Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Durian DI Kecamatan Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang (original) (raw)

Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Durian Desa Papualangi, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

Jurnal Azimut

The purpose of this study is to determine the land suitability class for durian plants and the factors that affect land suitability for land classes in the region. This research was conducted in Papualangi Village with a height of 226 meters above sea level and is located on the edge of a public road to Cempaka Putih village. Location is chosen based on the presence of outcrops that can facilitate the conduct of research on land on the ground. To analyze the existence of land suitability in Papualangi village, there are several plants such as durian, rambutan, langsat / duku, cocoa, cloves, etc. This research was conducted using direct observation methods in the field to produce quantitative data. The results obtained are different land suitability levels for each factory and the determinants of land suitability are different from each other. From the results obtained it can also be concluded that the soil in Papualangi village is suitable for planting durian, rambutan, cloves, coco...

Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Durian Menggunakan Metode Matching

Jambura Geoscience Review

Land suitability evaluation is a process of assessing the potential of land for a particular use, whether in agriculture, plantation, tourism, land conservation, or other types of use. This study aims to determine the land suitability class for durian plants in Aranio District and determine the inhibiting factors on the land using the matching method. The population in this study was 12 land units and each unit was taken 2 samples. Land units are obtained from overlay maps of landforms, slope maps, geological maps, soil association maps, and land use maps. The results showed that the land in Aranio District was included in the suitability class S2 (moderately suitable) with an area of 15069.68 hectares or 33.13%, S3 (marginally suitable) with an area of 1485.78 hectares or 3.27%, and N1 (not current suitable) with an area of 3980.03 hectares or 8.75%. The limiting factor is slope, erosion hazard, pH, soil depth, surface rock, alkaline saturation, flood hazard, phosphate, K2O, and N-...

Optimalisasi Potensi Unggulan Durian Jenis Mbah Woro Peninggalan Leluhur Desa Karangan, Kecamatan Bareng, Kabupaten Jombang

SNEB : Seminar Nasional Ekonomi dan Bisnis Dewantara

Mbah Woro Durian, a 'trade mark' in Karangan Village because it first grew near the grave of a village elder named Mbah Woro around 200 years ago. So far, mbah woro durian is only enjoyed directly, and there are not many processing innovations to make food or snacks from processed durian. This community service activity (PKM) aims to optimize the processing of Mbah Woro durian meat in Karangan Village, Bareng District so that it becomes a product that has economic value and is innovative. This community service activity was carried out intensively for 1 month in February 2023 with a schedule agreed between the team and the fostered partners. From the results of intensive activities that have been carried out, satisfactory results were obtained. Mitrabinaan is able to increase sales turnover. Partners also have their own logo and have social media to improve product branding. From the results of the community service that has been carried out for 1 month by the team, it is ho...

Perancangan Kompleks Perdagangan Dan Pengolahan Buah Durian DI Wonosalam Dengan Tema Arsitektur Hijau

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan, 2021

Wonosalam District in Jombang Regency is very famous for agricultural product of durian, particularly bido durian. The Wonosalam region does not yet have a place to exploit the potential of the existing durian. This descriptive research belongs to case studies by conducting literature studies on Warso Farm in Bandung, Durianman SS2 in Malaysia, Graha Unilever in Banten, Wooden Orchid in China, and Wonderwoods in Netherlands. The complex of durian trade and processing is planned and designed to have location on Wonosalam-Bareng highway covering the area of 3.5 hectares. The site is bordered by durian garden at west and south, forest area at north, and housing area at east. The main facilities at the complex of durian trade and processing in Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency include two buildings for durian processing and durian trade. By the theme of Green Architecture, they are planned to minimize numerous effects which are dangerous to human health and environment. The adaptive macro concept adapts the contour and shape of durian, whereas the micro concepts consist of recreational land order, responsive shape, and integrated space. With the concept of responsive form, it is hoped that it can represent the shape of the durian skin on the roof of the building. Accordingly, this project is expected to support the activities of durian trade and processing by considering the health protocol and implementing the principle of Green Architecture.

Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Buah-Buahan DI Desa Cukilan, Kecamatan Suruh, Kabupaten Semarang

Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan

Cukilan Village has a land area of 702.8 ha, with land use for agriculture covering an area of 620.2 ha. Agricultural land is widely used for fruit crops such as durian, rambutan and mango, but the production is considered not optimal, so it is necessary to evaluate the suitability of the land. This research was conducted to determine the characteristics of the Cukilan Village land; land suitability class for durian, rambutan and mango commodities; as well as land limiting factors. The research was carried out for 5 months and referred to the Technical Manual for Evaluation of Land Suitability for Agricultural Commodities with modifications to the determination of land suitability classes and limiting factors. The results of this study indicate that the land suitability class for durian and rambutan is moderately suitable (S2) with an area of 606.4 ha (97.8%) and marginally suitable (S3) with an area of 13.8 ha (2.2%). Land suitability class for mangoes is moderately suitable (S2). ...

Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Pangan DI Desa Bilaporah, Bangkalan

Agrovigor, 2009

Land evaluation is a metode to evaluate the suitability of a land to certain use. The objective of this research was to determine land suitability class for food plants’ production. The methode apllied was FAO’s framework of land suitability classification, consisted of gathering the secondary data, soil survey to find out land characteristics, and matching between land qualities and the requirements of plant growth. The result of study revealed that first, land suitability for paddy was S2 (moderately suitable) with the limiting factors were annually temperature average, water availability, root zone condition, and nutrien availability. Second, the suitability for rainfed paddy was S3 (marginally suitable) with the main limiting factor was nutrien retention. Third, the suitability for maize and peanut, was S3 (marginally suitable) with the limiting factors were nutrien avalability and annually temperature average.

Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Durian DI Desa Wonoagung, Kecamatan Kasembon, Kabupaten Malang

Habitat, 2015

The objectives of this research are : (1) To analyze the marketing channel of durian in Wonoagung, Kasembon Subdistrict, Malang Regency, (2) To analyze marketing margin, distribution margin, and farmer's share, (3) To analyze marketing efficiency of durian from price efficiency and operational efficiency side. The results of this research are : (1) There are 8 durian marketing channels in Wonoagung Village, Kasembon Subdistrict, Malang Regency. They are : (I) farmer  consumer, (II) farmer  local retailer  consumer, (III) farmer  local wholesale buyer  consumer, (IV) farmer  broker  local retailer  consumer, (V) farmer  local wholesale buyer  local retailer  consumer, (VI) farmer  local wholesale buyer  broker  local retailer  consumer, (VII) farmer  local wholesale buyer  consumer, (VIII) farmer  local wholesale buyer  other city retailer  consumer. (2) There is no marketing margin in marketing channel I, because there are no marketing institute in marketing channel I. Total margin of marketing channel II,

Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Durian DI Desa Wonoagung, Kecamatan Kasembon, Kabupaten Malang (Marketing Efficiency Analysis of Durian in Wonoagung Village, Kasembon Subdistrict, Malang Regency)


The objectives of this research are : (1) To analyze the marketing channel of durian in Wonoagung, Kasembon Subdistrict, Malang Regency, (2) To analyze marketing margin, distribution margin, and farmer’s share, (3) To analyze marketing efficiency of durian from price efficiency and operational efficiency side. The results of this research are : (1) There are 8 durian marketing channels in Wonoagung Village, Kasembon Subdistrict, Malang Regency. They are : (I) farmer  consumer, (II) farmer  local retailer  consumer, (III) farmer  local wholesale buyer  consumer, (IV) farmer  broker  local retailer  consumer, (V) farmer  local wholesale buyer  local retailer  consumer, (VI) farmer  local wholesale buyer  broker  local retailer  consumer, (VII) farmer  local wholesale buyer  consumer, (VIII) farmer  local wholesale buyer  other city retailer  consumer. (2) There is no marketing margin in marketing channel I, because there are no marketing institute in marketing chan...

Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Kakao Dan Tanaman Padi Sawah Tadah Hujan DI Desa Ngalang, Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul

JURNAL TANAH DAN AIR (Soil and Water Journal), 2020

Lahan kering yang luas di Desa Ngalang umumnya digunakan sebagai tegalan atau sawah non-irigasi. Budidaya tanaman kakao mulai ditinggalkan oleh warga karna produksinya menurun. Selain itu, penggunaan sawah non-irigasi yang ditanami tanaman padi hasilnya belum optimal. Untuk memperbaiki atau meningkatkan kemampuan lahan diperlukan adanya analisis kesesuaian lahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik lahan dan menganalisis kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman kakao dan tanaman padi di Desa Ngalang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey, dengan penentuan titik sampel menggunakan metode purposive berdasarkan satuan peta lahan yang dibentuk dari hasil overlay peta jenis tanah dan peta kemiringan lereng. Untuk analisis data dengan menggunakan metode pembandingan (matching) antara data karakteristik lahan dengan kriteria kesesuaian lahan. Karakteristik Desa Ngalang memiliki bentuk lahan berbukit, jenis tanah didominasi oleh tanah Inceptisol, dan k...