Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Anak Berbasis Keluarga Islami Era Society 5.0 (original) (raw)
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Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pentingnya pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan dalam keluarga. Study ini penting karena dalam pembangunan kemajuan dan karakteristik suatu negara harus ditopang dengan kualitas karakter dan moral rakyatnya, dalam hal ini khususnya adalah remaja sebagai pewaris tongkat estafet kepemimpinan dan kemajuan negara Indonesia. Study ini membahas bagaimana pendidikan Islam dan keluarga mampu membentuk karakter anak bangsa yang cerdas, berkarakter dan berakhlak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik yaitu dengan menggambarkan konsep para ahli pendidikan dan psikologi tentang pendidikan karakter, konsep pendidikan islam dan konsep peranan orang tua dalam keluarga. Penulis kemudian menganalisis untuk menemukan korelasi antara konsep yang ada dalam proses pembentukan karakter. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan agama dan pendidikan keluarga dalam hal ini orang tua memiliki peranan penting da...
Konsep Pembinaan Karakter Anak Menurut Abdul Malik Fadjar
Tadabbur: Jurnal Peradaban Islam
Abdul Malik Fadjar is one of the leaders of Indonesian education who has provided many services and thoughts in Islamic education and character education. Apart from being the implementer of education, Malik Fadjar is also a policy maker in the field of education. This study aims to examine Abdul Malik Fadjar's thoughts on children's character building, to explore Abdul Malik Fadjar's policies in the field of character building, and to find out strategies for implementing Abdul Malik Fadjar's thoughts in building children's character. This research is a type of library research with data analysis techniques in this study using the method of content analysis (content analysis). The results show that according to Malik's character, there are two dimensions of human life that must be done well, namely the divine dimension (with Islamic values, faith, ihsan and taqwa), and the Human dimension (with the values of friendship, brotherhood, equality and kindness). ...
Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Islam
Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2018
The development of lifestyles that follow the trends of western cultures causes anxiety to wane even the disappearance of ethical and moral values. Because it can cause free sex, drug use, and even brawl among school-aged children. This phenomenon encourages the government to formulate a national policy of nation character building. Islam is a religion that has a long history of developing attitudes, character and human character to the highest degree of glory by means of moral education. Prophet Muhammad was sent as the apostle of Allah in order to improve human morality. In the whole teachings of Islam, morality occupies a special position and very important.
Pendidikan karakter berbasis keluarga pada kisah Nabi Ibrahim dan Ismail
Ta'dibuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
This paper discusses the family-based character education model. This article specifically examines the link between the story of Ibrahim and Ismail with character education and how to apply the concept of character education that Ibrahim has done to his son Ismail in the family. This research is literary research that uses the Tafsir Maudui method, namely by gathering verses related to the topic of discussion and interpreting them and referring to interpretive books and then analyzing these data with theories and references that support the analysis of the data. This research found that the success of the Prophet Ibrahim in educating his son because it makes monotheism as the main foundation. Ishmael since childhood has been introduced to the values of God. From obedience to God comes obedience to parents. Monotheism education gave birth to a patient child. Patience is one of the main characteristics that must be possessed by human children to become a perfect person.
Islamic education is an important component in forming the character of a child because Islamic religious education is the foundation that will color the life that children will go through. Meanwhile the number of fights between adolescents, immoral acts among young people, promiscuity, the growth of adultery, consuming illegal drugs is caused by the lack of supervision from the family which makes them so easy to use and do it. By using qualitative methods with interviewing techniques the author wants to know how the Islamic religious education strategy is applied to the family. From the results of interviews with one family that Islamic religious education in families in shaping children's character uses 6 strategies, namely: 1) exemplary strategies, 2) habituation strategies, 3) counseling strategies, 4) disciplinary strategies, 5) punishment strategies, and 6) gift giving strategy. To shape the character of the child in order to become a man of faith and devotion to the Almighty God, as well as a noble character that includes ethics, morality, character, spirituality cannot be separated from the role of the family played by parents because the family is the first and foremost educational institution for children.