Ayokedea and Umkmgool Website: Acceleration Solutions Development of Smes and Communities in the Village (original) (raw)
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The partnership program between Dhyana Pura University and Catu Graha Mandiri BUMDES was applied by socialization activity, management training, mentoring, and evaluation. The program used a business management indicator that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the Catu Graha Mandiri BUMDES community business group members. The partnership programs were measured by Pre-Test and Post-Test Method so that the effectiveness and output of the program can be measured accurately. The program offered the solution in terms of providing assistance and training on the use of appropriate technology in increasing the quantity and quality of production of BUMDES Catu Graha Mandiri Gumbrih Village, as well as making financial reports, providing assistance and training on management, education on ethics and consumer behavior, and training product marketing using social media. The results of this partnership program have been able to improve the services of BUMDES Catu Graha Mandiri Gumbrih ...
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a businesses whose personnel and revenue numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation "SME" is used by international organizations such as the World Bank, the European Union, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). SMES contribute to the economy and development of a region. This activity focuses on the digital transformation implemented by Dr. Koffie as one of the SMEs in Bandar Lampung. The activity uses a participatory approach by discussing and presenting material about the importance of digital marketing for businesses. Dr. Koffie uses digital transformation to increase product sales and customers. However, Dr. Koffie can pay more attention to digital developments and optimize online marketing on sites such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and their own website. Dr. Koffie is a coffee shop located in the city of Lampung, that carries a unique concept, namely the beach, with bean bag chairs so that visitors seem to be on the beach.
Priviet Social Sciences Journal
Digitalization has become essential in developing businesses, including Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Community Development program was held in Kuningan, Groupst Java whose focus was on MSMEs, "Sodagar Snack." This activity aims to increase awareness of the importance of digitalization in MSME business, introduce marketing applications, facilitate capital, and sustainably encourage the digitalization of MSME bisnis. Implementing this service involves interaction with MSMEs, "Sodagar Snack," socialization, training, and developing entrepreneurship and Dukcapil programs. The results found during this service activity are that MSMEs "Sodagar Snack" still have minimal knowledge and awareness of essential business activities. The expected outcomes of community service activities are MSME actors gaining additional knowledge about the potential for business digitalization, expanding business networks for collaboration with local MSMEs, and h...
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Pelatihan Peran Inovasi, E-Commerce, Ekosistem Mendorong Inovasi Produk Unggulan Desa
ABDIMASY: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
This community service aims to train the UMKM of Musi Banyuasin village for product creativity from a village to produce superior products of the highest quality and can be marketed through a more modern way, namely e.commerce. The method applied is lectures and direct practice, the benefits of E-commerce are quite helpful, namely online shopping, humans no longer have to go to shopping centers. The output of this service activity adds to the knowledge and expertise of Village MSMEs in selling village handicrafts. Visiting e-commerce sites, and shopping for all completed transactions and goods until your doorsteps. The various conveniences of E-Commerce, being able to start an e-commerce business is a promising business so you don't need to hesitate to try it. The Village Innovation Program (PID) increases rural productivity by relying on local economic development and entrepreneurship, both in the realm of community business development, as well as businesses initiated by the V...
Inisiatif : Jurnal Dedikasi Pengabdian Masyarakat , 2024
Community service is an essential obligation of higher education that lecturers must do in order to impart information and broaden the public's understanding in numerous domains. The activities scheduled take place in the stove plant located at Jl. Joyo Agung No. 60, Tlogomas, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City. An example of a community service activity is using marketing methods that utilize information technology to assist the informal sector. The researchers employed the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach to actively engage with stove factory players in the field and educate them on the utilization of social media for online marketing of stoves.
International Journal of Research in Community Services
The purpose of this community service is to assist business actors in providing Digital-Based Marketing Training to increase product sales online at MSMEs in Cisweu Village, Cisewu District, Garut Regency. This method of community service activity begins with the preparation stage and field survey. This survey stage begins with direct discussions with the Village Head in Cisewu Village, Cisewu District, Garut Regency to identify the needs, opportunities, and challenges faced by MSME business actors in Ciseweu Village, after knowing what things are needed then carry out the socialization and training stage. made by the team. The results of this study are the knowledge of participants who are residents and MSME business actors in Cisewu Village from RT 001-005/RW 002 Cisewu District regarding digital-based marketing before PKM activities, the majority of participants are in the category of not understanding digital business. After the PKM activities were carried out and the material p...
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Digital media can support Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) businesses to increase brand awareness of their products, so they can gain competitive advantages and reach a broader market. Unfortunately, not all MSME businesses have the capabilities to utilize digital media to support their businesses. The MSMEs in Buah Batu district face problems that can not be resolved by conventional marketing methods, such as lack of brand awareness and drop in sales which results in the decrease of their revenues and profits. This Community Service aims to improve the MSME's knowledge and skills on creative digital marketing strategy and their understanding of the marketplace so they can create online stores for their businesses. Online stores make it feasible for those MSMEs to broaden their market reach. For the problems related to the IT area, the team will provide network training. The method applied was the service-learning approach. The results of this community service are tha...