Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Nursing Nurses Staying in dr. GL Tobing Hospital Tanjung Morawa Medan (original) (raw)
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The hospital, as one of the public health service agencies, should be able to provide the best service for all visitors. One of the important components in a hospital is the nurse, who is the front line in providing health service facilities. Unfortunately, a few nurses have not provided the best quality performance they have, so hospital services become sluggish, ineffective, and not on time which can have fatal consequences. The performance possessed by nurses is certainly caused by several factors, such as internal and external. Therefore, the researcher wanted to find out more about the relationship between the internal and external characteristics of nurses on the performance of nurses in Sukadana Hospital, East Lampung Regency. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not there is a relationship between internal and external characteristics with nurse performance. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, with data collection through observation, interv...\_Vol.7\_Issue.9\_Sep2020/Abstract\_IJRR0047.html, 2020
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The implementation of hospital health services in Indonesia currently faces increasingly complex challenges. The improvement of hospital quality must be improved in accordance with the development of the needs and demands of the community, accompanied by an increase in efficiency and productivity in the field of management, in accordance with the hospital's minimum service standards, professional standards, and standard operating procedures. The study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge, skills, behavior, education, experience, and motivation of nurses with the quality of nursing services at the kolonel abunjani bangko Hospital in 2019. This observational analytic study uses a Cross Sectional design. Chi square statistical test and multiple logistic regression regression were used to analyze data. The population and sample size in this study were 92 nurses where data collection was taken from the results of the questionnaire. The results of the bivariate analysis sho...
The Influence Factors of Nurses Work At The In- Care Unit In General Hospital of Jombang
Accreditation is the efforts to improve the quality of service including the nurses work at in care unit. Post plenary of accreditation, nurses work should begood. Many factors affect the performance characteristics including personnel, communication style, rewards, motivation, organization, supervision and career development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the work of nurse at the in care unit after the establishment of plenary accreditation in Jombang Hospital and the influence factors. The research design is using cross sectional type of correlation. The population is all of in care unit nurses at Jombang Hospital,total samples 408 nurses with sample 116 respondents taken by simple random sampling technique. Independent variables are the characteristics of the officer, communication style, appreciation, motivation, organization, supervision, and career development and the nurse's performance in analysis with ordinal logistic regression. The research instruments are using questionnaires.The result is the influence factor of charcteristic respondent to the nurses work areofficers status p value 0,044 (< 0,05), education p value 0,002 (< 0,05), marrital status p value 0,003 (< 0,05), sex p value 0,002 (< 0,05), intensity nurses of training other than nursing care p value 0,012 (< 0,05) so that Ho rejected. From the results of the research, the award is a variable that has a significant influence on the work of nurses p value 0.037 (<0.05) then Ho is rejected. This is because the award becomes the source of motivation to work optimally. There is influence of communication style, career, supervision, motivation and organization with the performance of nurses p value > 0.05 Ho accepted (no relation). Reward is one of the most dominant factors affecting the nurse work. It is recommended that the hospital plan the best possible rewards system in the form of materi and non material.
The Factors Affecting Performance of Nurse at Paniai General Hospital
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2017
General hospital of Paniai regency health service institution under Local Government Paniai Regency with amount of nurse resource counted 69 one who have duty to remain to can improve more certifiable service and reached by society, so to be form degree of health which at the farthest, so that nurse performance of vital importance in giving of health service. The goal of research: To knowing of factors affecting performance of nurse at Paniai general hospital. Method: Type research is causal associative by using quantitative approach. Sample is all of nurse as much 69 nurse with date implemented in October 2016. Data obtained used questioner and analyzed by chi square test. Result of research is obtained that factor’s affecting of nurse performance in Paniai General Hospital is motivation (p-value = 0,001; RP = 3,000; CI95%= 1,607 - 5,601), [job/activity] discipline (p-value = 0,043; RP = 2,068; CI95%= 1,150 - 3,719), reward (p- value = 0,001; RP = 5,008; CI95%= 1,656 - 15,142), pun...
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016
Gebneral hospital physical Abepura as hospital of reference for patient physiciatry is charged to upgrade service by services professional and can give satisfaction to patient, so soul patient get maximal service by nurse. In studi foreword is felt in service to care not optimal to patient. This research amed to know the regard factor job performance of nurse with health nursing service at internal room general hospital physical Abepura Papuan Province. Type of research is explanatory research with correlation method cross sectional approaching. Research was done on month of October 2016 at general hospital physical Abepura Papuan Province. Population is overall nurse at interna room as much 61 person with proportional at one shifts. Data approach with questionaire and analysed by chi square and regression binari logistics. Result indicated that there is corelation variable to performance in ministering to helath careat general hospital physical Abepura is aged ( p value = 0,229; ...
JOJ Nursing & Health Care
Background: Nurse gives professional nursing service to patients according to competence owned. Based on these services in the end of every year, nurses are given incentives for medical services as financial incentive. Purpose: To analyze the impact of competence training and incentives medical services' distribution upon the achievement of nurse's performances in General Hospital of Prof W Z Johannes Kupang. Material and Method: Observational survey research with cross sectional design. Population. Nurses in General Hospital of Prof WZ Johannes Kupang Technique. Total sampling technique with number of samples 183 respondents. Inclusive criteria of samples are willing to be interviewed, nurse's status, permanent offices without limitation from particular working unit or poly in hospital. Independent variable: a) competence training b) Incentives for medical services. c) Dependent variable; Nurse's performance achievement. Variables are measured by using Lickert scale. Information are recorded through questionnaire. Analyzes using linier regression. Result: There are impacts of competence training (α=0; ß=0.489) and distribution of incentives for medical services (α=0.012; ß=0.152) upon nurse's performances achievement in General Hospital of Prof WZ Johannes Kupang. Conclusion: The training of nursing service status that could increase competences among nurse with affair incentives for medical services' distribution simultaneously end up in the increasing of nurse's performances achievement in a hospital.
Journal La Medihealtico, 2020
Emergency Room (IGD) as one of the first entry points for patients to the hospital, will indirectly provide an overview of hospital services as a whole. Data on emergency visits of patients at Bhayangkara Tebing Tinggi Hospital in the January - May 2020 period were 2,685 patients and experienced a significant decrease every month. The research objective was to analyze the factors that influence the performance of emergency room nurses at the Tebing Tinggi Bhayangkara General Hospital in 2020. The research design used a descriptive analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The population in the study were all nurses who served in the IGD at the Bhayangkara Tebing Tinggi Hospital in 2020 totaling 32 people. The sample uses the otal population. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis using logistic regression tests.The results of the study using logistic regression showed the sig. each variable, namely the variable ability (0.578), skills (0.011), moti...
Predictors of Work Performance among Nurses at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta
Journal of Health Policy and Management
Background: A nurse has an important role as a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health conditions.This study aimed to determine predictors of work performance among nurses at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta, from April to June 2018. A sample of 203 nurses was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was work performance. The independent variables were motivation, skill, tenure, and motivation. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: Work performance was directly improved with better skill (b=1.74; 95%CI= 1.07 to 2.41; p<0.001), longer tenure (b=0.71; 95%CI= 0.07 to 1.35; p= 0.003), and stronger motivation (b=-0.62; 95%CI=-0.07 to 1.31; p= 0.079). Work performance was indirectly affected by satisfaction. Conclusion: Work performance is directly improved with skill, tenure, motivation, and is indirectly affected by satisfaction.