3) household expenditure. Production factor and the farmer's socioeconomic indicators were mapped and drawn in a biplot as the fist and the second layer. These two layers were overlayed in order to obtain district-commodity priority. Finally, this study resulted four district-commodity priority categories they are: First, Cipocok Jaya district as the main priority with cucumber as its potential commodity. Second, Curug district with chili as its commodity. Third, Walantaka distict with chili and Taktakan district with pea bean as their potential commodities, and finally, Kasemen and Serang district that has no identified commodity yet.

Analysis of Superior Crops Location in East Java, Indonesia

Agricultural Social Economic Journal, 2021

Regional development is an important aspect in improving the regional economy, and its relationship with the national economy. East Java Province is one of the regions with the most potential agricultural sector and is the highest national granary area in Indonesia. Maximizing the potential of the resources owned by East Java will accelerate the development process and increase the regional and national economy. For the economic growth,this study aims to examine the crops performance to estimate the pattern of regional economic growth in East Java. The time series data of East Java Central Bureau of Statistics from2008 to 2017 are adopted. The location quotient analysis and shift-share analysis with three indicators, namely regional economic growth, proportional shift growth, and differential shift, are used.The results showed that crops such as corn, green beans, peanuts, soybeans, rice, sweet potatoes, and cassava in 29 districts and 9 cities of East Java have crucial performance ...

Analysis Of Food Crops Sector In Central Java

Indonesia is an archipelagic country where half of the total land area has the potential to be an agricultural area, but only 46.17 percent has been cultivated. Indonesia or particularly Central Java area should have been a national food barn, however, rice imports is still continue to be carried out to meet the food needs of the population. Furthermore, This study not only finding out the backward and forward linkage, but also calculates the impact of the output multiplier and multiplier effects of the food crop sector in Central Java. This study also trying to determine the end of the food crop sector's demand changes to the output of other sectors. The method used is descriptive quantitative, which is an elaboration of the approach to analysis of Central Java input output 88 sectors in 2008 and 2013 which were aggregated into 24 sectors. The results showed that the food crop sub-sector in 2008 and 2013 had a low backward linkage and high forward linkages, however, this subsector only depends on a number of sectors. Flow on impact in output and income was much lower if compared to the other sectors, such as rice mill industry sector. The proportion of the final demand for the food crop sector fell by more than 10 percent both directly and indirectly.

Location Quotient Analysis of Agricultural Sector and Subsector in East Java 2010-2017 (A Reference for Law and Policy on Economics, Nutrition and Public Health)


Indonesia is known as an agrarian country, should rely on the agricultural sector as an economic source as well as supporting development. In addition to the economic aspects, the progress of agriculture is also very important for the provision of nutrients for the maintenance and improvement of public health. This study uses the Location Quotient method to obtain a base subsector in the agricultural sector, so that the results can be used as material for consideration of export specialties. This study uses East Java GRDP data and as a comparison using Indonesia’s GRDP in 2010-2016. The results in this study indicate that the food crop and livestock sub-sector has an advantage compared to other sub-sectors and becomes a subsector of the base, so that these two sub-sectors can be used as export products for East Java.

Spatial Disparity in Agricultural Development and Productivity in Hooghly District, 2011


Agriculture is the back bone of Indian economy. It contributes about 14.6% in Gross Domestic Production (GDP) and about 2/3 rd population directly or indirectly depend on it. Main objective of this study is to examine the block wise agricultural development and agricultural productivity index in Hooghly district, and classify these blocks into different agricultural development and productivity zones.The Study area located in between 23 0 01'20''N to 22 0 39'32''N latitude and 88 0 30'15''E to87 0 39'32'' E longitude and comprises with 18 community development blocks.The analysis has been made in this paper mostly based on secondary data base,collected from Department of Agriculture of Hooghly, Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics of West Bengal, District Statistical Hand Book of Hooghly and Census of India etc. Collected secondary data has been converted into tertiary data set and then various calculations, mapping have been don...

Study of agricultural economic potential in West Kalimantan using Regional Analysis Techniques

E3S Web of Conferences

The agricultural resource is one of the most critical sectors in the economy, which contributes a high portion of the growth and development of a particular region. Differences in characteristics and potential between regions give rise to the basic and non-basic sectors, which then affect income contribution. This research aims to analyze the economic potential of the agricultural sector of the regencies and cities in West Kalimantan Province as basic or non-basic sector. Both basic and non-basic sector analysis can be carried out using quantitative-descriptive methods using Shift-Share and Location Quotient (LQ) analysis. The analysis was carried out using secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) publication from 2015 to 2020. The results of the LQ analysis show the agricultural sector in Sambas, Bengkayang, Landak, Mempayah, Sanggau, Ketapang, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu, Sekadau, and Kayong Utara are the basic sector. Meanwhile, the agricultural sector in Kubu Raya, Ponti...

Classification of Subsectors in the Agriculture Sector and Featured Agriculture Products in Badung District, Bali

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International

The research objectives were: (1) To classify the subsectors in the Agriculture sector in Badung District into prime subsectors, potential subsectors, developing subsectors, and underdeveloped subsectors; (2) Identifying featured products, locality and specialization in each subsector in the Agriculture sector in Badung District. The types of data collected are quantitative and qualitative data, sourced from secondary sources and primary sources. Data collection methods are documentation, observation, and interviews. The data analysis methods were Klassen Typology, Location Quotient (LQ), Localization Coefficient (α) and Specialization Coefficient (β). The results showed that the nine subsector in the Agriculture sector in Badung District can be classified into two classes, namely five subsectors including the developing subsectors, namely food crops, seasonal horticulture crops, annual horticulture crops, livestock and fisheries. Meanwhile, the four subsectors are included in the u...

Integration of Socio-Spatial Approach in Land Use Planning for Agribusiness Commodities: A Case Study of Underdeveloped Districts in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Open Journal of Social Sciences

One of the advances in the current socioeconomic science is to integrate the socio-spatial approach in various socioeconomic studies. The socio-spatial approach method is one of the tools that play an important role in visualizing various social data into the dimensions of space and time. In this article, the author presents a model built on a socio-spatial approach in the effort to develop the potential of underdeveloped regions in Indonesia. This model provides input information on the suitability of land use in the development of agricultural commodities which is identified as an important factor to be used as a basic reference for regional development planning in disadvantaged areas. Furthermore, it's relying on not only land suitability biophysical data but also the integration of social data into spatial models as part of limiting factors can provide more accurate results. The results suggest that biophysically appropriate commodities are not necessarily acceptable from the social aspects of society, as in the research that has been carried out, there are 12 types of commodities cultivated by farmers and 10 suitable types of commodities biophysically but only 6 commodities based on social aspects that are feasible to become development direction commodities agribusiness which consists of the main commodities namely coffee, chili, potatoes and onions and supporting commodities namely celery and leeks.

Regionalization of Agricultural Based Leading Sectors and Food Security in Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with total land area is around 190 million hectares (ha), of which about 28.94 percent or some 55 million ha are agricultural land. As the world’s fourth most populous country, Indonesia’s total population is estimated to increase from about 245 million in 2013 to 288 million in 2050. This study aims to analyze the leading sectors of each province in Indonesia by Location Quotient (LQ) method and distribution of food security level in every province in Indonesia based on rice production balance. This research uses Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indonesia and Gross Domestic Regional Product of each of the provinces in all sectors during 2010-2014 obtained through the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. The determination of the leading sectors of each province is based on the Location Quotient (LQ) which is the comparative method of the role of an economic sector in a province to the magnitude of the economic sector's role na...