Online Learning for Islamic Education in the Insan Madani Integrated Islamic Junior Secondary School 8 Tangerang Selatan During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study (original) (raw)
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Online Islamic Religious Education Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education , 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced schools to carry out online learning. This study aims to determine the implementation of online learning and the challenges for teachers, students, and parents. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and written document studies. The data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, presentation, and verification. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of online learning at State Junior High School 1 Pasangkayu is less effective. The learning media used is the WhatsApp application with the assignment method in photos, documents, videos, and links. The problems faced by teachers in online learning are students' low interest in learning and lack of mastery of Information Technology. Meanwhile, the problem for students is that they cannot afford the internet quota and do not have an internet quota. They are bored, and their learning concentration is disturbed, they do not understand the material, the internet network is not stable. Problems for parents are low economic ability and low education level. The implication of this research is the need to apply online learning creatively and innovatively in presenting learning materials. In addition, it is also necessary to combine online and offline learning so that students who do not have an Android cellphone and a stable network can participate in learning during the pandemic.
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education
This study aimed to explore the implementation of online learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in East Kalimantan during the pandemic including its challenges and key success factors. This research was a field research with a qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Samarinda, Balikpapan, and East Kutai involving 9 (nine) Islamic elementary schools (MI) in East Kalimantan using simple random sampling techniques. Data collection techniques used interview, observation, and documentation. Data were then analyzed through data display, data condensation, and conclusion drawing/verification, and presented using descriptive techniques. The results revealed that the planning of learning was through the 2013 curriculum simplification, the simplification of the syllabus and lesson plans, online learning training for teachers, preparation of facilities and infrastructure, and socialization. The implementation of learning was done by determining the time, using the learning management sys...
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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (IJIES)
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In the middle of the global COVID-19 epidemic, it has an influence on several sectors, including education, to ensure that e-learning Islamic education and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic continues in forming the character of the nation's youngsters. The government has a policy on distant education, however there are several impediments. Teachers can continue to teach using a mixed learning paradigm, and it is believed that character development will still be ingrained. The goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of e-learning Islamic education and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic in character development of students at SD Negeri 4 Bilokka, South Sulawesi. The research approach employed is qualitative analysis. According to the conclusions of data analysis, character building is still implanted with parental supervision and reporting to school in the form of an electronic Learning Management System (LMS) of e-learning Islamic education and Pancasila on during Covid-19 pandemic, which is then confirmed by the instructor. This demonstrates how vital parents' roles at home are. More study is needed to ensure that character education can be strengthened even with different methodologies.
Implementation of Learning Online in Pesantren in The Facing of Pandemic Covid 19
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Education, INCRE 2020, 11-12 November 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021
This writing wants to describe the practice of learning in a religious education institution called pesantren. When other educational institutions are forced to carry out online learning in the pandemic Covid 19, how canspesantren as religious education institutions respond to the demand of practicing online learning. The research question was formulated how online learning practices are applied in pesantren. This research is a type of case research, namely the case of the pesantren An Nahdah in Bojongsari, Depok, West Java. The results showed that online learning in pesantren was less than optimal. This is due to the assumption that pesantren residents still have the notion that gaget provides more education than benefits for the development of education in the pesantren. This is the main source of the problem of pesantren's failure to face learning during a pandemic or the development of post-pandemic online learning later. This situation implies that many santri do not interpret the presence of gaget creatively, they use gaget more as a means of entertainment. This paper recommends the need for more constructive efforts in building a positive view of information technology.
Jurnal Basicedu
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all areas of life. Based on government restrictions, all educational institutions have implemented online learning. This study investigates elementary students' online learning experiences in rural areas. It refers to the data collected about: students learning motivation, students learning requirements and students' social skills. Data was collected through an online survey. Data were analyzed through three stages of Miles & Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning was less effective for elementary students in rural areas. The value of this study is for comprehending what factors support and interfere with the learning satisfaction of elementary students in rural areas related to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education
The present study aimed at exploring the challenges of online learning practice and the response of students, parents, teachers and Madrassa head during the Covid 19 outbreak. The study employed narrative method involving 2 students, 2 parents of students, 4 teachers and a madrassa head and chairman of the foundation. Data was collected using interviews and participant observation techniques and analyzed using narrative analysis techniques. The results of this study show that online learning practices cannot run optimally due to the lack of learning support facilities and infrastructure such as mobile phones and internet access followed by a lack of readiness of human resources to carry out online learning. Another factor was the lack of parental support for the online learning process caused by low levels of educational awareness and busy work as farm workers and fishermen. The study also revealed that students showed varying responses to online learning while parents, teachers and...