The Impact of Persuasive Technology on User Emotional Experience and User Experience Over Time (original) (raw)

Understanding user Emotions Through Interaction with Persuasive Technology

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2020

Emotions play a vital role in persuasion; thus, the use of persuasive applications should affect and appeal to the users' emotions. However, studies in persuasive technology have yet to discover what triggered the users' emotions. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to examine user emotions and to identify the factors that affect user emotions in using persuasive applications. This study is conducted in three stages; preinteraction, during-interaction and post-interaction, employed a mixed-method approach using Geneva Emotions Wheel (GEW) and open-ended survey questions that analyzed using thematic analysis. The result shows that most of the emotions that users felt belong to high-control positive valence emotions that consist of interest, joy and pleasure. User, system and interaction are the three factors that triggered the emotions encompasses of elements such as Individual Awareness, Personality, Interface Design, Persuasive Function, Content Presentation, System Quality, Usability, and Tasks. The findings contribute to the body knowledge of Persuasive Technology, where the discovered factors and its elements are the antecedents that should be the concern in constructing an emotion-based trust design framework that could bring emotional impact to users to ensure a successful persuasion.

A Unified Framework For Analysing, Designing And Evaluating Persuasive Technologies

Methods for designing persuasive systems continue to be a challenge and although some frameworks have been proposed to remedy this, they are all characterised with limitations that impedes their effective usage. In light of this, we propose the Unified Framework for Analysing, Developing and Evaluating persuasive technologies (U-FADE), which integrates key concepts in the Persuasive Systems Development model, the 3-Dimensional Relationship between Attitude and Behaviour model, Persuasive Pathway Model and Persuasive Technology Onion to address this limitation by providing a stepwise approach to facilitate persuasive technology design. The proposed integrated framework is conceptual and thus there is the need for further studies to investigate and demonstrate how it can be put to use.

A Framework for Analysing, Designing and Evaluating Persuasive Technologies

The use of interactive technology for changing, shaping or reinforcing attitude or behaviour which is commonly known as persuasive technology is currently attracting attention in information systems research. Persuasive technology combines the positive attributes of interpersonal interaction and mass communication to achieve optimal persuasion. It aims to accommodate individual difference during persuasion: a situation which is not commonly characterised with mass media persuasion. Amidst the benefits it brings to behavioural and attitudinal change interventions, current research have demonstrated that there is a lack of methods for its design. Consequently, most of the existing persuasive technology applications do not follow systematic processes during the design phases. As an attempt to remedy this situation, the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model has been introduced. However, although the PSD model provides a guide on what should be considered during analysis, design and evaluation, it fails to provide adequate information on how it should be done. Thus designers know what to do but not how to do it. To address this limitation, this study presents the 3-Dimensional Relationship between Attitude and Behaviour (3D-RAB) model and the Unified Framework for Analysing, Designing and Evaluating persuasive technology (U-FADE). The 3D-RAB argues that by analysing and identifying the various levels of cognitive dissonance of users before and during behaviour interventions, designers can craft persuasive messages to enhance persuasion. The U-FADE on the other hand expands the PSD model to include the 3D-RAB model and provide steps that can be followed to develop persuasive technology applications. The model and the framework were validated and it was observed that the U-FADE and the 3D-RAB are both effective for persuasive technology design.

On The Design of User Experience Based Persuasive Systems

Computer and Information Science, 2011

The objective of persuasive technology researches is to develop persuasive systems that are able to change or reshape human behavior. Persuasive technology has quickly found a wide range of applications in many fields of research and development like marketing, health, safety and environment. The key element in designing successful persuasive systems is the improvement of the persuasion process. An important factor that should be included in the persuasion process is the user experience. This paper reviews the current trends of persuasive technology and shows some example of the available persuasive systems. The contribution of this paper is proposing a new and promising research direction for building persuasive systems that take the user feedback as a key element in the persuasion process. Some of the systems that follow this approach have been proposed and illustrated.

Towards User Experience Based Persuasive Systems

Persuasive technology is a recent research field that combines the computing and human psychology aspects. The target is to develop persuasive systems that are able to change or reshape human behavior. Persuasive technology has quickly found a wide range of applications in many fields of research and development like marketing, health, safety and environment. Persuasive systems may also be used in other domains like religion, politics, diplomacy, military training, management, and education. Improving the persuasion process is a key element in the success of persuasive systems. The user experience is an important factor that should be included in the persuasion process. This paper reviews the current trends of persuasive technology and shows some example of the available persuasive systems. It then contributes by proposing a new and promising research direction for designing persuasive systems that take the user feedback as a main element in the persuasion process. Some of the systems that follow this approach have been proposed and illustrated.

Persuasive Technology: First International Conference on Persuasive Technology for Human Well-Being, PERSUASIVE 2006, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 18-19, 2006, Proceedings


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Persuasive Technology for human well-being, PERSUASIVE 2006. The 31 revised full papers presented together with 1 introductory paper are organized in topical sections on psychological principles of persuasive technology, persuasive technology: theory and modelling, design, applications and evaluations, ethics of persuasive technology persuasive gerontechnology, and ambient intelligence and persuasive technology.

A Study on Persuasive Technologies. The Relationship between User Emotions, Trust and Persuasion

International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2018

A successful persuasive technology is able to persuade people to change from one state to a more well known state. Therefore, to allow for a change, persuasive technology must be able to affect users' emotion and make the user trust the technology so that they will adopt the persuasive technology into their daily life routine, as well as continue to use the technology for long period. This paper is aimed to study the relation between users' emotion with trust and persuasion and how they may contribute to the success of changing a person attitude or behavior towards a certain context or issue. Twenty five participants have completed the study in 6 weeks by using two types of persuasive technology that were assessed at three different interaction stages: pre, during and post. Result shows that emotions have a significant effect on trust, whereas the effect of emotions on persuasion using the persuasive technology was mediated by trust.

Considering user attitude and behaviour in persuasive systems design

European Conference on Information Systems, Helsinki, Finland, 2011

As in any technology systems, analysis and design issues are among the fundamental challenges in persuasive technology. Currently, the Persuasive Systems Development (PSD) framework is considered to be the most comprehensive framework for designing and evaluation of persuasive systems. However, the framework is limited in terms of providing detailed information which can lead to selection of appropriate techniques depending on the variable nature of users or use over time.

A dual-route concept of persuasive User Interface (UI) design

2013 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2013

As current trends are moving towards designing for persuasion, designing for functionalityand usability of awebsite isno longer sufficient. This paper identifies the factors of persuasion and their potential adaptation in UI design. The conceptual framework proposed and discussed in this paper refers to the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). The ELM is used to identify and distinguish the design cues for the central route and peripheral route. This paper also identifies web design qualities that may improve the persuasiveness and likelihood of a website. The factors of persuasion identified in this paper; namely relationship, emotion, credibility, and logic; will then be tested using a repeated-measures technique of experimental design to verify their effectiveness in influencing users to stay and make further decision at a website.