Al-Qur'an is a linguistic miracle, a compilation (original) (raw)

Linguistic Analysis: the distinctiveness Text of the Qur'an

Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016

The study investigates the literary form of the Holy book-The Qur'an. The book is explaining the principles of Islam-a religion of Muslim Umah. In the era and since the Prophet Muhammad's time, it was questioned that it is a book written by a poet. It has been under the keen study to know the language used in the Holy Qur'an. The study explains the language of the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur'an, and it cannot be called by any other name. The Holy Quran is the reference book for more than 1.6 billion of Muslims all around the world. Extracting information and knowledge from the Holy Quran is of high benefit for both specialized people in Islamic studies as well as none specialized people. The word Qur'an has never been used for any other book since long in the history of the universe. It has its unique form[1]. This study helps to introduce the reader to the language of the Holy Qur'an.

Written evidence of the Inimitability of the Quran on Comprehending the Concept of Arabic Linguistic History and Theology

Art & Humanities Open Access Journal , 2020

The study focuses on how the relationship between Arabic linguistic and theology concept in the Quran will enhance the understanding of Islamic principles. However, there have been too many pointless debates and discussions on the issue of influence of Arabic linguistic on philosophical theology. In order to highlight significant issues of the Quranic interpretation of the theology as a consummation of metaphysics or Tauhidic concept, the need of understanding of deep semantic approach is necessary. In this study, the Tauhidic concept is presented not to linguists but theologians (Mu`tazilah) in impressing upon them the need to study not only theology but also grammar and literary theory in order to improve the understanding of the inimitability of the Qur’an. An analytical discussion on some views among the scholars on the topic is a method approach of the research.

Claude Gilliot and Pierre Larcher, « Language and style of the Qurʾān », Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān [EQ], III, Leyde, Brill, 2003, p. 109-35 (G.3.82)

Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān [EQ], 2003

Introduction. I. Various general positions on the language and style of the Qur’ān. II. The theological thesis on the language of the Qur’ān. 1. The general formulation of the theological thesis. 2. The Qur’ān on its own language and style. Does the Qur’ān really say it is in “a clear Arabic tongue” . 3. The superiority of the Arabic language and the excellence of the Arabic of the Qur’ān . 4. The “Challenge Verses” .5. The foreign words. 6. The problems of qur’ānic grammar. 7. The mythical narratives on the superiority of Arabic. 8. The “creation” of a Prophet against his competitors (poets, soothsayers, orators, story-tellers, etc.) .III. The hypotheses of the Arabists. IV. From language to style.V. The theological thesis on the style of the Qur’ān. VI. The positions of the Arabists on the style of the Qur’ān. 1. Some positions until recently. 2. The ancient Christian or Syriac connection. 2. The ancient Christian or Syriac connection

New Horizons in Qur’anic Linguistics

Quranic discourse can greatly benefit from European theoretical linguistics. However, until now, the value of European theoretical linguistics to the investigation of Qur’anic discourse has been overlooked. This is the first book on Qur’anic linguistics, which accounts for the different levels of linguistic and stylistic analysis. Hinged upon modern European theoretical linguistics, it covers a wide range of topics such as: syntactic structures, ellipsis, synonymy, polysemy, semantic redundancy, semantic incongruity, semantic contrastiveness, selection restriction rule, componential features, collocation, cyclical modification, foregrounding and backgrounding, pragmatic functions and categories of shift, pragmatic distinction between verbal and nominal sentences, morphosemantic features of lexical items, context- sensitive word and phrase order, and vowel points and phonetic variation.

Hermeneutics and the Qur’anic Texts in the intellectual linguistic Context


Hermeneutical approach in dealing with the Qur'an as the holy book of Islam is wanted to be adopted by Muslims. Indeed, the issue of Qur'anic hermeneutics can illustrate this dimension of the meaning of hermeneia. The Qur'an was revealed in Arabic language onto the Prophet (PBWH), who was an inhabitant of a specific spacio-temporal world constituting its own social, cultural and historical horizon. The language of the Qur'an probably is the most important of its miraculous aspects and its distinct language in many verses. When scholars studied the Qur'an as a miracle however, its language and the style occupied the highest position in their studies. In early stages of Islam, scholars who dealt with the Qur'an and its interpretation considered it as a supernatural phenomenon and dealt with it from this perspective. Thus, this article attempts to discuss its definition, concept and principle from the views of prominent Muslim and Western Scholars such as Hamidu'l-Din Farahi, Amin Ahsan Islahi, Muhammad Arkoun, Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, Gadamer, and F. A. Wolf in order to comprehend further about their philosophy of thought on the issues. Hermeneutics in global context seems a theory or philosophy of the interpretation of meaning. In this sense, there are threefold meaning might be used to display hermeneutics like 'Hermeneutic as saying', 'Hermeneutic as explanation' and 'Hermeneutic as translation' that describe the intellectual linguistic context of Qur'anic hermeneutics.

Understanding the Quran Holistically: Interdisciplinary Study of the Language and Linguistics of the Quran

BASA Journal of Language & Literature

This study aims to analyze the impact of the language used in the Quran on Islamic discourse, using qualitative research methods and content analysis of Quranic verses and scholarly literature. The study finds that the Quranic language's unique literary style and linguistic features contribute to its authority and persuasiveness, shaping Islamic discourse over time. Rhetorical devices, such as repetition and parallelism, add to the text's effectiveness. The study highlights the importance of understanding the Quranic language and its impact on Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and ethics, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary research. By analyzing the linguistic and literary features of the Quran, scholars can gain a deeper understanding of the text's meaning and message and appreciate its continued relevance in contemporary times. This study contributes to the broader understanding of the role of language in shaping religious discourse and interpretation.

Exploring Methodological Aspects of Linguistic in the Quran and Its Tafsir


Tulisan ini menelaah makna bahasa dan teks yang digunakan dalam Al-Qur'an. Dalam mengajarkan Islam, pada dasarnya berdasarkan dua sumber fundamental, yaitu Al-Qur'an dan tradisi Nabi. Bagi muslim, Al-Qur'an adalah Wahyu Ilahi. Al-Qur'an merupakan perkataan dari Tuhan dan kehadiran Ilahi pada ruang dan waktu sejarah. Melalui penyelidikan terhadap interpretasi sejarah berdasarkan aspek linguistik dalam Al-Qur'an, sebuah usaha dilakukan untuk meningkatkan definisi yang jelas mengenai tafsir dan bagaimana Al-Qur'an itu diinterpretasikan dalam sejarah Islam. Berdasarkan pada contoh-contoh tersebut, tulisan ini membahas tentang pendefinisian kembali tafsir dilihat dari bentuk khusus yang berhubungan dengan interpretasi Sarjana Muslim sebagai penterjemah dan aturan mendefinisikan karakteristik budaya berdasarkan tafsir dan termasuk penekanan dalam memahami aspek linguistik dan kemanusiaan, serta tahapan interpretasi yang harus dilakukan. Tulisan ini juga bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan metode interpretif dan hubungan dialektika terhadap teks Al-Qur'an dan konteks linguistik Al-Qur'an. This paper explores the meanings of language and text used in the Holy Scripture (the Quran). In Islam, its teachings are based essentially on two fundamental sources, the Qur'an and the prophetic tradition. For Muslims, the Qur'an is Divine Revelation. It is the very word of God and the presence of the Divine in space and time of the history. Through an examination